
Console Commands to easily transfer live data (database + files) to another environment

v1.0.3 2015-12-09 11:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 21:09:11 UTC


This is a bundle to provide easy transfer of server data (database + files) to the client. It can be used in plain symfony projects or for ezpublish >= 5.x


1. Composer

Install the dependency via composer.

composer require kuborgh/data-transfer-bundle

2. Configuration

Import configuration into main config (app/config/config.yml). Add the following line

    - {resource: @DataTransferBundle/Resources/config/parameters.yml}

into your config.yml

3. Register Bundle

Add the bundle in app/AppKernel.php

$bundles[] = new Kuborgh\DataTransferBundle\DataTransferBundle();

4. Configuration

  • Adapt configuration (parameters.yml + parameters.yml.dist) to your project's needs (Server, Path, siteaccess, ...)


See Resources/config/parameters.yml for details


To transfer database+files from the remote server to your develop environment simply call.

php app/console data-transfer:fetch

NOTE: The bundle must be already deployed on the remote side in order to work.

To limit the transfer to database or files only, use

php app/console data-transfer:fetch --db-only


php app/console data-transfer:fetch --files-only