laracraft-tech / laravel-date-scopes
Some useful date scopes for your Laravel Eloquent models!
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Stars: 490
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Forks: 27
Open Issues: 0
- php: ^8.1
- illuminate/contracts: ^9.0 || ^10.0 || ^11.0 || ^12.0
- illuminate/database: ^9.0 || ^10.0 || ^11.0 || ^12.0
- illuminate/support: ^9.0 || ^10.0 || ^11.0 || ^12.0
- nesbot/carbon: ^2.66 || ^3.6
- spatie/laravel-package-tools: ^1.13.0
Requires (Dev)
- nunomaduro/larastan: ^2.0.1 || ^3.1
- orchestra/testbench: ^7.0 || ^8.0 || ^9.0 || ^10.0
- pestphp/pest: ^1.22 || ^2.0 || ^3.7
- pestphp/pest-plugin-laravel: ^1.22 || ^2.0 || ^3.1
- phpstan/extension-installer: ^1.1
- phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: ^1.0 || ^2.0
- phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: ^1.0 || ^2.0
- spatie/laravel-ray: ^1.26
This package provides a big range of useful date scopes for your Laravel Eloquent models!
Let's assume you have a Transaction
If you now give it the DateScopes
trait, you can do something like this:
use LaracraftTech\LaravelDateScopes\DateScopes; class Transaction extends Model { use DateScopes; } // query transactions created today Transaction::ofToday(); // query transactions created during the last week Transaction::ofLastWeek(); // query transactions created during the start of the current month till now Transaction::monthToDate(); // query transactions created during the last year, start from 2020 Transaction::ofLastYear(startFrom: '2020-01-01'); // ... and much more scopes are available (see below) // For sure, you can chain any Builder function you want here. // Such as these aggregations, for instance: Transaction::ofToday()->sum('amount'); Transaction::ofLastWeek()->avg('amount');
You can install the package via composer:
composer require laracraft-tech/laravel-date-scopes
In statistics, when asking for "the last 7 days", the current day may or may not be included in the calculation depending on the context and the specific requirements of the analysis.
If you want to include the current day in the calculation, you would generally use an inclusive range, meaning that you would include records created on the current day as well as records created in the previous 6 days.
If you want to exclude the current day in the calculation, you would generally use an exclusive range, meaning that you would include records created in the previous 7 days, but not records created on the current day.
Ultimately, it depends on the context and what you're trying to achieve with your data. It's always a good idea to clarify the requirements and expectations with stakeholders to ensure that you're including or excluding the correct records.
The same concept applies to other time intervals like weeks, months, quarters, and years etc.
The default for this package is exclusive approach, which means when you for instance query for the last 7 days it will not include the current day! You can change the default if you need in the published config file.
Global configuration
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="date-scopes-config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [ /** * If you want to include the current day/week/month/year etc. in the range, * you could use the inclusive range here as a default. * Note that you can also fluently specify the range for quite every scope we offer * directly when using the scope: * Transaction::ofLast7Days(customRange: DateRange::INCLUSIVE); (this works for all but the singular "ofLast"-scopes) * This will do an inclusive query, even though the global default range here is set to exclusive. */ 'default_range' => env('DATE_SCOPES_DEFAULT_RANGE', DateRange::EXCLUSIVE->value), /** * If you use a global custom created_at column name, change it here. */ 'created_column' => env('DATE_SCOPES_CREATED_COLUMN', 'created_at'), ];
If you want to change the default range to inclusive set DATE_SCOPES_DEFAULT_RANGE=inclusive
in your .env
Fluent date range configuration
As already mentioned above in the default_range
config description text,
you can also fluently specify the range for quite every scope we offer
directly when using the scope:
// This works for all "ofLast"-scopes, expect the singulars like "ofLastHour", // because it would not make sense for those. Transaction::ofLast7Days(customRange: DateRange::INCLUSIVE);
This will do an inclusive query (today-6 days), even though the global default range here was set to exclusive.
