
A Spam Protection class for use in contact forms and comment fields, uses the StopForumSpam API.

1.0.1 2015-10-23 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 02:09:28 UTC


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PHP Spam Protection Class for use in Contact forms and Comment Fields

API Keys to use with this class can be obtained here: http://www.stopforumspam.com/signup

Having an API Key is only necessary if you are going to use the submitReport() function.


$ composer require helgesverre/spamprotection



use Helge\SpamProtection\SpamProtection;
use Helge\SpamProtection\Types;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$spamProtector = new SpamProtection();

 * All checks can be called from the check() method, 
 * first param is the type of check, second is the value (ip, email, username)
var_dump($spamProtector->check(Types::EMAIL, "helge.sverre@gmail.com"));
var_dump($spamProtector->check(Types::IP, ""));
var_dump($spamProtector->check(Types::USERNAME, "helgesverre"));

 * For convenience some wrapper methods are provided, 
 * they simply pass the data long to check()

the check methods returns a bool, where TRUE means the IP/Email/Username has been flagged as spam.

If you want to specify a "threshold" of how many spam reports are needed before something is flagged as spam you can use the setFrequencyThreshold() method or specify a threshold in the constructor:

use Helge\SpamProtection\SpamProtection;
use Helge\SpamProtection\Types;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

    The following constants are available in the spamprotection class for convenience
    const THRESHOLD_STRICT = 1;
    const THRESHOLD_HIGH = 3;
    const THRESHOLD_MEDIUM = 5;
    const THRESHOLD_LOW = 10;

$spamProtector = new SpamProtection(SpamProtection::THRESHOLD_STRICT);

// or 

$spamProtector = new SpamProtection();

The library can also flag Tor Exit Nodes as spam when they are encountered.

To enable this use the setAllowTorNodes($allowTorNodes) to true or false, or specify it as the second param in the constructor:

use Helge\SpamProtection\SpamProtection;
use Helge\SpamProtection\Types;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

    The following constants are available in the spamprotection class for convenience
    const TOR_ALLOW = true;
    const TOR_DISALLOW = false;

$spamProtector = new SpamProtection(SpamProtection::THRESHOLD_STRICT, SpamProtection::TOR_DISALLOW);

// or 

$spamProtector = new SpamProtection();


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.