FakerPHP Stripe ID Provider

👋 Introduction
This package allows FakerPHP to generate fake IDs which have the same structure you can expect to be returned from
Stripe. The wonderful Pest is used to run tests contained within this package, which requires
a minimum PHP Version of 8.2.
This package is listed on the official FakerPHP website as a third party library.
This package can currently generate fake IDs for the following Stripe resources. To avoid any confusion,
the names of resources should match what's in this package.
Core Resources
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Balance Transactions |
stripeCoreBalanceTransactionId() |
txn_na40ulkbDvvegzALfY8w61udH |
Charges |
stripeCoreChargeId() |
ch_Dxy18EPyj6XXvqQiqApPQ8dA |
Customers |
stripeCoreCustomerId() |
cus_uW8qUwsTwKKtY3 |
Disputes |
stripeCoreDisputeId() |
dp_e3ZeEytdlpOxMtRg9M88RMcq |
Event Destinations |
stripeCoreEventDestinationId() |
ed_d1RhD6TdVjw78ZxrnkOt62mFS |
Events |
stripeCoreEventId() |
evt_diyd59RDTVw8ZxrnkOt62mFS |
Files |
stripeCoreFileId() |
file_qrbRTo7XbytwvE6w3SQU8QXK |
File Links |
stripeCoreFileLinkId() |
link_Z5Tesn6zQYYdov5R3bCblM8A |
Mandates |
stripeCoreMandateId() |
mandate_S4EbkGH8MFAOWUXivQqcV7wx |
PaymentIntents |
stripeCorePaymentIntentId() |
pi_KiAjc3WFzvswIhq8IkCLXNBW |
PaymentIntents |
stripeCorePaymentIntentClientSecret() |
pi_rZh1PKbBkmMFkHve9GKRKyg4_secret_dr3lRVfoKD8ew3BUmYZYuVONV |
SetupAttempts |
stripeCoreSetupAttemptId() |
setatt_JBHfYghz8HiScAnOcOKin75X |
SetupIntents |
stripeCoreSetupIntentId() |
seti_yeYZcpT970pn6sBXlAkj8AbK |
SetupIntents |
stripeCoreSetupIntentClientSecret() |
seti_xFyqGss1WNuKVCKf1KnXfD3b_secret_Yy5L7jzP4RuoQrCiIBqXn9FWuSvX3z6 |
Payouts |
stripeCorePayoutId() |
po_YqFWOxztWRuLCJezThbHktTP |
Refunds |
stripeCoreRefundId() |
re_3BebPOs89OAgEtXAOG0c1eF4 |
Confirmation Tokens |
stripeCoreConfirmationTokenId() |
ctoken_UDlKXzYnsCqEJvomcWWqCnTF |
Card Tokens |
stripeCoreTokenId() |
tok_q1KiYddcC48Tqney3T8Vnkzu |
Bank Account Tokens |
stripeCoreBankAccountTokenId() |
btok_8RnxS6Y358qBuRRYS4el8LEo |
PII Tokens |
stripeCorePersonallyIdentifiableInformationTokenId() |
pii_uCbQpWwZu3tJEUm18GiQsKAa |
Account Tokens |
stripeCoreAccountTokenId() |
ct_XPKqNZwOTjWJatx4A5zW2Myh |
Person Tokens |
stripeCorePersonTokenId() |
cpt_MtqTlVzM2qmAIv0KhZJ0qV4g |
CVC Update Tokens |
stripeCoreCvcUpdateTokenId() |
cvctok_wWV1bniJ16gsBjJlIMrN8T87 |
Payment Methods
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Products |
stripeProductId() |
prod_Kp7fBKUx6qs3FC |
Prices |
stripeProductPriceId() |
price_YhlhAgy0lHbLcOWwFZ596x1S |
Promotion Codes |
stripeProductPromotionCodeId() |
promo_7ADzsJ6WuQIsKsIj4T4MTeIX |
Discounts |
stripeProductDiscountId() |
di_DleWj1FqYhsriqRSaQr6jCgs |
Tax Codes |
stripeProductTaxCodeId() |
txcd_90766505 |
Tax Rates |
stripeProductTaxRateId() |
txr_nNePe3bTkOwlrAbsAxpXzWXy |
Shipping Rates |
stripeProductShippingRateId() |
