
A Virtualmin API designed to run standalone or as part of a Laravel Application

1.0.0 2021-09-01 19:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 16:50:58 UTC


GitHub release (latest by date) Build Status GitHub

A Virtualmin API designed to run standalone or as part of a Laravel Application


  • PHP 8.0
  • A running Virtualmin server, using the Remote API


  • List Domains (Virtualmin output)
  • Get Domains (User-Friendly Output)
  • Change Plan
  • List Plans (Virtualmin output)
  • Get Plans (User-Friendly Output)
  • Create Domain

Get Domains

Framework Agnostic PHP:

use \FintechSystems\VirtualminApi\VirtualminApi;
$api = new VirtualminApi(
        'hostname' => 'virtualmin.test',
        'username' => 'root',
        'password' => '********'

Laravel App:



Array of all domains on a Virtualmin server.

Change Plan

Framework Agnostic PHP:

use \FintechSystems\VirtualminApi\VirtualminApi;
$api = new VirtualminApi;
$api->changePlan('', 'New Plan Name');

Laravel App:

VirtualminApi::changePlan('', 'New Plan Name');

Create Domain


    // New virtual server details
    'domain'                 => '',
    'desc'                   => 'My demo website',
    'pass'                   => '***************',
    'template'               => 'WikiSuite 1',
    'plan'                   => 'WikiSuite 1',
    // Advanced options
    'email'                  => '',
    'db'                     => 'demo_example_com',
    // Enabled features
    'features-from-plan'     => '',
    'virtualmin-tikimanager' => ''


We have tests! Use the command below to run the tests.

Live API calls will be made otherwise causing your tests to fail.

vendor/bin/phpunit --exclude-group=live

Coverage reports

To regenerate coverage reports:

XDEBUG_MODE=coverage ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html=tests/coverage-report

See also .travis.yml


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Version Control

This application uses Semantic Versioning

Local Editing

For local editing, add this to composer.json:

"repositories" : [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../virtualmin-api"



This standalone package was inspired by video course by Marcel Pociot of BeyondCode:
PHP Package Development

Before doing the video course I had developed many versions of the same thing but it was never standalone and as a consequence over the years it was difficult to maintain and quickly use in new projects.

How to contribute

Please add issues and merge requests via GitHub.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.