
HEPTAconnect package to work with Shopware 6 APIs

1.0.0-beta2 2023-05-21 03:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:40:02 UTC


This is part of HEPTACOM solutions for medium and large enterprises.


This HEPTAconnect package is all about communicating to Shopware 6 APIs. You can use it in combination with the Shopware 6 Portal. Read more in the documentation (especially the package design decision) and have a look into the examples section.



  1. composer require heptacom/heptaconnect-package-shopware-6
  2. Use guide for specific situation:
  3. Follow examples below

AdminAPI - EntityClient


use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Package\Shopware6\EntitySearch\Contract\Aggregation\TermsAggregation;
use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Package\Shopware6\EntitySearch\Contract\Filter\EqualsFilter;
use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Package\Shopware6\Http\AdminApi\Utility\EntityClient;

/** @var $entityClient EntityClient */
$propertyGroupId = $entityClient->create('property_group', [
    'name' => 'Color',
    'sortingType' => 'position',
    'displayType' => 'color',
    'options' => [[
        'position' => 1,
        'name' => 'Red',
        'colorHexCode' => '#aa0000',
    ], [
        'position' => 2,
        'name' => 'Green',
        'colorHexCode' => '#00aa00',
    ], [
        'position' => 3,
        'name' => 'Blue',
        'colorHexCode' => '#0000aa',

$colorNamesByName = $entityClient->groupFieldByField(
    new EqualsFilter('group.id', $propertyGroupId)
// array (
//   '#0000aa' => 'Blue',
//   '#00aa00' => 'Green',
//   '#aa0000' => 'Red',
// )

// paginates automatically
foreach ($entityClient->iterate('product') as $product) {
    // …

$countryIsos = $entityClient->aggregate('country', new TermsAggregation('countries', 'iso'))->buckets->getKeys();
// array (
//   0 => 'AD',
//   1 => 'AE',
//   2 => 'AF',
//   3 => 'AG',
//   4 => 'AI',
//   …

AdminAPI - ExtensionClient


use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Package\Shopware6\Http\AdminApi\Utility\ExtensionClient;

/** @var $extensionClient ExtensionClient */
// remote updating security plugin

if (!$extensionClient->isInstalled('SwagSecurityPlatform')) {

if (!$extensionClient->isActive('SwagSecurityPlatform')) {

AdminAPI - GenericClient


use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Package\Shopware6\Http\AdminApi\Utility\GenericClient;

/** @var $client GenericClient */
// low amount of parameters
// array (
//   'version' => '',
// )

// query parameters
var_export($client->get('_action/system-config', [
    'domain' => 'core.update',
// array (
//   'core.update.apiUri' => 'https://update-api.shopware.com',
//   'core.update.channel' => 'stable',
//   'core.update.code' => '',
// )

// JSON body
$client->post('_action/system-config', [
    'key' => 'value',

// header support
$client->post('_action/order/00000000000000000000000000000000/state/complete', [], [], [
    // do not run flows to silently update order state
    'sw-skip-trigger-flow' => 1,

StoreAPI - GenericClient


use Heptacom\HeptaConnect\Package\Shopware6\Http\StoreApi\Utility\GenericClient;

/** @var $client GenericClient */
// low amount of parameters
// 12c9a85D538b4795877A95aC908987db

// different methods
var_export(\array_column($client->post('country')['data'], 'iso'));
// array (
//   0 => 'AD',
//   1 => 'AE',
//   2 => 'AF',
//   3 => 'AG',
//   4 => 'AI',
//   …

System requirements

  • PHP 8.0 or above


See the attached CHANGELOG.md file for a complete version history and release notes.


See the Architecture Decision Records to understand decisions made, that influence the structure of this project.

Additional development requirements

  • Make
  • Any debugging/coverage php extension like xdebug or pcov
  • A running Shopware 6 instance


Thank you for considering contributing to this package! Be sure to sign the CLA after creating the pull request. CLA assistant

Steps to contribute

  1. Fork the repository
  2. git clone yourname/heptaconnect-package-shopware-6
  3. Make your changes to master branch
  4. Create your Pull-Request

Check your changes

  1. Compare your code against the project ADRs
  2. Check and fix code style make cs-fix && make cs
  3. Setup Shopware 6 instance for testing. Checkout dockware.io for a Shopware 6 development instance
    • Set TEST_ADMIN_API_URL, TEST_ADMIN_API_USERNAME, TEST_ADMIN_API_PASSWORD to point to your Shopware 6 instance
    • Optionally set TEST_STORE_API_URL, TEST_STORE_API_ACCESS_KEY to point to your Shopware 6 instance. If not set the Admin API credentials will be used to create the data
  4. Check tests make -e test
  5. Check whether test code coverage is same or higher make -e coverage
  6. Check whether tests can find future obscurities make -e infection


Copyright 2020 HEPTACOM GmbH

Dual licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (the "License") and proprietary license; you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the AGPL License at https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0-or-later.html. Contact us on our website for further information about proprietary usage.