jmrashed / ecommerce
Advanced E-commerce Toolkit for Laravel Application
- php: ^8.1
- ext-json: *
- illuminate/auth: 10.*|11.*
- illuminate/config: 10.*|11.*
- illuminate/database: 10.*|11.*
- illuminate/http: 10.*|11.*
- illuminate/support: 10.*|11.*
- illuminate/validation: 10.*|11.*
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ^8.23
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.5
The E-commerce Toolkit for Laravel is a modular package providing essential features for building e-commerce websites. This package includes functionalities for managing product catalogs, carts, checkout systems, payment gateway integrations, and order management.
- Product Catalogs: Easily manage product listings, categories, and attributes.
- Shopping Cart: Add, update, and remove items from the cart with session management.
- Checkout System: Streamlined checkout process with customizable steps.
- Payment Gateway Integrations: Support for multiple payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal).
- Order Management: Track and manage orders from creation to fulfillment.
- Multi-language and Currency Support: Cater to a global audience with localization features.
- Responsive Design: Ensure a seamless experience across all devices.
Folder Structure
├── config
│ └── ecommerce.php
├── database
│ ├── factories
│ │ └── ProductFactory.php
│ ├── migrations
│ │ └── 2024_05_25_000099_create_pkg_customers_table.php
│ │ └── 2024_05_25_000100_create_pkg_brands_table.php
│ │ └── 2024_05_25_000101_create_pkg_categories_table.php
│ │ └── 2024_05_25_000102_create_pkg_products_table.php
│ │ └── 2024_05_25_000103_create_pkg_orders_table.php
│ │ └── 2024_05_25_000105_create_pkg_order_items_table.php
│ │ └── 2024_05_25_000106_create_pkg_reviews_table.php
│ └── seeders
│ └── DatabaseSeeder.php
├── resources
│ ├── assets
│ │ ├── css
│ │ │ └── ecommerce.css
│ │ └── js
│ │ └── ecommerce.js
│ ├── lang
│ │ └── en
│ │ └── ecommerce.php
│ └── views
│ ├── layouts
│ │ └── app.blade.php
│ └── products
│ └── index.blade.php
├── routes
│ └── web.php
├── src
│ ├── Console
│ │ └── Commands
│ │ └──InstallEcommercePackage.php
│ ├── Http
│ │ ├── Controllers
│ │ │ └── ProductController.php
│ │ └── Middleware
│ │ └── CheckCart.php
│ ├── Models
│ │ └── Brand.php
│ │ └── Category.php
│ │ └── Customer.php
│ │ └── OrderItem.php
│ │ └── Product.php
│ │ └── Review.php
│ ├── Providers
├── ├── EcommerceServiceProvider.php
│ ├── Repositories
│ │ └── ProductRepository.php
│ └── Services
│ └── ProductService.php
├── .gitignore
├── composer.json
Dataflow Diagram
graph TD subgraph Catalog A[Product] --> B[Category] A --> C[Brand] B --> A C --> A end subgraph Customer G[Customer] --> I[Cart] G --> J[Wishlist] G --> K[Address] I --> G J --> G K --> G end subgraph OrderManagement F[Order] --> L[Payment] F --> M[Shipping] L --> F M --> F end subgraph ReviewManagement D[Review] --> A D --> G end subgraph Inventory N[Warehouse] --> A O[Stock] --> N N --> O end subgraph Search P[SearchService] --> A P --> B P --> C P --> D end subgraph Recommendation Q[RecommendationEngine] --> A Q --> G Q --> D end subgraph Analytics R[AnalyticsEngine] --> G R --> A R --> F R --> D R --> B end subgraph Notifications S[NotificationService] --> G S --> F end subgraph UserInterface T[WebApp] --> G T --> A T --> I T --> F T --> P T --> Q T --> S T --> R T --> D T --> B T --> C end subgraph AdminInterface U[AdminPanel] --> A U --> B U --> C U --> F U --> N U --> O U --> R end T -.-> ULoading
Use Case Diagram
graph TB subgraph CustomerUseCases C[Customer] --> P[View Products] C --> Ca[Manage Cart] C --> W[Manage Wishlist] C --> O[Place Order] O --> Pa[Make Payment] O --> S[Track Shipping] C --> R[Write Review] C --> Se[Search Products] C --> Re[Get Recommendations] end subgraph AdminUseCases Ad[Admin] --> P Ad --> C[Manage Customers] Ad --> O[Manage Orders] Ad --> Pa[Manage Payments] Ad --> S[Manage Shipping] Ad --> R[Moderate Reviews] Ad --> Se[Manage Search] Ad --> Re[Manage Recommendations] Ad --> A[View Analytics] Ad --> N[Send Notifications] end subgraph Services Pa S Se Re A N end %% Service interactions P --> Se P --> Re P --> A P --> N O --> Pa O --> S %% Admin-Services relations Ad --> P Ad --> C Ad --> O Ad --> Pa Ad --> S Ad --> R Ad --> Se Ad --> Re Ad --> A Ad --> NLoading
