
PowerOffice PHP API Client

1.0.1 2019-04-04 12:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 16:34:08 UTC


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Poweroffice API client, used it to talk to the PowerOffice API:


You can install the package via composer:

composer require guilty/poweroffice



You can use the package as a standalone PHP Package, here is a simple example:


use Guilty\Poweroffice\Services\PowerofficeService;
use Guilty\Poweroffice\Sessions\ValueStoreSession;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Spatie\Valuestore\Valuestore;

$client = new Client();
$store = Valuestore::make(config("poweroffice.store_path"));
$session = new ValueStoreSession($store);
$service = new PowerOfficeService(
    "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", // Application Key
    "bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb", // Client Key 
    true // Test Mode


You can publish the config file like so

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Guilty\Poweroffice\PowerofficeServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


return [
    'application_key' => env("POWEROFFICE_APPLICATION_KEY"),
    'client_key' => env("POWEROFFICE_CLIENT_KEY"),
    'test_mode' => env("POWEROFFICE_TEST_MODE"),
    'store_path' => storage_path("poweroffice.json"), // Used with the ValueStoreSession

To get started, add the following environment variable to your .env file:


Session Implementations

The PowerOffice API uses the "client_credentials" grant type for authentication, to keep track of the "session" (access token, refresh token and expire date) we use a Session class that stores these values for us, out of the box the following session implementations are provided:

Provided Session Implementations

  • ArraySession - Used for testing
  • ValueStoreSession - Can be used in production, saves all data in a json file defined in the "poweroffice.store_path" config option, uses Spatie's ValueStore package
  • RedisSession - Can be used in production, saves all data in a redis cache, keys are prefixed with POWEROFFICE_SESSION_{KEYNAME}, expects a Predis Client.

Implementing your own session class

Create a new class that implements the SessionInterface interface and add the required methods, the actual implementation is up to you, you can put the data in a database, a file, in redis, or whatever you need.


extend the AbstractSession which implements some of the methods for you.

Here is the interface you need to implement.


namespace Guilty\Poweroffice\Interfaces;

interface SessionInterface
    public function setAccessToken($accessToken);
    public function getAccessToken();
    public function setRefreshToken($refreshToken);
    public function getRefreshToken();
    public function canRefresh();
    public function disconnect();
    public function setExpireDate(\DateTime $expireDate);
    /** @return \DateTimeImmutable */
    public function getExpireDate();
    public function hasExpired();
    public function isValid();
    public function setFromResponse($response);

Here is an example extending the AbstractSession.


use Guilty\Poweroffice\Sessions\AbstractSession;

// Or whatever else you want to store your session
class ExcelSpreadsheetSession extends AbstractSession
    public function setAccessToken($accessToken) { /* TODO: Implement */ }
    public function getAccessToken() { /* TODO: Implement */ }
    public function setRefreshToken($refreshToken) { /* TODO: Implement */ }
    public function getRefreshToken() { /* TODO: Implement */ }
    public function disconnect() { /* TODO: Implement */ }
    public function setExpireDate(\DateTime $expireDate) { /* TODO: Implement */ }
    public function getExpireDate() { /* TODO: Implement */ } 

Using the service class

You can use the performRequest() method directly if you just want to use this package as a thin wrapper for Guzzle that handles the oAuth session storage and maintenance, here is an example:

require "./vendor/autoload.php";

use Guilty\Poweroffice\Services\PowerofficeService;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Guilty\Poweroffice\Sessions\ArraySession;

$service = new PowerOfficeService(
    new Client(),
    new ArraySession(), 
    "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", // Application Key
    "bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb", // Client Key 
    true // Test Mode

$customer = $service->performRequest("post", "/Customer", [
    "json" => [
        "firstName" => "John",
        "lastName" => "Smith",
        "emailAddress" => "",
        "invoiceEmailAddress" => "",
        "isArchived" => false,
        "isPerson" => true,
        "invoiceDeliveryType" => 1, // PDF By Email
        "since" => (new DateTimeImmutable())->format("Y-m-d"),
        "mailAddress" => $address = [
            "address1" => "123 Fakestreet",
            "city" => "Lazytown",
            "zipCode" => "1234",
            "countryCode" => "NO", // ISO Country Code (norway)
            "isPrimary" => true,
        "streetAddresses" => [$address], // Must be an array

// All responses will include a success key, that can be used for error handling
if ($response["success"] === false) {
    throw new Exception("Customer could not be created");

Or you can use the methods provided, that will prefill the method and path for you, as well as make it easier to provide certain data (like start and end dates).

require "./vendor/autoload.php";

use Guilty\Poweroffice\Services\PowerofficeService;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Guilty\Poweroffice\Sessions\ArraySession;

$service = new PowerOfficeService(
    new Client(),
    new ArraySession(),
    "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", // Application Key
    "bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb", // Client Key 
    true // Test Mode

$customer = $service->createCustomer([
    "json" => [
        "firstName" => "John",
        "lastName" => "Smith",
        "emailAddress" => "",
        "invoiceEmailAddress" => "",
        "isArchived" => false,
        "isPerson" => true,
        "invoiceDeliveryType" => 1, // PDF By Email
        "since" => (new DateTimeImmutable())->format("Y-m-d"),
        "mailAddress" => $address = [
            "address1" => "123 Fakestreet",
            "city" => "Lazytown",
            "zipCode" => "1234",
            "countryCode" => "NO", // ISO Country Code (norway)
            "isPrimary" => true,
        "streetAddresses" => [$address], // Must be an array

// All responses will include a success key, that can be used for error handling
if ($response["success"] === false) {
    throw new Exception("Customer could not be created");

Note about oData filtering

It seems that PowerOffice's API is case sensitive when it comes to the field names in oData filtering.


The following services are implemented in the API client wrapper:


  • ArraySession (testing)
  • ValueStoreSession (production)
  • RedisSession (production)


  • oData filter builder


  • Bank/BankTransfer
  • Bank/ClientBankAccount
  • Blob
  • BrandingTheme
  • Client
  • ClientAuth
  • ContactGroup
  • Customer
  • DebtCollection
  • Department
  • Employee
  • ExternallyDeliverableInvoice
  • GeneralLedgerAccount
  • Import
  • InvoiceAttachment
  • JournalEntryVoucher
  • Location
  • OutgoingInvoice
  • PartyBankAccount
  • PartyContactPerson
  • Payroll/PayItem
  • Payroll/SalaryLine
  • Product
  • ProductGroup
  • Project
  • ProjectActivity
  • ProjectTeamMember
  • RecurringInvoice
  • Reporting/AccountTransactions
  • Reporting/CustomerLedger
  • Reporting/InvoiceJournal
  • Reporting/SupplierLedger
  • Reporting/TrialBalance
  • Reporting/Usage
  • SubledgerNumberSeries
  • Supplier
  • TimeTracking/Activity
  • TimeTracking/HourType
  • TimeTracking/TimeTrackingEntry
  • VatCode


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Brought to you by Guilty AS

The Poweroffice logo and Trademark is the property of Poweroffice AS