
A flexible and easy-to-use sites switcher for Craft CMS.

1.3 2024-05-01 14:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:39:44 UTC


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Switcher for Craft CMS


This plugin requires Craft CMS ^4.x or ^5.x


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. In your terminal, go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require ianreid/switcher -w && php craft plugin/install switcher


The Switcher plugin for Craft CMS provides a Twig function for generating a site switcher on your webpage. This switcher can be configured to display sites from the current group or all groups.

Twig function

The getSwitcherSites() Twig function comes with several parameters.


Parameters Type Default Description
source Element or Array null Element or array from which the sites are extracted.
removeCurrent Bool true Determines whether the current site should be excluded from the output.
onlyCurrentGroup Bool true Specifies whether only sites from the current group should be shown.
redirectHomeIfMissing Bool false Decides whether to redirect to the home page if a site is missing.

Recommended usage

We suggest setting the source on a per-template basis. You can establish a fallback to entry, which allows you to set the variable for elements like categories, products, or an array of custom routes.

1. Define an availableSites variable in your main layout file

{% set availableSites = getSwitcherSites(switcherCustomSource|default(entry ?? null)) %}

In this variable, we use the switcherCustomSource variable as the source, with entry as the fallback, and then null.

You can then pass this variable to your navbar or any file that includes a site/languages switcher to prevent a redundant query.

By defining an availableSites variable at the top of your main layout file, you can also use it for the og:locale:alternate meta in the head, the <link rel=alternate>, etc.

2. Determine your source in your page template

For any craft\base\Element other than Entry (the default in the previous example), you can do the following in your page template :

{% set switcherCustomSource = product %}


{% set switcherCustomSource = category %}

or for an array (ex: with custom routes)

{% set switcherCustomSource = [ 
      {'uri':'cart', 'siteId': 1},
      {'uri':'panier', 'siteId': 2}, 
      {'uri':'cesta', 'siteId': 3},


The function returns an array of items with two keys: "url" and "site". The "url" key is the site's URL, and the "site" key is the site model.

array [
  0 => array [
    "url" => "http://yoursite.com/uri"
    "site" => craft\models\Site {}
  1 => array [
    "url" => "http://yoursite.com/en/uri"
    "site" => craft\models\Site {}

Site Switcher Examples

Basic usage

{% if availableSites|length %}
   {% for item in availableSites %}
         href="{{ url(item.url) }}" 
         {{ item.site.language }}
   {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Grouping Sites by Groups

{% if availableSites|length %}

   {% set availableSitesByGroup = availableSites|group(lang => lang.site.group) %}

   {% for group, langs in availableSitesByGroup %}

      <h3 class="text-9 text-blue-500">{{ group }}</h3>
      {% for item in langs %}
            href="{{ url(item.url) }}" 
            {{ item.site.language }}
      {% endfor %}

   {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Displaying Only the First Two Letters of the Language
{% if availableSites|length %}
   {% for item in availableSites %}
         href="{{ url(item.url) }}" 
         {{ item.site.language [0:2]|capitalize }}
   {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Using for og:locale:alternate in <head>

Use your previously created availableSites variable if you wish to apply the same parameters, or create a different variable if not.

💡 You must define your variable PRIOR to the following meta property.

<meta property="og:locale" content="{{ currentSite.language }}">

{% if availableSites|length %}
   {% for item in availableSites %}
      <meta property="og:locale:alternate" content="{{ item.site.language }}">
   {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

💡 All these examples can be adjusted based on the function parameters.

This plugin is brought to you by Ian Reid Langevin