
Model Settings for your Laravel app

6.2.0 2024-03-15 23:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 01:57:55 UTC



Laravel Model Settings

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Model Settings for your Laravel app

The package requires PHP ^8.0 and follows the FIG standards PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 and PSR-12 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP.

Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests can be submitted by following our Contribution Guide.

⚠️ Forked repository

This package is a fork of glorand/laravel-model-settings and contains some breaking changes to make it more flexible and easier to use.

List of changes between this package and the original one:

  • Added ability to initialize settings at model creation
  • Readded Laravel 8 support
  • Converted defaultSettings property to method
  • Converted settingsRules property to method
  • Converted PHPUnit tests to PestPHP tests
  • Renamed Glorand\Model\Settings namespace to Lukasss93\ModelSettings
  • Removed defaultSettings from model_settings.php config file

🚀 Installation

composer require lukasss93/laravel-model-settings

⚙ Publishing the config file

Publishing the config file is optional:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lukasss93\ModelSettings\ModelSettingsServiceProvider"

🌈 Update your Eloquent Models

Your models should use the HasSettingsField or HasSettingsTable trait.

Option 1 - HasSettingsField trait

Run the php artisan model-settings:model-settings-field in order to create a migration file for a table.
This command will create a json field (default name settings, from config) for the mentioned table.
The default name of the field is settings; change the config or env value MODEL_SETTINGS_FIELD_NAME if you want to rewrite the default name (before you run the command!)

You can choose another than default, in this case you have to specify it in you model.

public $settingsFieldName = 'user_settings';

Complete example:

use Lukasss93\ModelSettings\Traits\HasSettingsField;

class User extends Model
    use HasSettingsField;

    //define only if you select a different name from the default
    public $settingsFieldName = 'user_settings';

Option 2 - HasSettingsTable trait

Run before the command php artisan model-settings:model-settings-table.
The command will copy for you the migration class to create the table where the setting values will be stored.
The default name of the table is model_settings; change the config or env value MODEL_SETTINGS_TABLE_NAME if you want to rewrite the default name (before you run the command!)

use Lukasss93\ModelSettings\Traits\HasSettingsTable;

class User extends Model
    use HasSettingsTable;

Option 3 - HasSettingsRedis trait

use Lukasss93\ModelSettings\Traits\HasSettingsRedis;

class User extends Model
    use HasSettingsRedis;

👓 Usage

$user = App\User::first();

Check id the settings for the entity is empty


Check settings (exist)


Get all model's settings


Get a specific setting

$user->settings()->get('some.setting', 'default value');
	'default value'

Add / Update setting

$user->settings()->set('some.setting', 'new value');
$user->settings()->update('some.setting', 'new value');
	'some.setting_1' => 'new value 1',
	'some.setting_2' => 'new value 2',

Check if the model has a specific setting


Remove a setting from a model


⬇ Persistence for settings field

In case of field settings the auto-save is configurable.

The default value is true

  • Use an attribute on model
protected $persistSettings = true; //boolean
  • Environment (.env) variable
  • Config value - model settings config file
'settings_persistent' => env('MODEL_SETTINGS_PERSISTENT', true),

If the persistence is false you have to save the model after the operation.

🛠️ Using another method name other than settings()

If you prefer to use another name other than settings , you can do so by defining a $invokeSettingsBy property. This forward calls (such as configurations()) to the settings() method.

🌠 Default settings

You can set default configs for a model:

use Lukasss93\ModelSettings\Traits\HasSettingsTable;

class User extends Model
    use HasSettingsTable;
    public function defaultSettings(): array
        return [
            'foo' => 'bar',

🎉 Initializing settings at model creation

You can initialize settings at model creation by defining a initSettings property in your model:

use Lukasss93\ModelSettings\Traits\HasSettingsTable;

class User extends Model
    use HasSettingsTable;
    public bool $initSettings = true;
    public function defaultSettings(): array
        return [
            'foo' => 'bar',

🔍 Validation system for settings data

When you're using the set(), apply(), update() methods thrown an exception when you break a rule.
You can define rules on model using settingsRules public method, and the rules array definition is identical with the Laravel default validation rules.

class User extends Model
    use HasSettingsTable;

    public function defaultSettings(): array
        return [
            'info' => [
                'email' => ''
                'age' => 27,
            'language' => 'en',
            'max_size' => 12,

    public function settingsRules(): array
        return [
            'info' => 'array',
            '' => ['string','email'],
            'info.age' => 'integer',
            'language' => 'string|in:en,es,it|max:2',
            'max_size' => 'int|min:5|max:15',

📃 Changelog

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.

📖 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.