
Floppy is a file storage library. This library allows you to upload files to FloppyServer instance.

0.1.0 2014-07-05 19:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 04:40:22 UTC


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FloppyClient is a client for FloppyServer library. Before using this library you should install you instance of FloppyServer. How to use FloppyServer you can find in documentation.

FloppyClient provides two simple integration points:

  • url generation for files stored on FloppyServer
  • client for file upload on FloppyServer

FloppyClient is a pure client for FloppyServer, if you want to use Floppy in Symfony2 app you should be interested in FloppyBundle.




FloppyClient and FloppyServer combo provides simple to use file storage server. Thanks to Floppy you won't care about write code to upload and storage files, code to generate (on runtime or pre-store) various thumbnails for photos, code to optimize your files etc. Application that you develop should only know where to upload file, from where the requested file variant can be retrieve and eventually know security rules and credentials that should be provided.

StorageServer's responsibility is to store files in efficient way (on filesystem by default, but it can be for example on cloud) and transparently preparing requested file variant - for example thumbnail in given sizes.

Usage example

    use Floppy\Client\Factory;
    use Floppy\Common\FileSource;
    use Floppy\Common\FileId;

    //configure FloppyClient library
    $factory = new Factory(array(
        'host' => 'your-floppy-server-host',
        'secretKey' => 'your-floppy-secret-key-the-same-as-in-server',

    //create client and url generator
    $client = $factory->createFloppyClient();
    $urlGenerator = $factory->createUrlGenerator();

    //upload file
    $fileId = $client->upload(FileSource::fromFile($someSplFileInstance)); //$fileId is Floppy\Common\FileId instance

    //info about file type, file size, file mime type etc.
    $info = $fileId->info();

    //value that you should store to be able to recreate FileId instance
    $someFileStringId = $fileId->id();
    $recreatedFileId = new FileId($someFileStringId);

    //generate url to image thumbnail
    $url = $urlGenerator->generate(
        //create identifier to concrete thumbnail
        $fileId->with([ 'thumbnail' => [ 'size' => [ 80, 80 ] ] ]) //assume uploaded file is an image

    //generate url to original file
    $url = $urlGenerator->generate($fileId);


Fundamental FloppyClient configuration options:

  • host - FloppyServer host, required option
  • secretKey - secret key that have to be the same as in FloppyServer. It should be enough strong, because security depends on its strength. 16-32 length hash should be ok.
  • protocol - FloppyServer protocol (http or https) - default value: http
  • path - path to FloppyServer instance, default value: empty string

Security credentials generator

You can define security rules to upload or download file from Floppy. Class that is responsible to add credentials to upload or download request is Floppy\Client\Security\CredentialsGenerator. You can pass credentials to UrlGenerator::generate or FloppyClient::upload methods.

    $urlGenerator->generate($fileId, 'image', /** credential attrs */ array('expiration' => time() + 60, 'customFiled' => 'value'));
    $client->upload($fileSource, array('file_types' => 'image'));

Default CredentialsGenerator implementation is PolicyGenerator, that cooporates with Floppy\Server\RequestHandler\Security\PolicyRule from FloppyServer library. Supported credential attributes:

  • expiration - timestamp that defines date after that given request will expire
  • file_types - array of allowed types of files (names of file handlers, not mime type!) that can be uploaded by the request, it works only with upload request (FloppyClient::upload method)
  • access - public or private (public by default) - uploaded/retrieved file should be to/from public/private storage

You can change implementation of CredentialsGenerator by passing your own implementation to Factory credentialsGenerator attribute. If you want to change credentials generator you should remember to change action.download.securityRule and action.upload.securityRule in your instance of FloppyServer too.

    use Floppy\Client\Factory;
    $factory = new Factory(array(
        'credentialsGenerator' => function($container){
            return new CustomGenerator($container['checksumChecker']);

File handlers (file types)

