
A package for inter-system Integrations

v2.1.0 2021-11-16 10:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 17:30:42 UTC


This is a laravel package to integrate systems. It uses metadata for integration in three levels the Provider, Wrapper and fields.


This release is hosted on github

To install sigma head over to your projects composer.json and add the sigma repository on the repository option.

"repositories": [
            "type": "git",
            "url": ""

Add sigma on the require list in your composer.json

"kinetics254/sigma": "dev-main",

Install sigma with composer require command

composer require kinetics254/sigma

This will install sigma package into your project and your are ready to go. Sigma has package autodiscovery turned on for laravel 5.5 and later so no need to register its service provider manually.

Register SigmaServiceProvider in config app for laravel 5.5 and below


Configure Sigma BC credentials on your .env


Publish Sigma assets

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=kinetics254\Sigma\Providers\SigmaServiceProvider

Migrate to create sigma tables

php artisan migrate


To use sigma use the registered facade sigma has a static method to perform all request, its signature is

Sigma::request('proivider', 'entity', [payload], 'method');


Get Request

$res = Sigma::request('MAGNOLIA', 'refereeEntity', ['$filter' => "ProfileID eq '976I7C'"]);

Post Request

$data = [
     "ProfileID" => "976I7C",
     "Name" =>  "Testing Post res",
     "Address" =>  "The address",
     "Email" =>  "",
     "PhoneNo" =>  "4789252996",
     "PlaceOfWork" =>  "Lubdaal Inc.",
     "designation"=>  "4090351720724285",
     "EntryNo" =>  1

$res = Sigma::request('MAGNOLIA', 'refereeEntity', $data, 'post');

Patch Request

$data = [
    "ProfileID" => "976I7C",
    "Name" =>  "Testing patch res",
    "Address" =>  "The addressssss",
    "Email" =>  "",
    "PhoneNo" =>  "478925sd2996",
    "PlaceOfWork" =>  "Lubdaal Indc.",
    "designation"=>  "4090351720724285",
    "LineNo"=>  1000,

$res = Sigma::request('MAGNOLIA', 'refereeEntity', $data, 'patch');

Delete Request

$data = [
    "ProfileID" => "976I7C",
    "Name" =>  "Testing patch res",
    "Address" =>  "The addressssss",
    "Email" =>  "",
    "PhoneNo" =>  "478925sd2996",
    "PlaceOfWork" =>  "Lubdaal Indc.",
    "designation"=>  "4090351720724285",
    "LineNo"=>  1000,

$res = Sigma::request('MAGNOLIA', 'refereeEntity', $data, 'delete');

Calling Codeunits in BC Request

Set the method to be 'CU' for codeunits and the payload to be an array these will be used as parameters in the codeunit function.

$res = Sigma::request('MEMBERSHIPMANAGER', 'getProfomaInvoice', ['applicationNo' => "APP000033"], 'CU');

###Sync Job Schedule sigma:sync command to re-fetch providers, wrappers and fields from BC



To view sigma APi's definition go to /simga on your project

Next Release

The next release will have ability to test sigma endpoints from the sigma UI