
OAuth Service Provider for Laravel 4

1.0 2020-07-26 18:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 04:36:21 UTC


oauth-laravel-4 is a simple laravel 4 service provider for socialconnect/auth which provides OAuth support for PHP 5.3+ and is very easy to integrate with any project which requires an OAuth client.

Supported services

The library supports OAuth 1.x and OAuth 2.0 compliant services. A list of currently implemented services can be found on their site. Some examples are listed below:

Included service implementations:

  • Steam OpenID
  • Atlassian OAuth1
  • 500px OAuth1
  • Trello OAuth1
  • Tumblr OAuth1
  • Twitter OAuth1
  • Amazon OAuth2
  • Facebook OAuth2 3.3
  • Vk (ВКонтакте) OAuth2 5.100
  • Instagram OAuth2
  • Google OAuth2
  • GitHub OAuth2
  • GitLab OAuth2
  • Slack OAuth2
  • BitBucket OAuth2
  • Twitch OAuth2
  • Vimeo OAuth2
  • DigitalOcean OAuth2
  • Yandex OAuth2
  • MailRu OAuth2
  • Microsoft (MSN) OAuth2
  • Meetup OAuth2
  • Odnoklassniki OAuth2
  • Discord OAuth2
  • SmashCast OAuth2
  • Steein OAuth2
  • LinkedIn OAuth2
  • Yahoo! OAuth2
  • Wordpress OAuth2
  • Google OpenIDConnect
  • PixelIn OpenIDConnect
  • more to come!

To learn more about SocialConnect/auth go here


Use composer to install this package.

$ composer require jkbennemann/oauth-laravel-4

Registering the Package

Register the service provider within the providers array found in app/config/app.php:

'providers' => array(
	// ...

Add an alias within the aliases array found in app/config/app.php:

'aliases' => array(
	// ...
	'OAuth' => 'Jkbennemann\OAuth\Facade\OAuth',


There are two ways to configure oauth-4-laravel. You can choose the most convenient way for you. You can use package config file which can be generated through command line by artisan (option 1) or you can simply create a config file called laravel-4-social-oauth.php in your app\config\ directory (option 2).

Option 1

Create configuration file for package using artisan command

$ php artisan config:publish jkbennemann/laravel-4-social-oauth

Option 2

Create configuration file manually in config directory app/config/laravel-4-social-oauth.php and put there code from below.


return array( 
	| OAuth Config

    | Note: ${provider} will be resolved automatically accordingly
	'redirect_base_uri' => 'https://you-callback-url.local/login/${provider}',

	| Provider
	'provider' => array(

         * Amazon
        'amazon' => array(
            'applicationId'     => '',
            'applicationSecret' => '',
            'scope'         => array()

         * Atlassian
        'atlassian' => array(
            'applicationId'     => '',
            'applicationSecret' => ''

         * Bitbucket
        'bitbucket' => array(
            'applicationId'     => '',
            'applicationSecret' => '',
            'scope'         => array(

         * GitHub
        'github' => array(
            'applicationId'     => '',
            'applicationSecret' => '',
            'scope'         => array(
            'options'       => array(
                'fetch_emails'   => true



Add your credentials to app/config/laravel-4-social-oauth.php


Basic usage

Just follow the steps below and you will be able to get a service class object with this one rule:

$service = OAuth::provider('github');

Optionally, add a second parameter with the URL which the service needs to redirect to, otherwise it will redirect to the current URL.

$service = OAuth::provider('Github','http://url.to.redirect.to');

Usage examples


Configuration: Add your Github credentials to the config file

In your Controller use the following code:

 * Login user with github
 * @return void

public function loginWithGithub() {
	// get data from input
	$code = Input::get( 'code' );
	// get github service
	$service = OAuth::provider( 'github' );
	// check if code is valid
	// if code is provided get user data and sign in
	if ( !empty( $code ) ) {
        // This was a callback request from github, get the token
        $accessToken  = $service->getAccessTokenByRequestParameters(Input::all());

        // fetch information for authorized token
        $user = $service->getIdentity($accessToken);

        //perform user lookup e.g. User::findByEmail($user->email);
        //login User
        //redirect the user to any page
	} else {
	    // if not ask for permission first
		// get service authorization
		$url = $service->makeAuthUrl();
		// return to auth page
		 return Redirect::to($url);