shr_Sg2ZpoUCsfdAujoCc8U8MDba |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Checkout Sessions |
stripeCheckoutSessionId() |
cs_A1caKuWyEPOrovEkpYJLfId5uOpWzynW8ZunRYnA0J9RsPzdM6YeBfDG03 |
Payment Links
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Payment Links |
stripePaymentLinkId() |
plink_L85n1vZMv4QS0aYwj11TKjTy |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Credit Balance Transactions |
stripeBillingCreditBalanceTransactionId() |
cbtxn_37b3DSyi5lc9uck2sp1hs0on |
Credit Grants |
stripeBillingCreditGrantId() |
credgr_37b9KW82CDhSi5lcuk1hs0on |
Credit Notes |
stripeBillingCreditNoteId() |
cn_37b9KW8lODWCDSilck1hs0on |
Credit Note Line Items |
stripeBillingCreditNoteLineItemId() |
il_75E91IzYCJaaSbESOZl5GQiF |
Customer Balance Transactions |
stripeBillingCustomerBalanceTransactionId() |
cbtxn_SboO9vmMCUoTg6iGGdsOQ18R |
Customer Portal |
stripeBillingCustomerPortalId() |
bps_HFXl8fnSxXjVUvepP0g7cfEH |
Customer Portal Configuration |
stripeBillingCustomerPortalConfigurationId() |
bpc_sfteIfmkKXSNTxL7nA5dNKVS |
Customer Tax IDs |
stripeBillingCustomerTaxIdId() |
txi_Vs7BSOcldH5QIN35U8lSlJuc |
Invoices |
stripeBillingInvoiceId() |
in_pBNUeaVUmJ8I44Fx1OajNLQn |
Invoice Items |
stripeBillingInvoiceItemId() |
ii_gOWpZpoGoMOE5IYVS86mmGXS |
Invoice Line Item |
stripeBillingInvoiceLineItemId() |
il_tmp_lZHqliBZKLzgXuBajqYaAhxz |
Invoice Rendering Template |
stripeBillingInvoiceLineItemId() |
inrtem_lZHqlidX3uB6aFqtYeafAhxz |
Alerts |
stripeBillingAlertId() |
alrt_39061 |
Meters |
stripeBillingMeterId() |
mtr_53464 |
Meter Event Summary |
stripeBillingMeterEventSummaryId() |
mtrusg_Be99DBj9c2jnNh5IxKt2bULP2Mb36xnO29OpHiVsfIeuyyI3OGvdtem4qLZ5e0O3ZB0cT93uhqpQZWJdNtYNmOERzX7AOan9OHu373TqGQoVYVBtzghvVp0oMclD2iZfnGYdeePNUvi5gKtsE36tuhev4h62i79IM8uWTdS0U77j4cz0DDOMZCcvX |
Plans |
stripeBillingPlanId() |
price_9wWZ7dtmQSWvQDhFBJB49sv8 |
Quotes |
stripeBillingQuoteId() |
qt_qrx3tn3rnQ1USENFK1gJcXLv |
Sources |
stripeBillingSourceId() |
src_wMwapfdgR4f6rF7WXkP0ibmc |
Subscriptions |
stripeBillingSubscriptionId() |
sub_wMwsJiaZpdRfrF7WXkP0ibmc |
Subscription Items |
stripeBillingSubscriptionItemId() |
si_3OdBLaD7p37H2A |
Subscription Schedules |
stripeBillingSubscriptionScheduleId() |
sub_sched_OnyC6GSR3kjse08ehVNsB5U0 |
Test Clocks |
stripeBillingTestClockId() |
clock_6QR6dCPpUhhBg81wmyFF4VtJ |
Usage Records |
stripeBillingUsageRecordId() |
mbur_ppVgDLt5HcG8zP48Grk7NZfP |
Usage Records Summary |
stripeBillingUsageRecordSummaryId() |
sis_ppV4c6G8zdP4u8sG1rk7NZfP |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Accounts |
stripeConnectAccountId() |
acct_l8cMrvSDcUT4qP2h |
Application Fees |
stripeConnectApplicationFeeId() |
fee_ITNGc4r7B4QMjtOjsLr1GA2U |
Application Fee Refunds |
stripeConnectApplicationFeeRefundId() |
fr_XxY71TOJinzdNkmEQUVtlUGk |
Capabilities |
stripeConnectCapabilityId() |
acap_gettfmKTrHMdUQgppBj8BJ6F |
External Accounts |
stripeConnectExternalAccountId() |
ba_j8048CaKvbk1ie7lfxyzXF19 |
Persons |
stripeConnectPersonId() |
