
The skeleton application for the Laravel framework.

v1.0.6 2025-03-14 00:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 00:49:50 UTC


This is a Filament v3 Starter Kit for Laravel 12, designed to accelerate the development of Filament-powered applications.

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📦 Installation

Follow these steps to install and set up the Laravel Filament Starter Kit.

laravel new test-kit --using=ercogx/laravel-filament-starter-kit

⚙️ Setup

1️⃣ Database Configuration

  • If using MySQL, update database credentials in .env.

2️⃣ Run Migrations

php artisan migrate

3️⃣ Create Filament Admin User

php artisan make:filament-user

4️⃣ Assign Super Admin Role

php artisan shield:super-admin --user=1 --panel=admin

5️⃣ Generate Permissions

php artisan shield:generate --all --ignore-existing-policies --panel=admin

🌟Panel Include

  • Breezy My Profile page.
  • Themes Themes for Filament panels. Setup for user mode.
  • Shield Access management to your Filament Panel's Resources, Pages & Widgets through spatie/laravel-permission.
  • Settings Integrates Outerweb/Settings into Filament.
  • Backgrounds Beautiful backgrounds for Filament auth pages.
  • Logger Extensible activity logger for filament that works out-of-the-box.

🧑‍💻Development Include

This kit includes Laravel Pint for automatic PHP code styling and structured PHPDoc generation for your models.
After running migrations, execute the following command to update model documentation:

php artisan ide-helper:models -W && ./vendor/bin/pint app 

The composer check script runs tests, PHPStan, and Pint for code quality assurance:

composer check

📜 License

This project is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.

💡 Contributing

We welcome contributions! Feel free to open issues, submit PRs, or suggest improvements.

🚀 Happy Coding with Laravel & Filament! 🎉