
HydePHP Realtime Compiler Server

v3.6.1 2024-07-22 08:59 UTC


The source code for the HydePHP Realtime Compiler Server package, which is included through hyde/hyde.

The package adds a php hyde serve command which exposes a web server on port 8080 which will compile the requested web page on the fly and serve it to the browser.

Supported Versions

This package is not intended to be used outside the HydePHP framework and offers no guarantees for compatibility with other projects.

The following table shows the supported versions of this package.

Hyde Version Version Supported Notes
1.x LTS 3.x LTS Latest
0.x Beta 2.x End of Life: 2023-12-31
0.x Alpha 1.x End of Life: 2023-03-01
0.x Alpha < 1.0 Alpha