
Simple PHP Router

1.0.1 2019-01-26 06:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 04:43:28 UTC


A simple PHP Router for your web application. This library is part of KenPHP Project, but can be used independently.


  • Static Route Patterns
  • Dynamic Route Patterns
  • Named parameters
  • Optional parameters
  • Regex-based route patterns
  • Subrouting
  • Supports web application routing
  • Before and After route middleware
  • Custom handler when a route is not found

What it does ?

  • Store route patterns, handlers, and middlewares information
  • Resolve request to matching patterns

What it doesn't ?

  • Parse route path from $_SERVER or any other means. You must provide the route path and method to Router::resolve method.
  • Execute middlewares and handlers. It only returns an array containing matched route handlers, middlewares, and parameters found in the request.
  • Why isn't this library receives Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface implementation and returns Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface ?
    This library aims to gives as much freedom as possible to the user. Not everyone are using PSR-7 implementation and we want to respect that.


  • PHP 7.0 or greater


The easiest way to install is using Composer

$ composer require kenphp/router


  1. route($method, $route, $handler, $options = []) : void

    Example :

    $router->route('GET', '/users', ['UserController', 'listUsers']);
  2. get($route, $handler, $options = []) : void

    Example :

    $router->get('/users/{id}', ['UserController', 'getUser']);
  3. head($route, $handler, $options = []) : void

    Example :

    $router->head('/users', ['UserController', 'listUsers']);
  4. post($route, $handler, $options = []) : void

    Example :

    $router->post('/users', ['UserController', 'createUser']);
  5. put($route, $handler, $options = []) : void

    Example :

    $router->put('/users/{id}', ['UserController', 'updateUser']);
  6. delete($route, $handler, $options = []) : void

    Example :

    $router->delete('/users/{id}', ['UserController', 'deleteUser']);
  7. group($route, $fn, $options = []) : void

    Example :

    $router->group('/api', function() use ($router) {
        $router->get('/products/{id}', ['ProductController', 'getProduct']);
  8. setNotFoundHandler(callable $handler) : void

    Example :

    $router->setNotFoundHandler(function() {
        echo 'Page not found.';
  9. resolve($requestRoute, $method) : null|array

    This function would return an array containing the following keys :

    • handler
    • params
    • Optional keys. This would be filled with any data from the $options parameter.

    Example :

    $router->get('/users/{id}', ['UserController', 'getUser'], [
        'namespace' => 'app\controllers'
    $routeArray = $router->resolve('/users/1', 'GET');
     * $routeArray would contains
     * [
     *    'handler' => ['UserController', 'getUser'],
     *    'params' => ['id' => 1],
     *    'namespace' => 'app/controllers',
     * ]
