
A Laravel Nova field.

v1.7.0 2024-06-05 12:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 13:44:49 UTC


alt text

Nova Button Package

Version Issues Code Coverage Licence


You can install the package via composer:

composer require marshmallow/button-field


By default this package will resolve the link from the column you provide when calling the make method. By calling the resolveUsing method you can return your own generated link to the button.

use Marshmallow\ButtonField\ButtonField;
ButtonField::make('Certificate')->resolveUsing(function () {
    return '___YOUR_LINK_GOES_HERE___';



When you call the button method, this will return a default Laravel Nova Button. This should have the same styling as the Update and Update & Continue Editing buttons in your Nova installation. This method is called by default so this behaviour should be available out of the box.



You can call the target method to change the behaviour of your button.

$button_field->target('_blank'); // DEFAULT


When you call the download method, the styling of the button will change. It will be a smaller button with a download icon next to it. We will also add the “download” tag to the button so the browser knows you want to download something. You can see an example of this in the screenshot at the top of this page.



The default text of the created button is “Download”. You can change this by calling the setButtonText method.

$button_field->setButtonText('Go to user profile');


You can use the visibleWhen method if a button should only be visible when a condition applies.

$button_field->visibleWhen(function() {
    // Call methods on your resource
    return $this->certificateIsAvailable();
}, __('Certificate is not generated yet'));


You can use the onClick method to run any kind of action to your model. This is a very powerfull method that allows you to do anything! This currently only works on the text type button so we must set it to text(). Please check the example below how to implement this on your Nova Resource.

ButtonField::make(__('Send invoice'))
	->setButtonText(__('Send invoice'))

Now we need to create an action class that will be run when the button is clicked. You can create this anywhere you like. This could be the location app/Actions/Nova/SendInvoice.php. In this file you create a class that implements the OnClickInterface interface. You need to create 3 methods in this class. Please check the example below.


namespace App\Actions\Nova;

use Exception;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Marshmallow\ButtonField\Contracts\OnClickInterface;

class SendInvoice implements OnClickInterface
    public function execute(Model $model): void
        // Run your code!

    public function success(): string
        return __('Invoice is end successfully');

    public function error(Exception $exception): string
        return __('Something went wrong: :exception', [
            'exception' => $exception->getMessage(),

Run Nova Actions

You can now run your Nova Actions using the button field. This means its now possible to run a nova action from the form view as well. Make sure the action is registered in your resources actions method and then use the example code below.

ButtonField::make(__('Nova Action'))
        action: new \App\Nova\Actions\DemoAction,
        resourceId: $this->resource->id,
        label: 'Run the demo dude!'


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.