mohamed7sameer / tincymicy-field
A Laravel Nova field.
Installs: 4
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 1
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- php: ^7.3|^8.0
composer require mohamed7sameer/tincymicy-field
php artisan nova:field mohammed2617/tincyeditor
cd nova-components/Tincyeditor
npm run watch
Edit resources/js/components/FromField.js
<template> <DefaultField :field="field" :errors="errors" :show-help-text="showHelpText" :full-width-content="fullWidthContent" > <template #field> <textarea :id="field.attribute" type="text" :class="errorClasses" :placeholder="" v-model="value" ></textarea> </template> </DefaultField> </template> <script> import { FormField, HandlesValidationErrors } from 'laravel-nova' export default { mixins: [FormField, HandlesValidationErrors], props: ['resourceName', 'resourceId', 'field'], created () {}, beforeMount () {}, mounted () { this.$nextTick(()=>{ this.setEditor(); }); }, beforeUpdate () {}, updated () {}, beforeUnmount () { tinymce.remove("#" + this.field.attribute); }, unmounted () {}, errorCaptured () {}, activated () {}, deactivated () {}, serverPrefetch () {}, methods: { /* * Set the initial, internal value for the field. */ setInitialValue() { this.value = this.field.value || '' }, setEditor () { const useDarkMode = false ; tinymce.init({ "selector": "#" + this.field.attribute, plugins: 'preview importcss searchreplace autolink autosave save directionality code visualblocks visualchars fullscreen image link media codesample table charmap pagebreak nonbreaking anchor insertdatetime advlist lists wordcount help charmap quickbars emoticons accordion', menubar: 'file edit view insert format tools table help', toolbar: "undo redo | accordion accordionremove | blocks fontfamily fontsize | bold italic underline strikethrough | align numlist bullist | link image | table media | lineheight outdent indent| forecolor backcolor removeformat | charmap emoticons | code fullscreen preview | save print | pagebreak anchor codesample | ltr rtl", autosave_ask_before_unload: true, autosave_interval: '30s', autosave_prefix: '{path}{query}-{id}-', autosave_restore_when_empty: false, autosave_retention: '2m', image_advtab: true, importcss_append: true, height: 600, image_caption: true, quickbars_selection_toolbar: 'bold italic | quicklink h2 h3 blockquote quickimage quicktable', noneditable_class: 'mceNonEditable', toolbar_mode: 'sliding', contextmenu: 'link image table', skin: useDarkMode ? 'oxide-dark' : 'oxide', content_css: useDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'default', images_upload_url: '/api/upload_tinymce_image', automatic_uploads: true, setup: (editor)=> { editor.on('change', ()=> { // console.log(editor.getContent()); // this.value = editor.getContent(); this.value = this.field.value = editor.getContent(); // get the editor value and set it in this.value }); } }); }, /** * Fill the given FormData object with the field's internal value. */ fill(formData) { formData.append(this.fieldAttribute, this.value || '') }, }, } </script>
npm run prod cd .. cd .. php artisan install:api # cd .. # cd .. # cd public_html cd public mkdir admin cd admin git clone
namespace App\Providers; class NovaServiceProvider extends NovaApplicationServiceProvider { public function boot() { parent::boot(); Nova::remoteScript(asset('admin/tinymce/tinymce.min.js')); } }
<?php namespace App\Helper; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Intervention\Image\Laravel\Facades\Image; class MoHelper { public static function ConvetToWebp($request,$name = 'image',$disk="public",$path="tiny"){ $file = $request->file($name); $filename = 'image_' . time() . '_' . Str::random(10) . '.webp'; $image = Image::read($file->getRealPath()); Storage::disk($disk)->put($path . '/' .$filename, $image->toWebp(60)); return $filename ; } public static function slug($slug,$model,$id=null) { $exists = $model->where('slug', $slug)->when($id, function ($query, $id) { return $query->where('id', '!=', $id); }) ->exists(); if ($exists) { $slug = $slug . '-1'; return MoHelper::slug($slug, $model, $id); } return $slug ; } public static function initSlug($request,$model,$attribute,$t) { /********************* * Insert It Into Laravel Nova Field ->fillUsing( function ($request, $model, $attribute, $requestAttribute) { MoHelper::initSlug($request,$model,$attribute,$this); } ), **********************/ if (!$request->slug) { $slug = Str::slug($request->title); $val = MoHelper::slug($slug, $model,$t->getKey()); }else{ $slug = Str::slug($request->slug); $val = MoHelper::slug($slug, $model,$t->getKey()); } return $model->{$attribute} = $val; } public static function storTinymceImage($request) { $request->validate([ 'file' => [ 'required', 'image', 'mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,gif,svg', 'max:10240', ] ]); if (!$request->hasFile('file')) { return response()->json(['error' => 'No file uploaded.'], 400); } $file = $request->file('file'); $path = $file->store('/', 'tinymce'); $filename = MoHelper::ConvetToWebp($request,'file','tinymce','tiny'); return response()->json(['location' => app('filesystem')->disk('tinymce')->url($filename)]); } }
return [ 'disks' => [ 'tinymce' => [ 'driver' => 'local', 'root' => env('MO_STORAGE_FOLDER_TINYMCE'), 'url' => env('APP_URL').'/mo/storage/image_e/tiny', 'visibility' => 'public', 'throw' => false, ], ]; ];
Route::post('/upload_tinymce_image', function(Request $request){ return MoHelper::storTinymceImage($request); });
php artisan optimize:clear
npm Share host
extract it before public rename it to libraries/npm
echo 'export PATH=libraries/npm/bin' >> ~.bashrc node -v npm -v