
A composable way to add filters to your model queries.

1.2.0 2025-02-27 16:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 16:20:11 UTC


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A composable way to filter Laravel models. This is not exhaustive, but it can add some basic filtering to your models.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require grantholle/laravel-model-filters

By default, the package expects that filters are stored in the f key of the request. You can change this by adding the environment variable MODEL_FILTERS_KEY to your .env file.



The first step is registering the filters for the desired model. In the model, add the HasFilters trait and define the filters in the filters method.

use GrantHolle\ModelFilters\Enums\Component;
use GrantHolle\ModelFilters\Filters\MultipleSelectFilter;
use GrantHolle\ModelFilters\Filters\TextFilter;
use GrantHolle\ModelFilters\Traits\HasFilters;

class User extends Authenticatable implements ExistsInSis
    use HasFilters;
    public function filters(): array
        return [
            TextFilter::make('search', __('Search'))
                // Exclude from the list of available filters (see below when not present on `availableFiltersToArray()`
                // By default, the filter will try to construct the query based on the supplied operator and value.
                // If that doesn't meet your needs, you can define the query parameters yourself. It should
                // return an instance of `Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder`.
                ->using(fn (Builder $builder, string $search) => $builder->search($search)),
            // The first argument is the key that will be used to filter the model. The second argument is the label    
            TextFilter::make('first_name', __('First name')),
            TextFilter::make('last_name', __('Last name')),
            MultipleSelectFilter::make('user_type', __('Checkbox group'))
                // For filters that can have multiple values/choices, you can
                // define the options. How it's constructed is up to you, since
                // the frontend is implemented independently.
            MultipleSelectFilter::make('user_type', __('Combobox'))

Once your filters are defined, you can get the list of the available filters by calling the availableFiltersToArray on the model. This allows you to implement the frontend however you want.

(new User())->availableFiltersToArray();

// This is the output
$filters = [
        "key" => "first_name",
        "label" => "First name",
        "component" => "text",
        "operators" => [
            "contains" => "Contains",
            "not_contains" => "Doesn't contain",
            "starts" => "Starts with",
            "not_starts" => "Doesn't start with",
            "ends" => "Ends with",
            "not_ends" => "Doesn't end with",
        "props" => [],
        "defaultValue" => null,
        "key" => "last_name",
        "label" => "Last name",
        "component" => "text",
        "operators" => [
            "contains" => "Contains",
            "not_contains" => "Doesn't contain",
            "starts" => "Starts with",
            "not_starts" => "Doesn't start with",
            "ends" => "Ends with",
            "not_ends" => "Doesn't end with",
        "props" => [],
        "defaultValue" => null,
        "key" => "user_type",
        "label" => "Checkbox group",
        "component" => "checkbox_group",
        "operators" => [
            "in" => "In",
            "not_in" => "Not in",
        "props" => [
            "options" => [
                "staff" => "Staff",
                "guardian" => "Contact",
                "student" => "Student",
        "defaultValue" => [],
        "key" => "user_type",
        "label" => "Combobox",
        "component" => "combobox",
        "operators" => [
            "in" => "In",
            "not_in" => "Not in",
        "props" => [
            "options" => [
                "staff" => "Staff",
                "guardian" => "Contact",
                "student" => "Student",
        "defaultValue" => [],
        "key" => "user_type",
        "label" => "Select",
        "component" => "combobox",
        "operators" => [
            "in" => "In",
            "not_in" => "Not in",
        "props" => [
            "options" => [
                "staff" => "Staff",
                "guardian" => "Contact",
                "student" => "Student",
        "defaultValue" => [],

The request should use the key defined in the environment (by default f) along with the filter details. Take the following query string:


This will be expanded in the request to the following:

        "key" => "first_name",
        "operator" => "starts",
        "value" => "gr"

In your controller, you can call currentFilters on the request to obtain the filters that should be applied to the model.

public function index(Request $request)
    $filters = $request->currentFilters();
    $users = User::filter($filters)
    // ...

If you'd like to filter a model manually, the following structure should be used:

use GrantHolle\ModelFilters\Enums\Operator;

$filters = [
        "key" => "first_name", // The key should match the key in the filter definition
        "operator" => "contains", // You can also use the Operator::contains enum
        "value" => "an" // This is the value by which to filter
        "key" => "first_name",
        "operator" => Operator::not_starts_with,
        "value" => "Gr"



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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.