
Laravel Module Management

v1.1.2 2017-07-12 08:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:31:46 UTC


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llama-laravel/modules is a laravel package which created to manage your large laravel app using modules. Module is like a laravel package, it has some views, controllers or models.

This package is supported and tested in Laravel 5.

This package was inspired by nwidart/laravel-modules.

Upgrade Guide



To install through composer, simply run the following command:

composer require llama-laravel/modules

Add Service Provider

Next add the following service provider in config/app.php.

'providers' => [

Next, add the following aliases to aliases array in the same file.

'aliases' => [
  'Module' => Llama\Modules\Facades\Module::class,

Next publish the package's configuration file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Llama\Modules\ModuleServiceProvider"


By default controllers, entities or repositories are not loaded automatically. You can autoload your modules using psr-4. For example:

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "App\\": "app/"

After that, you must run statement below for dumps the autoloader:

composer dump-autoload -o


  • modules - Used for save the generated modules.
  • assets - Used for save the modules's assets from each modules.
  • migration - Used for save the modules's migrations if you publish the modules's migrations.
  • seed - Used for save the modules's seeds if you publish the modules's seeds.
  • generator - Used for generate modules folders.
  • scan - Used for allow to scan other folders.
  • enabled - If true, the package will scan other paths. By default the value is false
  • paths - The list of path which can scanned automatically by the package.
  • composer
  • vendor - Composer vendor name.
  • author.name - Composer author name.
  • author.email - Composer author email.
  • cache
  • enabled - If true, the scanned modules (all modules) will cached automatically. By default the value is false
  • key - The name of cache.
  • lifetime - Lifetime of cache.

Creating A Module

To create a new module, you can simply run:

php artisan module:make <module-name>
  • <module-name> - Required. The name of module will be created.

By default if you create a new module, that will add some resources like controller, seed class or provider automatically. If you don't want these, you can add --plain flag, to generate a plain module.

php artisan module:make <module-name> --plain
php artisan module:make <module-name> -p

Naming Convention

Because we are autoloading the modules using psr-4, we strongly recommend using StudlyCase convension.

Folder Structure

  ├── Blog/
      ├── Config/
      ├── Database/
          ├── Seeds/
      ├── Http/
          ├── Controllers/
      ├── Providers/
      ├── Resources/
          ├── assets/
          ├── lang/
          ├── views/
      ├── Routes/
          ├── web.php
          ├── api.php
      ├── composer.json
      ├── module.json

Artisan Commands

You must be setting up modules folder for first use

php artisan module:setup

Create new module.

php artisan module:make blog

Use the specified module.

php artisan module:use blog

Show all modules in command line.

php artisan module:list

Create new command for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-command CustomCommand blog
php artisan module:make-command CustomCommand --command=custom:command blog

Create new migration for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-migration create_users_table blog
php artisan module:make-migration create_users_table blog --create=users
php artisan module:make-migration add_email_to_users_table blog --table=users

Rollback, Reset and Refresh The Modules Migrations.

php artisan module:migrate-rollback
php artisan module:migrate-reset
php artisan module:migrate-refresh

Rollback, Reset and Refresh The Migrations for the specified module.

php artisan module:migrate-rollback blog
php artisan module:migrate-reset blog
php artisan module:migrate-refresh blog

Migrate from the specified module.

php artisan module:migrate blog

Migrate from all modules.

php artisan module:migrate

Create new seeder for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-seeder PostsTableSeeder blog

Seed from the specified module.

php artisan module:db-seed blog

Seed from all modules.

php artisan module:db-seed

Create new controller for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-controller SiteController blog

Publish assets from the specified module to public directory.

php artisan module:link blog

Publish assets from all modules to public directory.

php artisan module:link

Create new model for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-model User blog

Create new service provider for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-provider MyServiceProvider blog

Create new policy for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-policy PostsPolicy blog

Create new route provider for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-route blog

Create new form request for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-request CreateRequest blog

Create new event for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-event CreateEvent blog

Create new job for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-job CreateJob blog

Create new listener for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-listener CreateListener blog --event="App\Modules\Blog\Events\CreateEvent"

Create new middleware for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-middleware CreateNewPostMiddleware blog

Create new mail for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-mail WelcomeEmail checkout
php artisan module:make-mail WelcomeEmail checkout --markdown=emails.checkout.shipped

Create new notification for the specified module.

php artisan module:make-notification InvoicePaid checkout
php artisan module:make-notification InvoicePaid checkout --markdown=notifications.checkout.shipped

Enable the specified module.

php artisan module:enable blog

Disable the specified module.

php artisan module:disable blog

Update dependencies for the specified module.

php artisan module:update blog

Update dependencies for all modules.

php artisan module:update

Show the list of modules.

php artisan module:list


Using Model Factories

Normally, you can use model factories to conveniently generate large amounts of database records. I have defined new way to writing seeder for the specified module.

Module::factory(App\User::class, 50)->create()->each(function ($u) {

Get all modules.


Get all cached modules.


Get ordered modules. The modules will be ordered by the priority key in module.json file.


Get scanned modules.


Find a specific module.


Find a module, if there is one, return the Module instance, otherwise throw Llama\Modules\Exeptions\ModuleNotFoundException.


Get scanned locations.


Get all modules as a collection instance.


Get modules by the status. 1 for active and 0 for inactive.


Check the specified module. If it exists, will return true, otherwise false.


Get all enabled modules.


Get all disabled modules.


Get count of all modules.


Get module path.


Register the modules.


Boot all available modules.


Get all enabled modules as collection instance.


Get module path from the specified module.


Get assets path from the specified module.


Get config value from this package.


Get used storage path.


Get used module for cli session.


Set used module for cli session.


Get modules's assets path.


Get modules's namespace.


Get asset url from specific module.


Install the specified module by given module name.


Update dependencies for the specified module.



Get an entity from a specific module.

$module = Module::find('blog');

Get module name.


Get module name in lowercase.


Get module name in studlycase.


Get module path.


Get extra path.


Disable the specified module.


Enable the specified module.


Delete the specified module.


Get namespace specified module.


Custom Namespaces

When you create a new module it also registers new custom namespace for Lang, View and Config. For example, if you create a new module named blog, it will also register new namespace/hint blog for that module. Then, you can use that namespace for calling Lang, View or Config. Following are some examples of its usage:

Calling Lang:


Calling View:


Calling Config:


Publishing Modules

Have you created a laravel modules? Yes, I've. Then, I want to publish my modules. Where do I publish it? That's the question. What's the answer ? The answer is Packagist.

Auto Scan Vendor Directory

By default the vendor directory is not scanned automatically, you need to update the configuration file to allow that. Set scan.enabled value to true. For example:

// file config/modules.php

return [
  'scan' => [
    'enabled' => true

You can verify the module has been installed using module:list command:

php artisan module:list

Publishing Modules

After creating a module and you are sure your module module will be used by other developers. You can push your module to github or bitbucket and after that you can submit your module to the packagist website.

You can follow this step to publish your module.

  1. Create A Module.
  2. Push the module to github.
  3. Submit your module to the packagist website.

Submit to packagist is very easy, just give your github repository, click submit and you done.


About XuaNguyen

XuaNguyen is a freelance web developer specialising on the laravel framework.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.