
1.0.1 2017-04-09 12:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 08:59:26 UTC


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LaravelDbTrans is a package for automatic creating and edition translates in database.

{{ __('Some words') }}
or using prefix:
{{ __('myprefix.Some words') }}
In both cases, records will be created in the database, and returned to the tempate only "Some words"


  1. Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update :

     "goszowski/laravel-db-trans": "1.*"
  2. After composer update, add service providers to the config/app.php

  3. Run

    php artisan vendor:publish
  4. Migrate

    php artisan migrate


Visit url /laravel-db-trans in your app. Here will be all translations that will be created.

If You want to protect this url or change name, You must disable option use_package_routes in config/laraveldbtrans.php

After this, You must create routes for you app by this template:

Route::group(['prefix'=>'laravel-db-trans', 'as'=>'laravel-db-trans.'], function(){
  Route::get('/', ['as'=>'index', 'uses'=>'\Goszowski\LaravelDbTrans\LaravelDbTransController@index']);
  Route::get('/{key}', ['as'=>'edit', 'uses'=>'\Goszowski\LaravelDbTrans\LaravelDbTransController@edit']);
  Route::patch('/{key}', ['as'=>'update', 'uses'=>'\Goszowski\LaravelDbTrans\LaravelDbTransController@update']);
  Route::delete('/{key}', ['as'=>'destroy', 'uses'=>'\Goszowski\LaravelDbTrans\LaravelDbTransController@destroy']);

Also, You can customize blade templates in views/vendor/laravel-db-trans