
Money library implements Money Value Object which contains amount and currency in the same object.

v1.2.2 2018-07-29 07:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 01:48:21 UTC


This library adds a new type Money which abstracts a real money object. Money has an Value and Currency. Without Money object you must store these values in separate variables like $amount, $currency. Its really hard to produce nice API methods without money object.


function getPrice()

Should it return value or object ?

function getPrice()
   return array($price, $value);

or better?

function getPrice()
   return Money::create($price, $value);

now you can apply some mathematics to money object:

getPrice()->add(Money::create('10.00', 'LTL'))

or add and convert to some currency in same time

$priceInUsd = getPrice()->add(Money::create('10.00', 'LTL'))->convertTo('USD')

or with mutiple currencies ? wha?

$sum = Money::create('10.00', 'LTL')->add(Money::create('5.00', 'USD'))

echo $sum->asString(); // 24.0000 LTL

comparing moneys with different currencies ?

Money::create('10.00', 'LTL')->compare(Money::create('100.00', 'RUB'));

To enable currency conversion you must implement MoneyConverter interface and register it to Money using: Money::setDefaultMoneyConverter()

Implementation example of MoneyConverter can be found at /tests/MockedMoneyConverter.php


Class Money is a Value Object which means that all operations will create new instance of Money and all instances are immutable

This class is used in all system to describe money value. It is {amount, currency} tuple.

Methods add(), subtract(), compare(), isEqual() will implicitly convert specified argument into appropriate currency.

For currency conversion you can implement MoneyConverter interface and register your money converter using Money::setDefaultMoneyConverter()

Default decimal precision is 4 digits

You can compare only two objects with exact the same precisions. All operations will use highest precisions of available operands.

use Money::create($amount = '', $currency = '', $precision = -1) static factory to create Money instances. don`t use constructors directly!

amount must be specified in string type and decimal separator must be a dot (e.g. "123.45") You cannot specify Money::create(123.45) or Money::create("123,45"). only Money::create("123.45") <- string, and dot separated number

Money amount must be string type only. Number must be dot separated. e.g. "123.45" not "123,45" (bc limitation) You cannot use float or integer types. Its defensive restriction to ensure that you wont loose precision accidentaly. In case if you want to specify integers or floats or string you can use ```Money::createUnsafe()`` method. but its not recommended.

use Money::undefined($currency = '', $precision = -1) to create value with unknown money amount. its syntactic sugar for Money::create(false), Money::create(null) or Money::create('')

e.g. Money::create('') === Money::undefined();
   Money::create('0.00') !== Money::undefined();

you can use methods isDefined() isUndefined() to check whether Money object has an defined amount.

all undefined values in any money operations are allowed and will be casted to zero

Note: please remind that currency conversions will accumulate computation errors, so operations like:

a = Money::create('10.00', 'LTL')
b = a->convertTo('USD')->convertTo('LVL')->convertTo('LTL');

will produce value which was not equal to previous value due conversion errors. absolute error is +-0.0003

you can compare these values with isEqualExact() with lower precision

Mutable Money

Class MutableMoney

This class is the same as Money class except that this class is not Value Object so it doesn't create new instances but operations are applied to the same instances. so add() and subtract() methods will affect instance values.

Uses this class for intensive computations of lot of values

Default System Currency

As of v1.1 you can specify default currency which will be passed to all new Money object as a default currency if not specified. See Money::setDefaultCurrency($defaultCurrency)


To persist this object in database please use DECIMAL(12, 4) for amount, and CHAR(3) BINARY for currency!

Installation and usage

add these lines to your composer.json

        "happy-types/money-type" : "~1.1"

run: composer update

insert composer auto loader in your project: require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/vendor/autoload.php');

example is for index.php which is in project root folder.