
A service that processes ACH transactions throgh Jack Henry's ProfitStars API

2.1 2016-06-20 19:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 05:17:43 UTC


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Jack Henry ProfitStars provides an API for handling ACH transactions. This package is a wrapper to access these transactions.

The package is currently not exhaustive in terms of what is available from the API; I have only implemented parts of the API that are needed for my use. That said, expanding this package should be fairly trivial and if you should need additional pieces please feel free to modify and submit a pull request.


Via Composer

$ composer require incraigulous/php-profitstars


$credentials = [
$proc = new \jdavidbakr\ProfitStars\ProcessTransaction($credentials);

// Test connection
if($proc->TestConnection()) {
	// Success

// Test credentials
if($proc->TestCredentials()) {
	// Success

Usage - Processing Transactions

$credentials = [
$proc = new \jdavidbakr\ProfitStars\ProcessTransaction($credentials);
$trans = new \jdavidbakr\ProfitStars\WSTransaction;

// AuthorizeTransaction
$trans->RoutingNumber = 111000025;
$trans->AccountNumber = 5637492437;
$trans->TotalAmount = 9.95;
$trans->TransactionNumber = 12334;
$trans->NameOnAccount = 'Joe Smith';
$trans->EffectiveDate = '2015-11-04';
if($proc->AuthorizeTransaction($tras)) {
	// ReferenceNumber in $proc->ReferenceNumber	
} else {
	// Error message in $proc->ResponseMessage

// CaptureTransaction
$proc->ReferenceNumber = 'reference number';
if($proc->CaptureTransaction(9.95)) {
	// Success 
} else {
	// Error message in $proc->ResponseMessage

// VoidTransaction
$proc->ReferenceNumber = 'reference number';
if($proc->VoidTransaction()) {
	// Success;
} else {
	// Error message in $proc->ResponseMessage

// RefundTransaction
$proc->ReferenceNumber = 'reference number';
if($proc->RefundTransaction()) {
	// Success, refund info in $proc->ResponseMessage
} else {
	// Error message in $proc->ResponseMessage

Usage - Recurring Payments

$credentials = [
$proc = new \jdavidbakr\ProfitStars\PaymentVault($credentials);
$recur = new \jdavidbakr\ProfitStars\WSRecurr;
$cust = new \jdavidbakr\ProfitStars\WSCustomer;
$account = new \jdavidbakr\ProfitStars\WSAccount;

// RegisterCustomer
$cust->IsCompany = false;
$cust->CustomerNumber = 12345;
$cust->FirstName = 'Alex';
$cust->LastName = 'Ramirez';
$cust->Email = '';
$cust->Address1 = '1234 N Sunny Ln';
$cust->City = 'Tulsa';
$cust->StateRegion = 'OK';
$cust->PostalCode = '12345';
if($proc->RegisterCustomer($cust)) {
	// Success;
} else {
	// Error message in $proc->ResponseMessage

// RegisterAccount
$account->CustomerNumber = 12345; // Should match the RegisterCustomer value
$account->NameOnAccount = 'Joe Smith';
$account->RoutingNumber = 111000025;
$account->AccountNumber = 5637492437;
$account->AccountReferenceID = 67890; // This must be unique and will be used to setup the recurring payment
if($proc->RegisterAccount($account)) {
	// Success
} else {
	// Error message in $proc->ResponseMessage

// SetupRecurringPayment
$recur->CustomerNumber = 12345; // What you used in RegisterCustomer
$recur->AccountReferenceID = 67890; // What you used in RegisterAccount
$recur->Amount = 1.23; // The amount that will be charged each time
$recur->InvoiceNumber = 09876; // Optional
$recur->Frequency = 'Once_a_Month'; // Once_a_Month, Twice_a_Month, Once_a_Week, Every_2_Weeks, Once_a_Quarter, Twice_a_Year, Once_a_Year
$recur->PaymentDay = 1; // See notes below
$recur->NumPayments = 10; // Valid values are 1 - 100, or 999 for indefinite
$recur->PaymentsToDate = 0; // Should be zero
$recur->NextPaymentDate = '2015-11-04'; // Must not be before tomorrow
$recur->RecurringReferenceID = 12345; // Must set a value here like you did in the customer and account calls
if($proc->SetupRecurringPayment($recur)) {
	// Success
} else {
	// Error message is $proc->ResponseMessage

Recurring Notes

For recurring, a Customer Number and Account Reference ID is required.

The Frequency and the PaymentDay define the schedule of the recurring payment. Payment Day is defined as follows:

  • Once_a_Month: 1 - 31, or 32 for the last day of the month
  • Once_a_Quarter: Same as above
  • Twice_a_year: Same as above
  • Once_a_Year: Same as above
  • Twice_a_Month: 1 = 1st and 15th, 2 = 15th and last
  • Once_a_Week: 0 - Sun, 1 = Mon, ... 5 = Fri, 6 = Sat
  • Every_2_Weeks: same as Once_a_Week


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


PhpUnit can be run directly from the package folder. You will need to include a .env file to provide your sandbox connection credentials. An example .env file has been provided (.env.example).


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


This package was forked from @jdavidbakers's Laravel specific Profit Stars SDK.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.