Generates a Blade directive exporting all of your named Laravel routes. Also provides a nice route() helper function in JavaScript.

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Ziggy - Use your Laravel Named Routes inside JavaScript

Ziggy - Use your Laravel Named Routes inside JavaScript

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Ziggy creates a Blade directive which you can include in your views. This will export a JavaScript object of your application's named routes, keyed by their names (aliases), as well as a global route() helper function which you can use to access your routes in your JavaScript.


  1. Add Ziggy to your Composer file: composer require lexxyungcarter/ziggy

  2. (if Laravel 5.4) Add Lexx\Ziggy\ZiggyServiceProvider::class to the providers array in your config/app.php.

  3. Include our Blade Directive (@routes) somewhere in your template before your main application JavaScript is loaded—likely in the header somewhere.


This package replaces the @routes directive with a collection of all of your application's routes, keyed by their names. This collection is available at Ziggy.namedRoutes.

The package also creates an optional route() JavaScript helper which functions like Laravel's route() PHP helper, which can be used to retrieve URLs by name and (optionally) parameters.


Without parameters:

route('posts.index') // Returns '/posts'

With required parameter:

route('', {id: 1}) // Returns '/posts/1'
route('', [1]) // Returns '/posts/1'
route('', 1) // Returns '/posts/1'

With multiple required parameters:

route('', {event: 1, venue: 2}) // Returns '/events/1/venues/2'
route('', [1, 2]) // Returns '/events/1/venues/2'

With query parameters:

route('', {event: 1, venue: 2, page: 5, count: 10}) // Returns '/events/1/venues/2?page=5&count=10'

If whole objects are passed, Ziggy will automatically look for id primary key:

var event = {id: 1, name: 'World Series'};
var venue = {id: 2, name: 'Rogers Centre'};

route('', [event, venue]) // Returns '/events/1/venues/2'

Practical AJAX example:

var post = {id: 1, title: 'Ziggy Stardust'};

return axios.get(route('', post))
    .then((response) => {

Default Values

See Laravel documentation

Default values work out of the box for Laravel versions >= 5.5.29, for the previous versions you will need to set the default parameters by including this code somewhere in the same page as our Blade Directive (@routes)

Ziggy.defaultParameters = {
    locale: "en"

Filtering Routes

Filtering routes is completely optional. If you want to pass all of your routes to JavaScript by default, you can carry on using Ziggy as described above.

Basic Whitelisting & Blacklisting

To take advantage of basic whitelisting or blacklisting of routes, you will first need to create a standard config file called ziggy.php in the config/ directory of your Laravel app and set either the whitelist or blacklist setting to an array of route names.

Note: You've got to choose one or the other. Setting whitelist and blacklist will disable filtering altogether and simply return the default list of routes.

Example config/ziggy.php:

return [
    // 'whitelist' => ['home', 'api.*'],
    'blacklist' => ['debugbar.*', 'horizon.*', 'admin.*'],

As shown in the example above, Ziggy the use of asterisks as wildcards in filters. home will only match the route named home whereas api.* will match any route whose name begins with api., such as api.posts.index and

Simple Whitelisting & Blacklisting Macros

Whitelisting and blacklisting can also be achieved using the following macros.

Example Whitelisting

Route::whitelist(function () {


Example Blacklisting

Route::blacklist(function () {


Advanced Whitelisting Using Groups

You may also optionally define multiple whitelists by defining groups in your config/ziggy.php:

return [
    'groups' => [
        'admin' => [
        'author' => [

In the above example, you can see we have configured multiple whitelists for different user roles. You may expose a specific whitelist group by passing the group key into @routes within your blade view. Example:


Note: Using a group will always take precedence over the above mentioned whitelist and blacklist settings.

Other useful methods


To get the name of the current route (based on the browser's window.location) you can use:

// returns "events.index"

To check that we are at a current route, pass the desired route in the only param:

// returns true

You can even use wildcards:

// returns true


Ziggy returns a wrapper of the string primitive, which behaves exactly like a string in almost all cases. In rare cases where third-party libraries use strict type checking, you may require an actual String literal.

To achieve this simple call .url() on your route:

// http://myapp.local/

Artisan command

Ziggy publishes an artisan command to generate a ziggy.js routes file, which can be used as part of an asset pipeline such as Laravel Mix.

You can run php artisan ziggy:generate in your project to generate a static routes file in resources/assets/js/ziggy.js.

Optionally, include a second parameter to override the path and file names (you must pass a file name with the path):

php artisan ziggy:generate "resources/foo.js"

Example ziggy.js, where the named routes home and login exist in routes/web.php:

// routes/web.php


Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

Route::get('/login', function () {
    return view('login');
// ziggy.js

var Ziggy = {
    namedRoutes: {"home":{"uri":"\/","methods":["GET","HEAD"],"domain":null},"login":{"uri":"login","methods":["GET","HEAD"],"domain":null}},
    baseUrl: 'http://myapp.local/',
    baseProtocol: 'http',
    baseDomain: 'myapp.local',
    basePort: false

export {

Importing the route() helper and generated ziggy.js

// webpack.mix.js
const path = require('path')
    resolve: {
        alias: {
            ziggy: path.resolve('vendor/tightenco/ziggy/dist/js/route.js'),
// app.js

import route from 'ziggy'
import { Ziggy } from './ziggy'


Using with Vue


If you want to use the route() helper within a Vue component, import the helper and generated ziggy.js as above. Then you'll need to add this to your app.js file:

// app.js
import route from 'ziggy'
import { Ziggy } from './ziggy'

    methods: {
        route: (name, params, absolute) => route(name, params, absolute, Ziggy),

Then, use the method in your Vue components like so:

<a class="nav-link" :href="route('home')">Home</a>

Thanks to Archer70 for this solution.

Using with Vue-Router

Since vue router accepts only relative urls, a relative() method exists that returns a relative url from the normal absolute url got from route() method. So you can simply chain it.

NB As a precaution, colons get encoded to %3A when urls are generated with route(), so it would be a good idea to pass true to the relative method. Behind the scenes, the decodeURIComponent gets called and ensures that the collon is returned.

// routes.js

// (Similar to Laravel's route('users/{username}'))
route('', ':username').relative(true)
//              /users/:username         => relative(true)
//              /users/%3Ausername       => relative()

// (Similar to Laravel's route('users/{id}/edit'))
route('', ':id').relative(true)
//              /users/:id         => relative(true)
//              /users/%3Aid       => relative()

var routes = [

    { path: route('users.index').relative(true), component: UsersIndex },

    // other routes

export const routes;

// users/Index.vue    component
export default {

    methods: {
            // no need to pass true in relative()
            return this.$router.push(route('', user.username).relative());

Using with laravel-haml (and other custom Blade compilers)

Environment-based loading of minified route helper file

When loading the blade helper file, Ziggy will detect the current environment and minify the output if APP_ENV is not local.

When this happens, ziggy.min.js will be loaded. Otherwise, ziggy.js will be used.

Optional route helper

If you only want routes available through @routes, but don't need the route helper function, you can include skip-route-function in your config and set it to true:

// config/ziggy.php


return [
    'skip-route-function' => true

Contributions & Credits

To get started contributing to Ziggy, check out the contribution guide.

Thanks to Caleb Porzio, Adam Wathan, and Jeffrey Way for help solidifying the idea.

Thanks to all our contributors