
Attendance package for Laravel application.

v0.1.1 2022-11-11 06:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 12:09:58 UTC


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Add Attendance feature with ease to your laravel application.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ianvizarra/attendance

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="attendance-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="attendance-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
  'logs_table' => 'attendance_logs',
    'schedule' => [
        'timeIn' => 9,
        'timeOut' => 17,
        'requiredDailyHours' => 8,
        'timeInAllowance' => 30, // minutes
        'workDays' => [
        'offDays' => [
    'user_model' => config('auth.providers.users.model', \App\Models\User::class),
    'users_table' => 'users'

Add CanLogAttendance Interface and HasAttendance Trait to your User model.

class User extends Authenticatable implements CanLogAttendance
    use HasAttendance;


Using User Model

$user->attendance(); // HasMany relationship to attendance log model

$user->timeIn(); // create an time-in attendance log entry

$user->timeOut(); // create an time-out attendance log entry

$user->hasTimeIn(); // return true if user already time-in for today
$user->hasTimeOut(); // return true if user already time-out for today
$user->hasWorked(); // return true if user already time-in and time-out for today
$user->getTimeIn(); // return the time-in attendance log for today

$user->logAttendance('in', 'on-time', now()); // manually log an attendance by type, status and time

Using Facade

use Ianvizarra\Attendance\Facades\Attendance;

 // create an attendance log entry for the currently logged-in user
 // by default it will the current time
 // manually set the time logged instead of the current time
 // manually set the schedule configuration
 // the default config values can be found in config/attendance.php `config('attendance.schedule.hours')`
 Attendance::timeIn(now(), [
    'timeIn' => 8,
    'timeOut' => 16,
    'requiredDailyHours' => 8
 // manually set the user other than the logged-in user
 // get the time in status
 Attendance::timeInStatus(); // on-time, late
 // manually set the time using Carbon instance
 Attendance::timeInStatus(now()->subMinutes(30)); // on-time, late
  // manually set the schedule configuration
 Attendance::timeInStatus(now(), [
    'timeIn' => 8,
    'timeOut' => 16,
    'requiredDailyHours' => 8
]); // on-time, late
 // get the time out status
 Attendance::timeOutStatus(); // on-time, under-time
 // manually set the time using Carbon instance
 Attendance::timeOutStatus(now()->subMinutes(30)); // on-time, under-time
 // manually set the schedule configuration
 Attendance::timeOutStatus(now(), [
    'timeIn' => 8,
    'timeOut' => 16,
    'requiredDailyHours' => 8
]); // on-time, under-time


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.