
A Laravel package for integrating EasySMS.

v1.0.0 2024-11-04 09:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 09:56:38 UTC


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This is where your description should go. Take a look at CONTRIBUTING.md to see a to do list.


Via Composer

composer require mimisk13/laravel-easysms

Publishing the Configuration File

To publish the configuration file for laravel-easysms, run the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=easysms.config

Environment Settings (.env)

Before using the package, make sure to add the necessary settings to your .env file:


# optional


Here are examples of how to use the core functionalities of the laravel-easysms package.

1. Sending an SMS

To send an SMS, you can use the send method, specifying the channel as 'sms' (default).

use Mimisk13\LaravelEasySMS\Facades\EasySMS;

$smsResult = EasySMS::send('+1234567890', 'This is an SMS message');

if ($smsResult) {
    echo "SMS sent successfully!";
} else {
    echo "Failed to send SMS.";

2. Sending a Viber Message

To send a Viber message, specify the channel as 'viber' in the send method.

use Mimisk13\LaravelEasySMS\Facades\EasySMS;

$viberResult = EasySMS::send('+1234567890', 'This is a Viber message', 'viber');

if ($viberResult) {
    echo "Viber message sent successfully!";
} else {
    echo "Failed to send Viber message.";

3. Checking Balance

You can check your account balance on easysms.gr using the getBalance method. This method returns your current balance details.

use Mimisk13\LaravelEasySMS\Facades\EasySMS;

$balance = EasySMS::getBalance();

if ($balance && $balance['status'] == 1) {
    echo "Current balance: " . $balance['amount'];
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve balance.";

4. Mobile Number Verification

Use the mobile method to check the validity of a mobile number. This is useful to verify that the number is correct before sending a message.

use Mimisk13\LaravelEasySMS\Facades\EasySMS;

$mobile = EasySMS::mobile('1234567890');


// result
array [
  "status" => "1"
  "remarks" => "Success"
  "error" => "0"
  "total" => 1
  "mobile" => array [
    "msisdn" => "301234567890"
    "national" => "1234567890"
    "country" => "GREECE"
    "countryCode" => 30
    "gsmCode" => "123"
    "number" => "4567890"
    "mcc" => "202"
    "mnc" => "05"
    "cost" => 1

Change log

Please see the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details and a todolist.



MIT. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.