
module for Jelix, allowing to authenticate against multiple login/password providers.

v1.2.2 2023-10-09 09:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 12:53:09 UTC


This is a module for Jelix, providing a plugin for jAuth allowing to authenticate against several login/password authentication providers.


This module is for Jelix 1.6.21 and higher. It replaces the ldapdao module, and it is compatible with jauth, jauthdb, jauthdb_admin and jcommunity modules.

Install files with Jelix 1.7 and 1.8

You should use Composer to install the module. Run this commands in a shell:

composer require "jelix/multiauth-module"

Launch the configurator for your application to enable the module

php yourapp/dev.php module:configure multiauth

php yourapp/install/installer.php

Install files with Jelix 1.6.21

Copy the multiauth directory into the modules/ directory of your application.

Next you must say to Jelix that you want to use the module. Declare it into the mainconfig.ini.php file (into yourapp/var/config/).

In the [modules] section, add:


Following modules are required: jacl2, jauth, jauthdb. In this same section verify that they are activated:


If you are using the jCommunity module, you should not activate jauthdb, so keep jauthdb.access=0.

In the command line, launch:

php yourapp/install/installer.php


using the auth.coord.ini.php

You must modify the configuration file auth.coord.ini.php.

First, set driver=multiauth.

Then you should add a section multiauth:

; name of the dao to get user data
dao = "jauthdb~jelixuser"

; profile to use for jDb 
profile = "jauth"

; list of authentication providers

; name of the form for the jauthdb_admin module
form = "jauthdb_admin~jelixuser"

; path of the directory where to store files uploaded by the form (jauthdb_admin module)
; should be related to the var directory of the application
uploadsDirectory= ""

; if set to on, when a user login successfully, an account will be created automatically
automaticAccountCreation = on

; required. Internal use for jAuth. Don't touch it.
compatiblewithdb = on

; you should set it to allow password storage migration, if you have an old
; users table.
; @deprecated
password_crypt_function = sha1

The list of providers is the list of plugin that will be used, one after an other, to try to authenticate the user by his login/password.

Three providers are provided with the module:

  • ldap: to authenticate the user against an ldap.
  • dbaccounts: check the given login/password with the login/password stored into the account table (the table used by the dao indicated into the dao configuration parameter).
  • dbdao: check the given login/password with the login/password stored into a table that is not the account table.

For the providers configuration parameter, each item is <plugin name>:<configuration section>. So, in the example above, the configuration for the ldap provider is into the multiauth_ldap section. You should then have :

; profile to use for ldap
ldapprofile = "multiauthldap"

For dbaccounts, no configuration section indicated, as it is not configurable.

using the localconfig.ini.php

You may want to change some values of the configuration from auth.coord.ini.php, in a specific instance of your application. The multiauth plugin is able to load its configuration from the localconfig.ini.php in addition from, auth.coord.ini.php, so you don't have to modify auth.coord.ini.php.

In your localconfig.ini.php, create a section multiauth. It can contains all parameters that you can set into the multiauth of auth.coord.ini.php. The parameters from localconfig.ini.php overwrites parameters from auth.coord.ini.php.

Same behavior for provider configuration section.

Configuring ldap provider

See to know how to fill a configuration for the ldap plugin.

Configuring dbaccounts provider

The dbaccounts plugin does not need configuration, this is why there is no a section name.

Configuring dbdao provider

The dbdao plugin needs a simple configuration section containing a dao and a profile parameter, needed to access to the table containing login/password. Warning: it must not be the same dao/profile used by the multiauth plugin ! Else you could have some security issue.

; dao declaring the mapping to the authentication table. It should have a
; "password" and a "login" properties.
; profile for jDb to access to the database containing the authentication table

Using the same provider multiple time

You can use a provider several times. For example, you may want to use two different ldap to authenticate your users:


Obviously you will have two different sections to configure the ldap provider :

ldapprofile = "ldapserver1"
ldapprofile = "ldapserver2"