
A Laravel Nova field.

v5.0.3 2025-03-12 08:44 UTC


composer require marshmallow/nova-activity
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="nova-activity-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="nova-activity-migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="nova-activiy-translations"
// Model
use Marshmallow\NovaActivity\Traits\NovaActivities;
use NovaActivities;
// Resource
use Marshmallow\NovaActivity\Activity;
Activity::make(__('Comments Field Name'))
    ->types(function () {
        return [
            2 => 'Klant gebeld en gesproken. Mailt aanvullende info',
            // ...
->activityTitle('Activity toch!')
    user_id: $request->user()->id,
    type: $request->type,
    label: $request->type_label,
    comment: $request->comment,
    created_at: Carbon::parse($request->date)->setTimeFromTimeString(
    quick_replies: [
        'user_1' => 'sad',
    mentions: [
            'key' => 1,
            'class' => User::class,
// App\Models\User
public function avatarPath()
    return '';
 'quick_replies' => [
    'exited' => [
        'name' => 'Exited',
        'background' => '#ef4444',
        'icon' => 'fire',
        'solid_icon' => false,
->types(function () {
    return [
        2 => 'Klant gebel
->limit(3) // will limit on index, detail and forms
// momentjs format
->dateFormat('DD MMM YYYY')
// momentjs format
->setLocale(function () {
    return auth()->user()->locale;
    function (): array {
        return User::get()->map(function ($user) {
            return [
                'model' => $user,
                'value' => str_slug($user->name),
                'avatar_url' => Activity::getUserAvatar($user),
                'key' => $user->name,

/** Check if this activity has any mentions. */

/** Get a collection of all the classes that where mentioned. */
return [
    'use_comments' => false,

use App\Listeners\DoWhatEver;
use Marshmallow\NovaActivity\Events\ActivityCreated;
protected $listen = [
    ActivityCreated::class => [

// Listeners
class DoWhatEver
    public function handle($event)
        /** Get the model on which the activity was created. */

        /** Get the created activity. */

        /** Check if this activity has any mentions. */

        /** Get a collection of all the classes that where mentioned. */


$event = ActivityCreated::class;
$activity = $event->activity;
$model = $event->activity->novaActivity;
$event = QuickReplyChanged::class;
$activity = $event->activity;
$model = $event->activity->novaActivity;
$user = $event->user;
$event = ActivityPinned::class;
$activity = $event->activity;
$model = $event->activity->novaActivity;
$user = $event->user;
$event = ActivityUnpinned::class;
$activity = $event->activity;
$model = $event->activity->novaActivity;
$user = $event->user;
$event = ActivityCommentHidden::class;
$activity = $event->activity;
$model = $event->activity->novaActivity;
$user = $event->user;
$event = ActivityCommentShow::class;
$activity = $event->activity;
$model = $event->activity->novaActivity;
$user = $event->user;
$event = ActivityDeleted::class;
$activity = $event->activity;
$model = $event->activity->novaActivity;
$user = $event->user;
/** Add this so the index button will work. */
public static $clickAction = 'ignore';
->dateFormat('Do MMM, YYYY')