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0.2.3 2017-03-01 15:34 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-21 20:35:20 UTC


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Strongly typed alternative to null. The Option type in this package is based off of the Option typeclass from Scala and the Maybe monad from Haskell.

Option itself is just an interface. Two classes in this package implement the Option interface and they are Some and None. The convention is to have functions return Option types and it will either contain Some value or None at all. This creates a type safe alternative to returning null in the absence of a value.

In addition to the added type safety, the Option type is monadic, so Option types are highly composable. This allows you to eliminate a lot of the typical null checking boiler plate code you'd normally have to write and encourages you to write in a more expressive style.

use PlasmaConduit\option\Some;
use PlasmaConduit\option\None;

function fetchUser($username) {
    $user = PsuedoDB::get($username);
    if ($user) {
        return new Some($user);
    } else {
        return new None();

function updateLastSeen($username) {
    return $username;

// Fetch the user "Joseph". If "Joseph" exists update the last time he was seen
// and echo "Joseph". If "Joseph" doesn't exist do not update the last time
// any user was seen and print out "No such user." instead.
echo fetchUser("Joseph")->map("updateLastSeen")->getOrElse("No such user.");


This library implements two classes that both implement the Option interface. These classes are Some and None.

The Option interface is as follows

namespace PlasmaConduit\option;

interface Option {

     * This function is used to signify if the Option type is empty.
     * @return {Boolean} - True on empty false on non empty
    public function isEmpty();

     * This function is used to signify if the Option type is not empty.
     * @return {Boolean} - True on non empty false on empty
    public function nonEmpty();

     * This returns the wrapped value. Throws when called on `None`.
     * So the convention goes, this should never be called on `None`
     * @throws {Exception} - When called on `none`
     * @return {Any}       - The wrapped value
    public function get();

     * This function will return the wrapped value if the `Option` type is
     * `Some` and if it's `None` it will return `$default` instead.
     * @ param {Any} $default - The default value if no value is present
     * @ return {Any}         - The wrapped valueor the supplied default
    public function getOrElse($default);

     * This function takes an alternative `Option` type or callable and if
     * this `Option` type is `None` it returns the evalutated alternative type.
     * @param {callable|Option} $alternative - The alternative Option
     * @return {Option}                      - Itself or the alternative
    public function orElse($alternative);

     * For those moments when you just need either a value or null. This
     * function returns the wrapped value when called on the `Some` class and
     * returns null when called on the `None` class. 
     * @return {Any|null} - The wrapped value or null
    public function orNull();

     * Not yet implemented
    public function toLeft($right);

     * Not yet implemented
    public function toRight($left);

     * This method takes a callable type (closure, function, etc) and if it's
     * called on a `Some` instance it will call the function `$mapper` with the
     * wrapped value and the value returend by `$mapper` will be wrapped in a
     * new `Some` container and that new `Some` container will be returned. If
     * this is called on a `None` container, the function `$mapper` will never
     * be called and instead we return `None` immediately.
     * @param {callable} $mapper - Function to call on the wrapped value
     * @return {Option}          - The newly produced `Some` or `None`
    public function map($mapper);

     * This method takes a callable type that takes the wrapped value of the
     * current `Some` as it's arguments and returns an `Option` type. The
     * `Option` type returned by the passed in callable is returned by this
     * method. If this is `None`, it behaves just like Option#map()
     * @param {callable} $flatMapper - Fuction to call on the wrapped value
     * @return {Option}              - The new `Option`
    public function flatMap($flatMapper);

     * This function takes a callable as a predicate that takes the wrapped
     * value of the current `Some` as it's argument. If the predicate returns
     * true the current `Some` is returned. If the predicate returns false
     * a new `None` is returned. If this is a `None` the predicate is never
     * evaluated and `None` is returned immediately
     * @param {callable} $predicate - The predicate to check the wrapped value
     * @return {Option}             - `Some` on success `None` on failure
    public function filter($predicate);



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curl | php
php composer.phar install --dev


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bin/phpspec run