person_cNquFb7JU2nVsfIlprJHqIc1 |
Top-ups |
stripeConnectTopUpId() |
tu_kdxjWmOqbz9J5rMdnibcnr37 |
Transfers |
stripeConnectTransferId() |
tr_1gClurOotKNBjvk7ktS3JHxo |
Transfer Reversals |
stripeConnectTransferReversalId() |
trr_LWr56oP4aoPIjVeXGOiFOJ6f |
Secret Management |
stripeConnectSecretManagementId() |
appsecret_QjQnyoan5rtIYdHSokfut7VD |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Early Fraud Warning |
stripeFraudEarlyFraudWarningId() |
issfr_NDwczkwka50cAHRFVfnbQP30 |
Reviews |
stripeFraudReviewId() |
prv_Zlx9K6ixTcigHUnOdpxqCjOO |
Value Lists |
stripeFraudValueListId() |
rsl_C8PVL4lNS75t4PWEscJUXEkm |
Value List Items |
stripeFraudValueListItemId() |
rsli_QQdPv6uWYm7nZUlX3g65TfGV |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Authorizations |
stripeIssuingAuthorizationId() |
iauth_GyuotdxkKEHCNNYHohzBBuBh |
Cardholders |
stripeIssuingCardholderId() |
ich_EyqQ6EcYkhzgyrGEQSCY68EB |
Cards |
stripeIssuingCardId() |
ic_IsXAmEVzInXUPtq4uttDZ2g2 |
Disputes |
stripeIssuingDisputeId() |
idp_lXR4WsU6fhdpErzWVNOr24Ux |
Personalization Designs |
stripeIssuingPersonalizationDesignsId() |
ipcd_ulVGQxe21jR4vx |
Physical Bundles |
stripeIssuingPhysicalBundlesId() |
ics_Kd7CQOUvHjJelX |
Tokens |
stripeIssuingTokenId() |
intok_HMkTW4FnWckzqqNGGFJP4I7E |
Transactions |
stripeIssuingTransactionId() |
ipi_FqGAHy3JUvUsjWdqyaViRFm2 |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Locations |
stripeTerminalLocationId() |
tml_UntmyAU2XPdrxOznzLeRFOue |
Readers |
stripeTerminalReaderId() |
tmr_2j8WBisfMEwMBNtLJEJ7uLOe |
Hardware Orders |
stripeTerminalHardwareOrderId() |
thor_BgOkryA2RaqfMCzMomo4VDQ5 |
Hardware Products |
stripeTerminalHardwareProductId() |
thpr_GgSNDKrG2YURmV |
Hardware SKUs |
stripeTerminalHardwareSkuId() |
thsku_46eIJkxj8F6Dfb |
Hardware Shipping Methods |
stripeTerminalHardwareShippingMethodId() |
thsm_HJclEgx3fzfYd5 |
Configurations |
stripeTerminalConfigurationId() |
tmc_L7yWqYiNsihDrn |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
FinancialAccounts |
stripeTreasuryFinancialAccountId() |
fa_SHiUjM3c13bPdvV81YlFYwQu |
Transactions |
stripeTreasuryTransactionId() |
TransactionEntries |
stripeTreasuryTransactionEntryId() |
trxne_xe1YTcpq1tmWUgzNABC8kT1S |
OutboundTransfers |
stripeTreasuryOutboundTransferId() |
obt_9f5fWmY0s8Rbbfi8AoeifoRC |
OutboundPayments |
stripeTreasuryOutboundPaymentId() |
obp_QOJPdQ7lbAybgALjh67lgbsA |
InboundTransfers |
stripeTreasuryInboundTransferId() |
ibt_JE9DIuWCZ9bY9xGPeKYPkSI5 |
ReceivedCredits |
stripeTreasuryReceivedCreditId() |
rc_46y23bSUUCoMmsdv7Zvx0zYr |
ReceivedDebits |
stripeTreasuryReceivedDebitId() |
rd_ylnZC0HqdHBWWouwFsQhE4GU |
CreditReversals |
stripeTreasuryCreditReversalId() |
credrev_awpfYT4hppBEmsz9KPgtOYDm |
DebitReversals |
stripeTreasuryDebitReversalId() |
debrev_ykpt4Mi6yZAPrm8upq3yKI5r |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Feature |
stripeEntitlementFeatureId() |
feat_YZF6aSsx1eTNhEYrsMw6xdUeZ6lESQjt |
