
Yii2 Email Manager

0.2.3 2017-02-06 21:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 16:24:28 UTC


Enhanced E-Mail Module based upon the original code from:


Had to adpopt a couple of things to use it within our projects. Feel free to participate;)


Add the following line to your composer.json require section:

"FrenzelGmbH/yii2-email-manager" : "*",

After this you have to modify your configuration files like:

Simple configuration:

'components' => [
    'emailManager' => [
        'class' => '\net\frenzel\email\EmailManager',
        'transports' => [
            'yiiMailer' => '\net\frenzel\email\transports\YiiMailer'

Multi transport configuration:

'components' => [
    'emailManager' => [
        'class' => '\net\frenzel\email\EmailManager',
        'defaultTransport' => 'yiiMailer',
        'transports' => [
            'yiiMailer' => [
                'class' => '\net\frenzel\email\transports\YiiMailer',

Add command to the list of the available commands. Put it into console app configuration:

'controllerMap' => [
    'email' => '\net\frenzel\email\commands\EmailCommand',

Add email sending daemon into crontab via lockrun or run-one utils:

*/5 * * * * run-one php /your/site/path/yii email/run-spool-daemon

OR, if you will use cboden/ratchet

*/5 * * * * run-one php /your/site/path/yii email/run-loop-daemon


// obtain component instance
$emailManager = EmailManager::geInstance();
// direct send via default transport
$emailManager->send('', '', 'test subject', 'test email');
// queue send via default transport
$emailManager->send('', '', 'test subject', 'test email');
// direct send via selected transport
$emailManager->transports['mailGun']->send('', '', 'test subject', 'test email');

// use shortcuts
EmailTemplate::findByShortcut('shortcut_name')->queue('', ['param1' => 1, 'param2' => 'asd']);