geeks4change / h4c_olive
H4C theme.
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-19 19:12:41 UTC
- See #3 for now
- Based on olivero 10.0-dev#1f171b93
- Taxonomy page strukturierte Inhalte
- Bild
- Text
- => Wird gebraucht um Taxonomy view sinnvoll zu erstellen
- => + Themenseiten, wir wollen nicht das layout jeder Seite überschreiben
- Woraus werden social media previews generiert?
- Betrifft alle nodes, wo previews bearbeitbar sein sollen
- Aber insbesondere flexi + taxonomy page weil sie ohne felder keine defaults haben
- map_popup depends on specific block template suggestion block--views-block--h4c-map-block-facets to load library
Card pattern
- Links werden nur in twig.html hinzugefügt, also keine links in field formattern verwenden
- card component wird auch in blöcken genutzt, die nicht zur entity verlinken, sondern zu einer linkfeld uri
- URI kommt aus einem ui pattern setting + token im view mode
- Wir packen nicht die komplette Karte in einen link packen
Which color format do we use?
- HSL color values are intuitive: Hue (360⁰), Saturation, Lightness:
- Lightness is different among colors, so don't get consistent results when using a fixed lightness value in theme css
- Perceived colors are different, this might also be true for RGB
- Olivero uses HSL internally in its new color picker which automatically calculates color variants of a given hex color
- RGBA color values are not intuitive, but lightness is consistent (100 for every color and below in theme css)
- We can't control saturation
- drupal:block
- drupal:layout_builder
- components:components 3.0.x
- component_blocks:component_blocks
- ui_patterns:ui_patterns_library
- ui_patterns_settings:ui_patterns_settings
- ui_patterns_layout_builder:ui_patterns_layout_builder
- ui_patterns: Test nesting atoms into molecules, see
- lb_columns: For regions to be drag'n'dropable we would need to apply region_attributes['first'] to the actual regions + adding our own class region__content; unlike in drupal core region_attributes.first.addClass('region__title') only outputs classes when editing a layout builder page, but not when viewing it
- According to upstream region__attributes should work: Can't drag & drop [#3118765] |
- Test subtheming
- Remove all dependencies and references to olivero, include in h4c_olive
How this works
H4C Olive is an olivero fork, still we use best pracitces and some code from olivero. We follow CUBE CSS and BEM approaches.
- Reference olivero assets in
(olivero 10.0.x required), needs to be internalised before production - For subtheming library overrides from info.yml need to be copied
- Reference olivero assets in
: Copied from olivero/components
: patterns and other componentish styles in atomic structure (css,js,twig)- components that are not loaded via ui_pattern are loaded
- via h4c_olive.libraries.yml (navigation, site header, etc)
- via twig attach_library function (menu-local-tasks.html.twig)
- patterns can nevertheless be loaded globally, e.g. button styles if we need them on the majority of pages
- components that are not loaded via ui_pattern are loaded
: overrides of olivero css, added via libraries.ymljs
: globally loaded jsscripts
: postcss from core
: olivero copies of templates
Empty regions
We use twig_real_content to avoid displaying empty regions and sections, see components > organisms > lb_columns
Child theme
When copying a pattern to a child theme
- the twig file from child theme is picked up automatically
- only the css from the parent theme is picked up
- => Add asset or only overrides, to child libraries.yml
How to update h4c_olive parts from olivero
- Check files with upstream changes:
git -C core/themes/olivero/ diff --relative --name-status 1f171b93
- Check upstream changes in detail, e.g. in twig files:
git -C core/themes/olivero/ diff --relative 1f171b93 HEAD *.twig
- Implement changes in h4c_olive if applicable
, possiblytemplates/h4c_olive
- css: site-header, nav-secondary, tabs
Not so important anymore, because olivero made sure that child elements cannot overlap with (mobile) navigation
: 1.leaflet-pane
: 400.leaflet-tile-pane
: 200leaflet-layer
: 1
: 500.leaflet-overlay-pane
: 400.leaflet-marker-pane
