
Wrapper client for elevenlabs api

0.0.1 2025-01-02 07:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 08:24:40 UTC



This is a Laravel package that serves as a wrapper for ElevenLabs Voice Generation API. It provides an easy-to-use interface for generating voices based on provided content.


You can install the package via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require masterarrow/elevenlabs-api-client

Next, you need to add the service provider in your Laravel application's config/app.php file. Open the file and locate the 'providers' array. Add the following line to the array:



To get started, make sure to set up your ElevenLabs API key. You can do this by adding the following key to your .env file:


You can then use the package by accessing the ElevenLabsClient instance. For example, you can add the following route to your web.php or api.php file to test that the library is working:


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider and all of them will
| be assigned to the "web" middleware group. Make something great!

Route::get('/test_elevenlabsclient', function() {
    $elevenLabsClient = app()->make(\ElevenLabsWrapper\ElevenLabsClient\ElevenLabsClient::class);
    return $elevenLabsClient->voices()->getAll();


Voice Class



Class Description

The Voice class is a part of the ElevenLabsWrapper\ElevenLabsClient\Voice namespace. It implements the VoiceInterface.


Retrieve all the available voices.

getVoice(string $voice_id)

Returns metadata about a specific voice.


Gets the default settings for voices.

voiceSettings(string $voice_id)

addVoice(string $name, ?string $description, string $files, ?string $labels = "American")

Add a new voice to your collection of voices in VoiceLab.


  • $name (string): The name of the voice.
  • $description (string|null): The description of the voice.
  • $files (string): The file path of the voice.
  • $labels (string|null, default: "American"): The labels for the voice.

editVoice(string $voice_id, string $name, ?string $description, ?string $files, ?string $labels = "American")

Edit a voice in your collection of voices in VoiceLab.


  • $voice_id (string): The ID of the voice.
  • $name (string): The new name of the voice.
  • $description (string|null): The new description of the voice.
  • $files (string|null): The new file path of the voice.
  • $labels (string|null, default: "American"): The new labels for the voice.

deleteVoice(string $voice_id)

Delete a specific voice from your collection of voices in VoiceLab.


  • $voice_id (string): The ID of the voice.


TextToSpeech class



Class Description

The TextToSpeech class is a part of the ElevenLabsWrapper\ElevenLabsClient\TextToSpeech namespace. It implements the TextToSpeechInterface.

generate(string $content, string $voice_id , ?bool $optimize_latency, ?string $model_id, ?array $voice_settings = [])

generate_stream(string $content, string $voice_id , ?bool $optimize_latency, ?string $model_id , ?array $voice_settings = [])





Class Description

The History class is a part of the ElevenLabsWrapper\ElevenLabsClient\History namespace. It implements the HistoryInterface.


Returns metadata about all your generated audio.

getHistoryItem(string $history_item_id)

Returns information about a history item by its ID.


  • $history_item_id (string): The ID of the history item.

getHistoryItemAudio(string $history_item_id, string $fileName)

Returns the audio of a history item.


  • $history_item_id (string): The ID of the history item.
  • $fileName (string): The desired file name for the audio file.

deleteHistoryItem(string $history_item_id)

Delete a history item by its ID.


  • $history_item_id (string): The ID of the history item.

downloadHistory(array $history_items, string $filename)

Download one or more history items. If one history item ID is provided, a single audio file will be returned. If multiple history item IDs are provided, the history items will be packed into a .zip file.


  • $history_items (array): An array of history item IDs.
  • $filename (string): The desired file name for the downloaded file.


Models Class

Available Methods


Gets a list of available models.

Return Type: array


User Class



Class Description

The User class is a part of the ElevenLabsWrapper\ElevenLabsClient\User namespace. It implements the UserInterface.

Available Methods


Gets information about the user.

Return Type: array

Description: This method retrieves information about the current user. It sends a GET request to the user endpoint and returns the decoded response data as an array.


Gets extended information about the user's subscription.

Return Type: array

Description: This method retrieves extended information about the current user's subscription. It sends a GET request to the user/subscription endpoint and returns the decoded response data as an array.


Feel free to use these methods in your Laravel application to interact with the ElevenLabs Voice Generation API.