Normalize paths to files & directories in PHP

v1.1.0 2022-01-22 21:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 04:21:07 UTC


Build Status


If you are not confident that your program will properly lead the way to the required file or directory - use Path2, it automatically converts all slashes to those which are used in the current operating system, yet so over also will trim excess slashes if there are in the path.

⚙️ Installation

To install this library - run the command below in your terminal:

composer require maximgrynykha/path2



use Path2\Path;

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$path = new Path();

// For example, normalize some kinky path
$normalized = $path->to('/\/src/\\\Path2/\/\/\Path.php');

dd($normalized); // "{CWD}/src/Path2/Path.php" (on an UNIX) || "{CWD}\src\Path2\Path.php" (on a Windows)
                 // Note, by default if any preceding to the main path (first argument),
                 // from-path (second argument) isn't passed then Path::to()
                 // uses CWD (current working directory) as a preceding, from-path.


Param Argument Example
path [string]: any path to the file or dir
from [string]: any path preceding before the main path CWD (current working directory)
__DIR__, __NAMESPACE__, etc.

🤝 Contributing

If you have a problem that cannot be solved using this library, please write your solution, and if you want to help other developers who also use this library (or if you want to keep your solution working after a new version is released, which will be in the package manager dependencies) — create a pull-request. I will be happy to add your excellent code to the library!

🐞 Report any bugs or issues you find on the GitHub issues.

📃 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.