Fluent created_at column configuration
If you only want to change the created_at
field in one of your models and not globally just do:
use LaracraftTech\LaravelDateScopes\DateScopes; class Transaction extends Model { use DateScopes; public $timestamps = false; const CREATED_AT = 'custom_created_at'; } // also make sure to omit the default $table->timestamps() function in your migration // and use something like this instead: $table->timestamp('custom_created_at')->nullable();
Custom start date
If you want data not starting from now, but from another date, you can do this with:
// query transactions created during 2019-2020 Transaction::ofLastYear(startFrom: '2020-01-01')
// query by SECONDS Transaction::ofJustNow(); // query transactions created just now Transaction::ofLastSecond(); // query transactions created during the last second Transaction::ofLast15Seconds(); // query transactions created during the last 15 seconds Transaction::ofLast30Seconds(); // query transactions created during the last 30 seconds Transaction::ofLast45Seconds(); // query transactions created during the last 45 seconds Transaction::ofLast60Seconds(); // query transactions created during the last 60 seconds Transaction::ofLastSeconds(120); // query transactions created during the last N seconds
// query by MINUTES Transaction::ofLastMinute(); // query transactions created during the last minute Transaction::ofLast15Minutes(); // query transactions created during the last 15 minutes Transaction::ofLast30Minutes(); // query transactions created during the last 30 minutes Transaction::ofLast45Minutes(); // query transactions created during the last 45 minutes Transaction::ofLast60Minutes(); // query transactions created during the last 60 minutes Transaction::ofLastMinutes(120); // query transactions created during the last N minutes
// query by HOURS Transaction::ofLastHour(); // query transactions created during the last hour Transaction::ofLast6Hours(); // query transactions created during the last 6 hours Transaction::ofLast12Hours(); // query transactions created during the last 12 hours Transaction::ofLast18Hours(); // query transactions created during the last 18 hours Transaction::ofLast24Hours(); // query transactions created during the last 24 hours Transaction::ofLastHours(48); // query transactions created during the last N hours
// query by DAYS Transaction::ofToday(); // query transactions created today Transaction::ofYesterday(); // query transactions created yesterday Transaction::ofLast7Days(); // query transactions created during the last 7 days Transaction::ofLast21Days(); // query transactions created during the last 21 days Transaction::ofLast30Days(); // query transactions created during the last 30 days Transaction::ofLastDays(60); // query transactions created during the last N days
// query by WEEKS Transaction::ofLastWeek(); // query transactions created during the last week Transaction::ofLast2Weeks(); // query transactions created during the last 2 weeks Transaction::ofLast3Weeks(); // query transactions created during the last 3 weeks Transaction::ofLast4Weeks(); // query transactions created during the last 4 weeks Transaction::ofLastWeeks(8); // query transactions created during the last N weeks
// query by MONTHS Transaction::ofLastMonth(); // query transactions created during the last month Transaction::ofLast3Months(); // query transactions created during the last 3 months Transaction::ofLast6Months(); // query transactions created during the last 6 months Transaction::ofLast9Months(); // query transactions created during the last 9 months Transaction::ofLast12Months(); // query transactions created during the last 12 months Transaction::ofLastMonths(24); // query transactions created during the last N months
// query by QUARTERS Transaction::ofLastQuarter(); // query transactions created during the last quarter Transaction::ofLast2Quarters(); // query transactions created during the last 2 quarters Transaction::ofLast3Quarters(); // query transactions created during the last 3 quarters Transaction::ofLast4Quarters(); // query transactions created during the last 4 quarters Transaction::ofLastQuarters(8); // query transactions created during the last N quarters
// query by YEARS Transaction::ofLastYear(); // query transactions created during the last year Transaction::ofLastYears(2); // query transactions created during the last N years
// query by DECADES Transaction::ofLastDecade(); // query transactions created during the last decade Transaction::ofLastDecades(2); // query transactions created during the last N decades
The centuries may return a different range then you maybe would expect. For instance Transaction::ofLastCentury()
would apply a range from 1901-01-01 00:00:00 to 2000-12-31 23:59:59.
Maybe you would expect a range from: 1900-01-01 00:00:00 to 1999-12-31 23:59:59.
Checkout Wikipedia for this behavior:
// query by CENTURIES Transaction::ofLastCentury(); // query transactions created during the last century Transaction::ofLastCenturies(2); // query transactions created during the last N centuries
The millenniums may return a different range then you maybe would expect. For instance Transaction::ofLastMillennium()
would apply a range from 1001-01-01 00:00:00 to 2000-12-31 23:59:59.
Maybe you would expect a range from: 1000-01-01 00:00:00 to 1999-12-31 23:59:59.
Checkout Wikipedia for this behavior:
// query by MILLENNIUMS Transaction::ofLastMillennium(); // query transactions created during the last millennium Transaction::ofLastMillenniums(2); // query transactions created during the last N millenniums
// query by toNow/toDate Transaction::secondToNow(); // query transactions created during the start of the current second till now (equivalent of just now) Transaction::minuteToNow(); // query transactions created during the start of the current minute till now Transaction::hourToNow(); // query transactions created during the start of the current hour till now Transaction::dayToNow(); // query transactions created during the start of the current day till now Transaction::weekToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current week till now Transaction::monthToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current month till now Transaction::quarterToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current quarter till now Transaction::yearToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current year till now Transaction::decadeToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current decade till now Transaction::centuryToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current century till now Transaction::millenniumToDate(); // query transactions created during the start of the current millennium till now
composer test
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