
0.5.4 2013-05-14 11:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 00:27:30 UTC


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A tiny JSON-RPC client which works perfectly with Simplon/Jr - a JSON-RPC server.

1. Installation

You can install JSONRPC CURL either via package download from github or via Composer install. I encourage you to do the latter:

  "require": {
    "fightbulc/jsonrpc_curl": "0.5.2"

2. How to use?

If you are new to the topic of JSON-RPC I would suggest you to jump over to Simplon/Jr's documentation which explains the whole topic. Go ahead I will wait here...

Got it? Cool!

The following code examples should help you understand how to use the client. First off, we need load composer's autoloader. Secondly, since we require a JSON-RPC server lets assume that our server resides under the following URL:

// load autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';       // set correct composer vendor path

// set url for server
$urlServiceGateway = 'http://localhost/jsonrpc/';

2.1. Request without data

Sending an request without data:

// send request without parameters
$response = (new JsonRpcCurl())
  ->setUrl($urlServiceGateway . '/api/web/')    // server url with gateway path
  ->setId(1)                                    // request ID (important for batch/async)
  ->setMethod('Web.Base.helloWorld')            // requested service
  ->send();                                     // send request

// dump response

2.2. Request with data

Data are passed via an assoc. array:

// set data
$data = [
  'address'  => 'Mr.',
  'lastname' => 'Putterschmidt',

// send request without parameters
$response = (new JsonRpcCurl())
  ->setUrl($urlServiceGateway . '/api/web/')    // server url with gateway path
  ->setId(1)                                    // request ID (important for batch/async)
  ->setMethod('Web.Family.guy')                 // requested service
  ->setData($data)                              // holds data
  ->send();                                     // send request

// dump response

2.3. Proxy a request

In development I am using Charles to see all communication between server and client. The following example shows how to enable a proxy:

// proxy
$proxyIp = '';
$proxyPort = 88;

// set data
$data = [
  'message'  => 'Can I get a what whaaaat?',

// send request without parameters
$response = (new JsonRpcCurl())
  ->setUrl($urlServiceGateway . '/api/web/')    // server url with gateway path
  ->setId(1)                                    // request ID (important for batch/async)
  ->setMethod('Web.Cheerleader.cheer')          // requested service
  ->setData($data)                              // holds data
  ->setProxy($proxyIp, $proxyPort)              // enable proxy
  ->send();                                     // send request

// dump response

3. Conclusion

That's pretty much all there is. Cheers!