: 600.leaflet-marker-icon
: 64
: 650.leaflet-control-container
- : 1000
: 700Z-indexes in Drupal 8 | Theming Drupal | Drupal Wiki guide on
UI Patterns
What does not work
- We can't check a field value by
{% if patternfield is not empty %}
{% if patternfield is not empty %}
only checks if the field exists- instead we need to do
{% if patternfield.0 is not empty %}
or so
- A check like
{% if patternfield.0 is not empty %}
is not properly performed for nested patterns- in
{{ pattern('short_infos', {event_date: event_date, location: location}, 'si--event--popup') }}
if in the nested short_infos pattern the location field is checked if empty it is never displayed
- in
With ui_patterns module we can:
- see a style guide in
- provide component variants
- map fields via
- layout builder (via component blocks module)
- ds-enabled layouts
- field groups (not tested)
- ds field settings (not tested)
- use patterns as views rows template (not tested)
- streamline markup by disabling field templates in ds-enabled layouts (not possible via component blocks)
With ui_patterns_settings module we can
- provide settings
- map settings to drupal fields, e.g. article highlighted field creates a class
On the fly creation of flexible blocks
- Block layout (via component_blocks):
- Create block (content)
- Overwrite layout (settings)
- OK!
- Layout builder (via component_blocks):
- Create block (content)
- Overwrite layout (settings)
- ! we can't do this for inline blocks, either create reusable block before, or don't use component_blocks
- Layout builder (via ui_patterns_layout_builder)
- Create section to which the component is attached
- Add blocks (inline or component_blocks) to each section
- ! needs workaround for button, bc it works differently in component_blocks and ui_patterns_lb
- => See frontpage
Intermediate solution
- Create section component via ui_patterns_layout_builder to select number of columns (variant/ui_patterns_settings)
- => See lb_columns
- In LB add section
- In BL configure block with layout override first, add section, add block to block layout
- Create single components
- heading (with subheading)
- text
- image
- button
- single node
- lists
Based on
- LPC: Landing page components (#42) · Issues · geeks4change / Sites / site-h4c-multi · GitLab
- LPC: Figure out component architecture and tools (#43) · Issues · geeks4change / Sites / site-h4c-multi · GitLab
- LPC: Test UI Patterns (#40) · Issues · geeks4change / site-h4c-dev-local · GitLab
Known issues
- No maintainer activity in pattern_ui issue queue sine mid 2020:
- We cannot create a full static website from components (clickdummy), a more elaborated setup is needed (emulsify, storybook)
- For storybook integration see
Check back later
Theming basics
- css/js: declare as libraries in libraries.yml
- global libraries to be loaded on every page, add to info.yml
- conditional libraries to be loaded by twig or otherwise
- add
preprocess: false
so the cache is not rebuilt for them - check if postcss compresses files
- add
- Inline-block to CSS Grid
- What No One Told You About Z-Index — Philip Walton
- Understanding & Debugging Stacking Contexts (and the Z-Index) | Lullabot
- Performance improvements with Drupal 8 Libraries | PreviousNext
- CSS file organization (for Drupal 9) | CSS | Drupal Wiki guide on
Credits: Tree in logo taken from:
Expandable description with alpinejs
.expand-content {
transition-duration: .2s;
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.4,0,1,1);
transition-property: all;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.expand-button {
z-index: 20;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
position: absolute;
overflow: visible;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.max-h-40 {
max-height: 3rem;
<div class="expand-wrapper">
<div x-data="{ expanded: false }">
<div class="expand-content" x-bind:class="{'max-h-40': !expanded}" x-ref="container" x-bind:style="expanded ? 'max-height: ' + $refs.container.offsetHeight + 'px' : ''">
{{ description }}
<button class="expand-button" type="button" @click="expanded = !expanded">
<em ></em> <span x-text="expanded ? 'Weniger anzeigen' : 'Weiterlesen'"></span>