There are two file handlers by default: image and file (other files). File handler on client side are important only for url generator - generator should know for what file type generate url. Url generator recognize file types by extensions. By default file is image when has given extensions: png, jpg, jpeg or gif. Files with other extensions have "file" type. You can customize image extensions by passing urlGenerator.image.extensions attribute to Factory. You should remember that file handlers in client side should be configured as same as on server side (you should configure fileHandlers.image.extensions, fileHandlers.image.mimeTypes, fileHandlers.file.extensions, fileHandlers.file.mimeTypes attributes in your instance of FloppyServer). Example FloppyClient configuration:

    use Floppy\Client\Factory;
    $factory = new Factory(array(
        'urlGenerator.image.extensions' => array('jpeg', 'png', 'jpg'),//gif files will not be threaten as images

Detailed usage

Create Floppy factory object example:

    use Floppy\Client\Factory;

    $factory = new Factory(array(
        'host' => 'your-floppy-server-host',
        'secretKey' => 'your-floppy-secret-key-the-same-as-in-server',
        /** other options */

Url generator

You can create UrlGenerator using factory:

    $urlGenerator = $factory->createUrlGenerator();

UrlGenerator has one method: UrlGenerator::generate(FileId $fileId, $fileType = null, array $credentialAttributes = array()). First argument is FileId to what url you want to generate. Second argument is file type (it is not mime type, it is name of FileHandler that should be used for this file). By default file type will be guessed depends on file extension, but you are able to enforce file type. Third argument is credential attributes. More info about credential attributes you can find in Security credentials generator section.

As first argument you can pass FileId to original file or to proper file variant (for example thumbnail in given sizes). The thumbnail with size 60x60 can be generated in this way:

    use Floppy\Common\FileId;

    $fileId = new FileId('id-of-the-file.png');
    $url = $urlGenerator->generate($fileId->with(array(
        'thumbnail' => array(
            'size' => array(60, 60),
    ), /** explicitly file type */ 'image');

For images there are available bunch of filters as same as in LiipImagineBundle library:

  • auto_rotate:

    • (no options)
  • background:

    • color (default #fff)
    • size - array( width, height )
  • crop:

    • start - array( x, y )
    • size - array( width, height )
  • paste:

    • start - array( x, y )
    • image - image name, image should be stored on FloppyServer instance by default in directory above storage.dir
  • relative_resize in this filter only one option at once can be passed!:

    • heighten: height (in pixels)
    • widen: width (in pixels)
    • increase: number of pixels
    • scale: float number
  • resize:

    • size - array( width, height )
  • thumbnail:

    • mode - outbound or inset
    • size - array( width, height )
    • filter - ImageInterface::FILTER_* constants
  • upscale:

    • min - array( width, height )
  • watermark:

    • size - float or percent - relative size of watermark
    • position - top/center(or empty string)/bottom + left/(empty string)/right, for example topleft, center, right etc.
    • image - as same meaning as in paste filter

Supported attributes for file file type:

  • name - name of downloaded file, it will be added to response Content-Disposition http header
    $url = $urlGenerator->generate($fileId->with([ "name" => "Some name" ]));

File uploading

You can create FloppyClient using factory:

    $client = $factory->createFloppyClient();

FloppyClient has one method: FloppyClient::upload(FileSource $fileSource, array $credentialAttributes = array()). Instance of FileSource you can create using factory method FileSource::fromFile(\SplFileInfo $file) or directly by constructor.

    use Floppy\Common\FileSource;
    use Floppy\Common\Stream\LazyLoadedInputStream;
    use Floppy\Common\FileType;
    //by factory method - it is recommended
    $fileSource = FileSource::fromFile(new \SplFileInfo('some/path'));//you can pass instance of `UploadedFile` from Symfony too
    //by constructor
    $fileSource = new FileSource(new LazyLoadedInputStream('some/path'), new FileType('image/jpg', 'jpg'));

Second parameter of upload method is credential attributes - more about it is on Security credentials generator section.

Return type of upload method is Floppy\Common\FileId. On failure Floppy\Client\Exception\IOException is thrown. FileId returned by upload method contains extra info about uploaded file:

  • type - file type, default file types: image or file
  • mime-type
  • extension
  • size - in bytes
  • width and height - (when file is image)

This extra info is accessible by FileId::info() method. FileId has id attribute accessible by method FileId::id() - this value you should store somewhere (database?) to be able to generate url to this file in the future.


This project is under MIT license.