
Tool to migrate from a database to another one.

0.2.0 2019-09-16 19:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 22:43:20 UTC


A simple console tool which helps to migrate database data from one to another using different DB connections.


  • Defining source and target database connection.
  • Allows to change target tables names and columns as well.
  • Transforms data for each processing rows.

When to use

Sometimes you can have an opportunity to make your custom database based on the existing one but in your opinion you can design it in better way for example primary keys are not names simply as id but in the <table_name>_id pattern, or columns values are not exactly what you want.


Add marcinkozak/databasemigrator to composer.json.

"marcinkozak/databasemigrator": "dev-master"

Or simply run:

composer require marcinkozak/databasemigrator

To make it available for Laravel open the config/app.php file and add line below.

'providers' => array(

    // Other service providers entries


Run command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MarcinKozak\DatabaseMigrator\DatabaseMigratorServiceProvider"

to publish new files in an application root:

  • config/marcinkozak/databasemigrator/connections.php
  • database/schemas/ExampleSchema.php

The first file contains a collection of connections where each of them defines source and target DB connection, disabled/enabled state and class name of schema.


return [
        'source'    => 'mysql2',
        'target'    => 'mysql',
        'enabled'   => true,
        'schema'    => ExampleSchema::class,

The schema files are located in the database/schemas/ directory.

Before you start migrating you must have defined target tables, otherwise an exception will be thrown.


Migrating the same table name
$table = new Table('table_name');
Migrating different table names
$table = new Table('source_table_name', 'target_table_name');
Defining columns

This is a mandatory step to make migration works for the selected table. You can define a single column

$column = new Column('column_name');

or for different names

$column = new Column('source_column_name', 'target_column_name');

or use the schema() method to define multi columns in single step.


Of course you are able to define different names inside the above method.

    'source_column_1' => 'target_column_1',
    'source_column_2' => 'target_column_2',
Transform column value

Not always we want to migrate the same value for certain column. The package supports the map() method which allows to transform value to the new one. To use it simply define new Column instance.

$column = new Column('column_name');
$column->map(function($value) {
    return $value . '_some_stupid_word';

If you want to make some relation which has poorly designed in the source table you can follow that way

$data = DB::table('some_table')->pluck('id', 'some_column_name');

$column = new Column('column_name');
$column->map(function($value) use($data) {
    return array_get($data, $value);

Let's suppose that in this case $value stores identical value as the some_column_name column. By using the array_get function we can fetch the desirable primary key and use it as foreign key for the new value inside the map method.

Running migration

The package has two Artisan methods.

Populating target tables

php artisan database-migrator:populate

Clearing target tables

php artisan database-migrator:clear