
Execute drupal check in a grumphp task.

2.10.0 2024-12-28 16:54 UTC


⚠️ The version 2 of this project is made for GrumPHP 2.0. Check release 1.1.0 for GrumPHP 1.15 ⚠️


This repository adds a task for GrumPHP that launchs drupal-check. During a commit check Drupal code for deprecations and discover bugs via static analysis. If a deprecated code is detected, it won't pass.


Install it using composer:

composer require --dev johnatas-x/grumphp-drupal-check


  1. Add the extension in your grumphp.yml file:
  - GrumphpDrupalCheck\ExtensionLoader
  1. Add drupal check to the tasks:
    drupal_root: ~
    memory_limit: ~
    deprecations: true
    analysis: true
    style: true
    php8: true
    exclude_dir: []

Optionally, you can define multiple DrupalCheck arguments:

  • drupal_root (string): Configure the path to the Drupal root. This fallback option can be used if drupal-check could not identify Drupal root from the provided path(s). This is useful when testing a module as opposed to a Drupal installation.
  • memory_limit (string): Configure memory limit for the process.
  • deprecations (boolean): Check code for deprecations. By default it is true.
  • analysis (boolean): Check code analysis.
  • style (boolean): Check code style
  • php8 (boolean): Set PHPStan phpVersion for 8.1 (Drupal 10 requirement).
  • exclude_dir (array): Exclude directories. Wildcards work.