Product Feature |
stripeEntitlementProductFeatureId() |
prodft_8qi4lJKVjxGy8u |
Active Entitlement |
stripeEntitlementActiveEntitlementId() |
ent_avB0r4MuPxc66IVgc2EF4lK50OznONZu |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Scheduled Queries |
stripeSigmaScheduledQueryRunId() |
sqr_89Lp2zqyTtqJXSFuPn9zHIcZ |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Report Runs |
stripeReportingReportRunId() |
frr_jJ9LNixW3dEQco0XTeX2zE1R |
Financial Connections
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Accounts |
stripeFinancialConnectionAccountId() |
fca_z3JzQ1OCkYved5uWOqh3b387 |
Account Ownership |
stripeFinancialConnectionAccountOwnershipId() |
fcaowns_XwyWHMQFo9koh9U1TuOMW43D |
Sessions |
stripeFinancialConnectionSessionId() |
fcsess_ZnomHexUQ68qiad2GWqQsvsa |
Transactions |
stripeFinancialConnectionTransactionId() |
fctxn_yIcXfBzg3NSJRYHqIW5spz4v |
Transaction Refresh |
stripeFinancialConnectionTransactionRefreshId() |
fctxnref_qjmwOP8D8hJlSBgSKqHsY0Bi |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Calculations |
stripeTaxCalculationId() |
taxcalc_3tXT5aZ0nMqhD0sFe8VtY8tR |
Transactions |
stripeTaxTransactionId() |
tax_nnTCZZscXpM9xaJyyncMJOck |
Transaction Line Items |
stripeTaxTransactionLineItemId() |
tax_li_NSTCDtCYyvp5dT |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
VerificationSessions |
stripeIdentityVerificationSessionId() |
vs_j8AvYT7Tbmjz26tASmjdcyNt |
Transactions |
stripeIdentityVerificationReportId() |
vr_IwuD3wV5qfD4t4fbTOzWwUm6 |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Onramp Sessions |
stripeCryptoOnrampSessionId() |
cos_wlo5PYZC2j8lFHnMaxbuFBK8 |
Onramp Sessions |
stripeCryptoOnrampSessionClientSecret() |
cos_Wjo3OVUVusWY54RHF6oCM0Jm_secret_Bm9iRlLbb82K19mwOxQE9jVdA0U8rMEmKO6 |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Climate Order |
stripeClimateOrderId() |
climorder_zPgRtPy8onKSuWtEHoNZidD9 |
Climate Product |
stripeClimateProductId() |
climsku_zhSJ6n8xrB3iLS4yHNVxzpBq |
Climate Supplier |
stripeClimateSupplierId() |
climsup_YKxeDsj2hhmR2cqmangtVy02 |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
Webhook Endpoints |
stripeWebhookEndpointId() |
we_irKQp8JwXgUxXFefCM6zlx1R |
Webhook Application |
stripeWebhookApplicationId() |
ca_Y5nYE1wwup9JPcXxQ9JaJWBRAJiFMujp |
API Resource |
Method |
Example |
FinancingOffers |
stripeFinancingOfferId() |
financingoffer_Y15ngYE41jww8upx9J2PcFXxQWBjp |
📚 Usage / Examples
it('generates a well structured stripe account id', function () {
fake()->addProvider(new Stripe(fake()));
public function testGeneratesWellStructuredStripeAccountId()
$faker = Factory::create();
$faker->addProvider(new Stripe($faker));
$this->assertStringStartsWith('acct_', $faker->stripeConnectAccountId());
Laravel Factories
use WithFaker;
public function definition(): array
$this->faker->addProvider(new Stripe($this->faker));
return [
'id' => $this->faker->stripeConnectAccountId(),
'name' => 'John Doe',
'email' => ''