igusev / phpnsq
PHP Client for nsq
2021-01-08 06:14 UTC
- bramus/monolog-colored-line-formatter: ^2.0
- monolog/monolog: ^2.2
- react/event-loop: ^v0.4|^v0.5|^v1.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-08 14:43:38 UTC
composer require okstuff/phpnsq
Subscribe one topic and channel
php examples/console phpnsq:sub <topic> <channel>
Before try this, you should install nsq by yourself.
- Publish
<?php require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php"; use OkStuff\PhpNsq\Message\Message; use OkStuff\PhpNsq\PhpNsq; $config = require __DIR__ . '/../src/config/phpnsq.php'; $phpnsq = new PhpNsq($config); //normal publish $message = new Message(); $message->setBody("Hello nsq."); $phpnsq->setTopic("sample_topic")->publish(json_encode($message)); //defered publish $message = [ "title" => "hello", "content" => "this is a nsq php client.", ]; $phpnsq->setTopic("sample_topic")->publishDefer(json_encode($message), 10); //multiple publish $messages = [ "Hello, I am nsq client", "There are so many libraries developed by PHP", "Oh, no, PHP is not so good and slowly", ]; $phpnsq->setTopic("sample_topic")->publishMulti(...$messages);
- Subscribe
<?php use OkStuff\PhpNsq\Message\Message; use OkStuff\PhpNsq\Command\Base; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; class Subscribe extends Base { CONST COMMAND_NAME = 'phpnsq:sub'; public function configure() { $this->setName(self::COMMAND_NAME) ->addArgument("topic", InputArgument::REQUIRED, "The topic you want to subscribe") ->addArgument("channel", InputArgument::REQUIRED, "The channel you want to subscribe") ->setDescription('subscribe new notification.') ->setHelp("This command allows you to subscribe notifications..."); } public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $phpnsq = self::$phpnsq; $phpnsq->setTopic($input->getArgument("topic")) ->setChannel($input->getArgument("channel")) ->subscribe($this, function (Message $message) use ($phpnsq, $output) { $phpnsq->getLogger()->info("READ", $message); }); $this->addPeriodicTimer(5, function () use ($output) { $memory = memory_get_usage() / 1024; $formatted = number_format($memory, 3) . 'K'; $output->writeln("############ Current memory usage: {$formatted} ############"); }); $this->runLoop(); } }
- Console
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; use Symfony\Component\Console\Application; //use OkStuff\PhpNsq\Command\Subscribe; require __DIR__.'/subscribe.php'; $application = new Application(); $config = require __DIR__.'/../src/config/phpnsq.php'; $application->add(new Subscribe($config)); $application->run();