
v1.0.0 2017-07-01 19:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 00:29:27 UTC



  • Database user should have rights for DROP & CREATE DATABASE
  • PHP environment should allow to use "putenv" function


If you are using it within Oro Application, you should follow next manual

    composer require gorgo13/database-snapshot-bundle
    php app/console cache:clear

If you are using it not with Oro Products then you additionally must register bundle at AppKernel

class AppKernel extends AcmeKernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new \Oro\Bundle\DatabaseSnapshotBundle\OroDatabaseSnapshotBundle(),

        return $bundles;

    public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader)


If you have custom paths for database engine binaries then you can override them at config

        mysql: {PATH_TO_MYSQL_BINARY} # default "mysql"
        mysqldump: {PATH_TO_MYSQLDUMP_BINARY} # default "mysqldump"
        dropdb: {PATH_TO_DROPDB_BINARY} # default "dropdb"
        createdb: {PATH_TO_CREATEDB_BINARY} # default "createdb"
        psql: {PATH_TO_PSQL_BINARY} #default "psql"

CLI Commands

If your application have "Doctrine Bundle" then you able to use following commands

  • doctrine:connections - displays the list of all registered connections within application
  • oro:database:snapshot:dump - creates database snapshot for given connection with optional suffix
    • connection is connection name to be dumped (OPTIONAL, Default: null)
    • id is suffix for dump name (be used for restore command) (OPTIONAL, Default: current date)
  • oro:database:snapshot:restore - restores database snapshot for given connection with optional suffix
    • connection is connection name to be dumped (OPTIONAL, Default: null)
    • id is suffix for dump name (be used for restore command) (OPTIONAL, Default: current date)