Database Design
erDiagram CUSTOMER ||--o{ CART : "has" CUSTOMER ||--o{ WISHLIST : "has" CUSTOMER ||--o{ ADDRESS : "has" CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : "places" ORDER ||--o{ PAYMENT : "has" ORDER ||--o{ SHIPPING : "has" PRODUCT }o--|| CATEGORY : "belongs to" PRODUCT }o--|| BRAND : "belongs to" PRODUCT ||--o{ REVIEW : "has" WAREHOUSE ||--o{ STOCK : "stores" SEARCHSERVICE ||--o{ PRODUCT : "searches" SEARCHSERVICE ||--o{ CATEGORY : "searches" SEARCHSERVICE ||--o{ BRAND : "searches" SEARCHSERVICE ||--o{ REVIEW : "searches" RECOMMENDATIONENGINE ||--o{ PRODUCT : "recommends" RECOMMENDATIONENGINE ||--o{ CUSTOMER : "recommends" RECOMMENDATIONENGINE ||--o{ REVIEW : "uses" ANALYTICSENGINE ||--o{ CUSTOMER : "analyzes" ANALYTICSENGINE ||--o{ PRODUCT : "analyzes" ANALYTICSENGINE ||--o{ ORDER : "analyzes" ANALYTICSENGINE ||--o{ REVIEW : "analyzes" ANALYTICSENGINE ||--o{ CATEGORY : "analyzes" NOTIFICATIONSERVICE ||--o{ CUSTOMER : "notifies" NOTIFICATIONSERVICE ||--o{ ORDER : "notifies" WEBAPP ||--o{ CUSTOMER : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ PRODUCT : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ CART : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ ORDER : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ SEARCHSERVICE : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ RECOMMENDATIONENGINE : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ NOTIFICATIONSERVICE : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ ANALYTICSENGINE : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ REVIEW : "uses" WEBAPP ||--o{ CATEGORY : "uses" ADMINPANEL ||--o{ PRODUCT : "manages" ADMINPANEL ||--o{ CATEGORY : "manages" ADMINPANEL ||--o{ BRAND : "manages" ADMINPANEL ||--o{ ORDER : "manages" ADMINPANEL ||--o{ WAREHOUSE : "manages" ADMINPANEL ||--o{ STOCK : "manages" ADMINPANEL ||--o{ ANALYTICSENGINE : "uses"Loading
To install the package, use Composer:
composer require jmrashed/ecommerce
After installing, publish the package resources:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Jmrashed\Ecommerce\EcommerceServiceProvider"
Run the migrations to set up the necessary database tables:
php artisan migrate
After publishing the package resources, you can configure the package by editing the configuration file located at config/ecommerce.php
return [ 'currency' => 'USD', 'payment_gateways' => [ 'stripe' => [ 'api_key' => env('STRIPE_API_KEY'), ], 'paypal' => [ 'client_id' => env('PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID'), 'client_secret' => env('PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET'), ], ], ];
Product Management
To create a new product, use the provided model and controller:
use Jmrashed\Ecommerce\Models\Product; $product = new Product(); $product->name = 'Sample Product'; $product->price = 19.99; $product->description = 'This is a sample product.'; $product->save();
Cart Operations
Add items to the cart:
use Jmrashed\Ecommerce\Facades\Cart; Cart::add($productId, $quantity);
Retrieve items from the cart:
$items = Cart::content();
Checkout Process
Initiate the checkout process by redirecting to the checkout route:
return redirect()->route('ecommerce.checkout');
Handle payment and order processing through provided controllers and routes.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch (
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/your-feature
). - Open a Pull Request.
Please adhere to the code of conduct.
The E-commerce Toolkit for Laravel is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to open an issue on GitHub or contact the maintainer at
Thank you for using the E-commerce Toolkit for Laravel! We hope it helps you build amazing e-commerce websites.