
Verify Gravity Forms bank details with Loqate bank verification API.

0.6.0 2023-02-15 10:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 15:12:04 UTC


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Verify Gravity Forms bank details with Loqate bank verification API.


GF Loqate Bank Verification verifies Gravity Forms bank details with Loqate bank verification API.

It validates the bank details (branch sort codes and bank account numbers):

  • indicates whether the account number and sort code are valid
  • indicates whether the account can accept direct debits. Certain accounts (e.g. savings) will not accept direct debits


Get your service key from Loqate

  1. Register an Loqate account
  2. Add Bank Verification
  3. Get the Service key

Loqate Bank Verification Server Key

Plugin Setting

  1. Head to Form » Settings » Bank Verification
  2. Enter your Loqate bank verification service key

A green check ✅ appears if the service key is valid.

Plugin Setting

Form Fields Setting

  1. Add 2 Single Line Text fields
  • Sort Code
  • Account Number
  1. Mark both fields required
  2. Set their Custom CSS Class to:
  • gflbv-sort-code-is-correct
  • gflbv-account-number-is-correct

Form Fields Setting - Sort Code Form Fields Setting - Account Number

Minimum Requirements


Composer (Recommended)

composer require itinerisltd/gf-loqate-bank-verification (WP CLI)

wp plugin install gf-loqate-bank-verification

Download from Then, install as usual.

Build from Source (Not Recommended)

# Make sure you use the same PHP version as remote servers.
# Building inside docker images is recommanded.
php -v

# Checkout source code
git clone
cd gf-loqate-bank-verification
git checkout <the-tag-or-the-branch-or-the-commit>

# Build the zip file
composer release:build

Then, install release/ as usual.


Does it support checking for Direct Debit capability?

Yes. Certain accounts (e.g. savings) will not accept direct debits. To verify bank details are both correct and Direct Debit capable, set the fields' Custom CSS Class to:

  • gflbv-sort-code-is-correct gflbv-sort-code-direct-debit-capable
  • gflbv-account-number-is-correct gflbv-account-number-direct-debit-capable

Does it cache Loqate API responses?

Yes. Loqate API responses are cached in WordPress transients for an hour.

To clear caches:

wp transient delete --all

Will you add support for older PHP versions?

Never! This plugin will only work on actively supported PHP versions.

Don't use it on end of life or security fixes only PHP versions.

It looks awesome. Where can I find more goodies like this?

Where can I give ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews?

Thanks! Glad you like it. It's important to let my boss knows somebody is using this project. Please consider:


composer style:check

Pull requests without tests will not be accepted!


Please provide feedback! We want to make this library useful in as many projects as possible. Please submit an issue and point out what you do and don't like, or fork the project and make suggestions. No issue is too small.

Change Log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


GF Loqate Bank Verification is a Itineris Limited project created by Tang Rufus.

Full list of contributors can be found here.


GF Loqate Bank Verification is released under the MIT License.