The Adorably Simple OpenAI Wrapper

v0.2.4 2024-10-29 22:15 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:41:09 UTC


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🧠 Brain - The Adorably Simple OpenAI Wrapper

Just a small and simple wrapper around the OpenAI SDK.

📦 Installation

composer require helgesverre/brain
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OpenAI\Laravel\ServiceProvider"

🛠 Usage

🔧 Basic Setup

After installation, set up the Brain Facade in config/app.php:

'aliases' => [
    'Brain' => HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain::class,

📝 Example: Generating Blog Titles

Generate a list of blog titles about a given subject:

use HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain;

$subject = 'Technology';
$count = 5;

$titles = Brain::list("Suggest $count blog titles about '$subject'", 200);

foreach ($titles as $title) {
    echo $title . PHP_EOL;

📄 Example: Generating a Structured Blog Post

Generate a structured blog post in JSON format:

use HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain;

$title = 'The Future of Technology';
$style = 'informative';
$minWords = 500;

$response = Brain::slow()->json(<<<PROMPT
Create an $style blog post with the title '$title'. 
Write over $minWords words.

echo "Title: " . $response['title'] . PHP_EOL;
echo "Body: " . $response['body'] . PHP_EOL;

📄 Example: Text Classification with Arrays or Enums

Brain::classify simplifies the categorization of text. You can classify text using either an array of options or an Enum class.

Array Classification

Pass a list of categories as an array to classify your text.

use HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain;

$input = 'banana';
$categories = ["bread", "animal", "car", "plane"];

$result = Brain::fast()->classify($input, $categories);

This method evaluates 'banana' and categorizes it as one of the provided options.

Enum Classification

For structured categorization, use an Enum class.

use HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain;

enum Category: string {
    case Fruit = 'fruit';
    case Animal = 'animal';
    case Car = 'car';

$input = 'banana';

$result = Brain::fast()->classify($input, Category::class);

Here, 'banana' is classified into the most fitting Enum category.

📄 Example: Generating a Vector Embedding

This method returns a vector embedding of the input, or a list of vector embeddings if you pass an array or a collection.

use HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain;

// Single embedding
$result = Brain::embedding('banana');
// Returns ['0.123', '0.456', '0.789' ....]

// Or, for multiple inputs:
$result = Brain::embedding(['banana', 'apple', 'orange']);
// Returns [['0.123', '0.456', '0.789' ....], ['0.123', '0.456', '0.789' ....], ['0.123', '0.456', '0.789' ....]]

// Or, for a collection of inputs:
$result = Brain::embedding(collect(['banana', 'apple', 'orange']));
// Returns [['0.123', '0.456', '0.789' ....], ['0.123', '0.456', '0.789' ....], ['0.123', '0.456', '0.789' ....]]

Changing the Base URL to use Together.AI, Mistral.AI, Perplexity.AI or other compatible API

You can change the base URL to use other compatible APIs by using the usingTogetherAI, usingMistralAI or usingPerplexity methods.

use HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain;

Brain::usingTogetherAI()->text('Hello, world!');
Brain::usingMistralAI()->text('Hello, world!');
Brain::usingPerplexity()->text('Hello, world!');

Or you can set the base URL directly, note that the API must be compatible with OpenAI's API, specifically the Chat completion endpoints.

Also note that JSON Mode (as used by Brain::json, Brain::classify, Brain::embedding and Brain::list) is not supported by all APIs.

use HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain;


📖 Available Methods

Method Parameters Description
Brain::maxTokens() int $maxTokens Sets the maximum number of tokens (words) the AI response can contain.
Brain::temperature() float $temperature Sets the 'temperature' for the AI responses, influencing the randomness of the output.
Brain::apiKey() string $apiKey Sets the API Key to use for subsequent requests.
Brain::timeout() int $timeout Sets the request timeout in seconds.
Brain::fast() None Sets the AI model to 'gpt-3.5-turbo-1106' for faster responses.
Brain::slow() None Sets the AI model to 'gpt-4-1106-preview' for more detailed responses.
Brain::text() $prompt, ?int $max = null Sends a text prompt to the AI and returns a text response. Optionally set a custom maximum token limit for this request.
Brain::json() $prompt, ?int $max = null Sends a prompt to the AI and returns a response in JSON format. Optionally set a custom maximum token limit for this request.
Brain::list() $prompt, ?int $max = null Sends a prompt to the AI and returns a list of items in an array, useful for generating multiple suggestions or ideas. Optionally set a custom maximum token limit for this request.
Brain::classify() $input, array|StringBackedEnum $categories Classifies the given input text into one of the provided categories. Categories can be an array of strings or an Enum class.
Brain::embedding() $input Uses the text-embedding-ada-002 model to generate an embedding vector, returns a single vector for string input, an array of vectors when passed an array or collection.
Brain::toText() CreateResponse $response, $fallback = null Converts an OpenAI CreateResponse object to a text string. Includes an optional fallback value.
Brain::toJson() CreateResponse $response, $fallback = null Converts an OpenAI CreateResponse object to a JSON object. Includes an optional fallback value.
Brain::usingTogetherAI() None Uses the Together.AI API instead of OpenAI
Brain::usingMistralAI() None Uses the Mistral.AI API instead of OpenAI
Brain::usingPerplexity() None Uses the Perplexity.AI API instead of OpenAI
Brain::usingGroq() None Uses the Groq API instead of OpenAI

Using other providers (Mistral, Together, Perplexity, Groq etc)

use HelgeSverre\Brain\Facades\Brain;

Brain::apiKey("api-key-from-together")->usingTogetherAI()->text('Hello, world!');

Brain::apiKey("api-key-from-mistral")->usingMistralAI()->text('Hello, world!');

Brain::apiKey("api-key-from-perplexity")->usingPerplexity()->text('Hello, world!');

Brain::apiKey("api-key-from-groq")->usingGroq()->text('Hello, world!');

📜 License

This package is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, refer to the License File.