
Library with classes to help you do batch.

0.2.0 2013-02-13 23:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-12 04:51:47 UTC


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PHP 5.3 library to help you run huge batch.

It takes a PagerfantaAdapterInterface (doctrine orm, propel, array, solarium etc... available) as a data source, will get data in slice of the size of the batch size, and will then process each context in batch by calling the callback you provided.


use FSC\Batch\Batch;
use FSC\Batch\Event\ExecuteEvent;

$usersAdapter = ...;
$solrIndex = ...;

$batch = new Batch($usersAdapter, function (ExecuteEvent $event) use ($solrIndexer) {
$batch->run(10); // Execute in batch of 10


  • Evented system using the symfony2 event dispatcher, to easily be able to add behaviors

Included listeners:

  • ProgressEventListener: Displays progress, elapsed time and estimated remaining time at the end of each batch.
  • DoctrineEventListener: at the end of each batch:
    • flush() the object manager, to save everything at the same time (may improve performance in some cases)
    • clear() the object manager, to avoid memory leaks


  • Add a PagerfantaAdapter for doctrine ORM, that traverse the table using range queries on the id instead of LIMIT/OFFSET. LIMIT/OFFSET degrades query time as the OFFSET grows, wheareas range queries time stay consistent.

Be aware that this library is a WIP, and requires more tests.


Simple batch


require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

use FSC\Batch\Batch;
use FSC\Batch\Event\ExecuteEvent;
use FSC\Batch\EventListener\ProgressEventListener;
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\ArrayAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;

$passwords = range(1, 100);
$hashes = array();

$batch = new Batch(new ArrayAdapter($passwords), function (ExecuteEvent $event) use (&$hashes) {
    $hashes[] = crypt($event->getContext(), '$2a$10$');
$batch->getEventDispatcher()->addSubscriber(new ProgressEventListener(new ConsoleOutput()));


Would output

$ php examples/array_closure.php
Batch run start. 100 jobs [Mem: 0.52 MB]
[ 10/100] [ 10.00 %] ([Δ 0.83 sec] - [Elapsed 0.83 sec] - [Remaining   7 secs]) [Mem:  0.52 MB]
[ 20/100] [ 20.00 %] ([Δ 0.83 sec] - [Elapsed    1 sec] - [Remaining   6 secs]) [Mem:  0.52 MB]
[ 30/100] [ 30.00 %] ([Δ 0.83 sec] - [Elapsed   2 secs] - [Remaining   5 secs]) [Mem:  0.52 MB]
[ 40/100] [ 40.00 %] ([Δ 0.83 sec] - [Elapsed   3 secs] - [Remaining   4 secs]) [Mem:  0.52 MB]
[ 50/100] [ 50.00 %] ([Δ 0.82 sec] - [Elapsed   4 secs] - [Remaining   4 secs]) [Mem:  0.52 MB]
[ 60/100] [ 60.00 %] ([Δ 0.83 sec] - [Elapsed   4 secs] - [Remaining   3 secs]) [Mem:  0.52 MB]
[ 70/100] [ 70.00 %] ([Δ 0.83 sec] - [Elapsed   5 secs] - [Remaining   2 secs]) [Mem:  0.79 MB]
[ 80/100] [ 80.00 %] ([Δ 0.83 sec] - [Elapsed   6 secs] - [Remaining    1 sec]) [Mem:  0.79 MB]
[ 90/100] [ 90.00 %] ([Δ 0.83 sec] - [Elapsed   7 secs] - [Remaining 0.83 sec]) [Mem:  0.79 MB]
[100/100] [100.00 %] ([Δ 0.82 sec] - [Elapsed   8 secs] - [Remaining    0 sec]) [Mem:  0.79 MB]
Batch run end. took 0.82 sec [Mem: 0.79 MB]

Doctrine ORM Batch in a symfony command

This example uses the DoctrineEventListener, which flush (save everything) and clears the objectManager (avoid memory problems) at the end of each batch. We also use a custom PagerfantaAdapter: DoctrineBatchAdapter, that uses range queries (id > 100 AND id < 200) instead of LIMIT/OFFSET to avoid increasing query time as the OFFSET grows.


use FSC\Batch\Batch;
use FSC\Batch\Command\BatchCommand;
use FSC\Batch\EventListener\DoctrineEventListener;
use FSC\Batch\Event\ContextEvent;
use Pagerfanta\Adapter\DoctrineORMAdapter;

class UserIndexSolrCommand extends BatchCommand
    protected function createBatch()
        $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();
        $qb = $em->getRepository('User')->createQueryBuilder('u');

        $batch = new Batch(new DoctrineORMAdapter($qb), array($this, 'indexUser'));
        $batch->getEventDispatcher()->addSubscriber(new DoctrineEventListener($em));

        return $batch;

    public function indexUser(ContextEvent $event)
        $user = $event->getContext();
        // Index this user!