
laravel test factories

1.0.4 2025-02-28 08:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 08:48:02 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Tests Total Downloads

This package provides factories for typical data structures


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ensi/laravel-test-factories --dev

Version Compatibility

Laravel Test factories Laravel PHP
^0.0.1 ^8.0 ^8.0
^0.1.0 ^8.0 ^8.0
^0.2.0 ^8.0 ^8.0
^0.2.4 ^8.0 || ^9.0 || ^10.0 ^8.0
^0.2.7 ^8.0 || ^9.0 || ^10.0 || ^11.0 ^8.0
^1.0.0 ^9.0 || ^10.0 || ^11.0 ^8.1

Basic usage

Let's create a factory and extend abstract Factory. All you need is to define definition and make methods.

use Ensi\LaravelTestFactories\Factory;

class CustomerFactory extends Factory
    public ?int $id = null;
    public ?FileFactory $avatarFactory = null;
    public ?array $addressFactories = null;

    protected function definition(): array
        return [
            'id' => $this->whenNotNull($this->id, $this->id),
            'user_id' => $this->faker->randomNumber(),
            'is_active' => $this->faker->boolean(),
            'date_start' => $this->faker->dateTime(),
            'avatar' => $this->avatarFactory?->make(),
            'addresses' => $this->executeNested($this->addressFactories, new FactoryMissingValue()),

    public function make(array $extra = []): CustomerDTO
        static::$index += 1;

        return new CustomerDTO($this->mergeDefinitionWithExtra($extra));

    public function withId(?int $id = null): self
        return $this->immutableSet('id', $id ?? $this->faker->randomNumber());

    public function withAvatar(FileFactory $factory = null): self
        return $this->immutableSet('avatarFactory', $factory ?? FileFactory::new());

    public function includesAddresses(?array $factories = null): self
        return $this->immutableSet('addressFactories', $factories ?? [CustomerAddressFactory::new()]);

    public function active(): self
        return $this->state([
            'is_active' => true,
            'date_start' => $this->faker->dateTimeBetween('-30 years', 'now'),

// Now we can use Factory like that
$customerData1 = CustomerFactory::new()->make();
$customerData2 = CustomerFactory::new()->active()->make();
$customerData3 = CustomerFactory::new()->withId()->withAvatar(FileFactory::new()->someCustomMethod())->make();

As you can see the package uses fakerphp/faker to generate test data.

You can override any fields in make method:

$customerData1 = CustomerFactory::new()->make(['user_id' => 2]);

If you target is an array, then you can use a helper method makeArray:

    public function make(array $extra = []): array
        return $this->makeArray($extra);

It's recommended to use $this->immutableSet in state change methods to make sure previously created factories are not affected.

Making several objects

$customerDataObjects = CustomerFactory::new()->makeSeveral(3); // returns Illuminate\Support\Collection with 3 elements

Additional Faker methods

$this->faker->randomList(fn() => $this->faker->numerify(), 0, 10) // => ['123', ..., '456']
$this->faker->nullable() // equivalent for $this->faker->optional(), but work with boolean parameter or global static setting
$this->faker->exactly($value) // return $value. Example: $this->faker->nullable()->exactly(AnotherFactory::new()->make())
$this->faker->carbon() // return CarbonInterface
$this->faker->modelId() // return unsigned bit integer value

Additional traits


If your model has unique index consisting of multiple fields, WithSetPkTrait trait should be used to ensure generated values for these fields are unique.

In order for trait to work, you have to define methods getPkFields, setPk and generatePk and include getPk call in definition. Following is the example of a factory ('client_id' and 'location_id' are fields forming unique index):

    class ClientAmountFactory extends BaseModelFactory
    use WithSetPkTrait;

    protected $model = ClientAmount::class;

    public function definition(): array
        return array_merge($this->getPk(), [
            'amount' => $this->faker->numberBetween(1, 1_000_000),

    public function getPkFields(): array
        return ['client_id', 'location_id'];

    public function setPk(?int $clientId = null, ?string $locationId = null): self // Use in tests to define values
        return $this->state(function () use ($clientId, $locationId) {
            return $this->generatePk($clientId, $locationId);

    protected function generatePk(?int $clientId = null, ?string $locationId = null): array
        $clientIdFormat = $clientId ?: '\d{10}';
        $locationIdFormat = $locationId ?: '[0-9]{1,10}';

        $unique = $this->faker->unique()->regexify("/^{$clientIdFormat}_{$locationIdFormat}");

        $uniqueArr = explode('_', $unique);

        return [
            'client_id' => (int)$uniqueArr[0],
            'location_id' => $uniqueArr[1],

Important note - fields must be declared in the same order in getPkFields and setPk methods.

Parent classes


This class is the base for your factories of various Api responses/requests.

It also provides the generateResponseSearch method, which allows you to generate a response in the :search format of the endpoint described here


This class is the base class for your Eloquent model factories


  • PaginationFactory - factory for generating response pieces and pagination requests
  • PromiseFactory - factory for generating GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


  1. composer install
  2. composer test

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.