
This Laravel Nova field enables you to make use of the default Nova Tooltip component.

1.2.0 2025-02-08 10:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 10:59:25 UTC


Version Issues Licence

Laravel Nova Totals footer

This Laravel Nova field enables you to make use of the default Nova Tooltip component.



  • php: ^8.1
  • laravel/nova: ^5.0


Install via composer:

composer require marshmallow/nova-tooltip-field


The usage is extreamly simple. You just call the field as you whould any other Nova Field. The example below is the same as we have used to create the screenshot on top of this page.

NovaTooltipField::make('Tooltip Demo')
    ->resolveUsing(function ($value) {
        return '<strong>Demo</strong><br/>How awesome is this?';
    ->tooltip('Hover me!')


All the options that are available on the Nova Tooltip component can be set via the methods listed below.

Method Description
distance(0) Sets the distance between the tooltip and the target element.
skidding(20) Adjusts the offset of the tooltip along the target element.
boundary('window') Defines the boundary within which the tooltip should be constrained.
placement('left') Specifies the position of the tooltip relative to the target element. E.g. auto, auto-start, auto-end, top, top-start, top-end, right, right-start, right-end, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end, left, left-start or left-end
triggers(['hover']) Sets the events that trigger the tooltip. E.g. click, hover, focus or touch
autoHide(true) Determines whether the tooltip should automatically hide after showing.
tooltip('Hover me!') Sets the text content of the tooltip.
tooltipIcon('information-circle') Specifies the icon to be displayed in the tooltip. This can be a string or a callble.
tooltipIconType('outline') Defines the style of the tooltip icon. E.g. solid, outline, mini or micro
preventOverflow(false) Prevents the tooltip from overflowing its boundary.
theme('plain') Sets the theme of the tooltip. E.g. nova, tooltip, dropdown, menu or plain
maxWith(400) Defines the maximum width of the tooltip.
tooltipTriggerStyling('text-green-500 dark:text-green-400') Set the color classes that need to be used for the tooltip trigger text and for the tooltip trigger icon.
tooltipTriggerTextStyling('text-green-500 dark:text-green-400') Set the color classes that need to be used for the tooltip trigger text.
tooltipTriggerIconStyling('text-green-500 dark:text-green-400') Set the color classes that need to be used for the tooltip trigger icon.

Options with a little bit more context


The tooltipIcon method will accept a string, being an icon name, or it will accept a callable where you can "calculate" the icon you want to use. E.g.

->tooltipIcon(function () {
    return $this->field_01 > 0 ? 'arrow-up' : 'arrow-down';

tooltipTriggerTextStyling and tooltipTriggerIconStyling

The tooltipTriggerTextStyling and tooltipTriggerIconStyling methods will accept a string, being a class name, or it will accept a callable where you can "calculate" the class you want to use. The second parameter of this method tells the tooltip if we need to use this value as a class or as an inline styling. By default this method will use your value as classes, set the as_inline_style to true and it will use inline styling.

/** Set the text color for the tooltip trigger text */
->tooltipTriggerTextStyling(function () {
    return 'color:#ff133b;';
}, asInlineStyle: true)

/** Set the text color for the tooltip trigger icon */
->tooltipTriggerIconStyling(function () {
    return 'text-red-500';
}, asInlineStyle: false)


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

💖 Sponsorships

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Feel free to suggest changes, ask for new features or fix bugs yourself. We're sure there are still a lot of improvements that could be made, and we would be very happy to merge useful pull requests.

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