moonshine / advanced
2025-02-07 10:35 UTC
- php: ^8.2|^8.3|^8.4
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
Requires (Dev)
- moonshine/moonshine: ^3.0
- orchestra/testbench: ^9.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^11.0
- rector/rector: ^1.0
- moonshine/moonshine: <3.0
MoonShine Advanced
Advanced Fields and Components
composer require moonshine/advanced
use MoonShine\Advanced\Components\Stepper\Stepper; use MoonShine\Advanced\Components\Stepper\Step; Stepper::make([ Step::make([ Heading::make('Step 1 content') ], 'Step 1', 'Some description'), Step::make([ FormBuilder::make() ], 'Step 2', 'Some description'), Step::make([ // any components ], 'Step 3', 'Some description'), ])
Async content:
Stepper::make([ Step::make(title: 'Step', description: 'Some description')->async('/html') ])
Also with events:
Stepper::make([ Step::make(title: 'Step', description: 'Some description')->async('/html', events: [ AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FRAGMENT_UPDATED, 'fragment-1') ]) ])
Events when switching a step
Events when a step is changing:
Step::make(title: 'Step', description: 'Some description') ->whenChangingEvents([ AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FRAGMENT_UPDATED, 'fragment-2') ], once: false)
Events when a step is completed:
Step::make(title: 'Step', description: 'Some description') ->whenFinishEvents([ AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FRAGMENT_UPDATED, 'fragment-2') ], once: true)
The once
parameter indicates once the events will be caused or with each change
Content after completion
When all the steps are completed, this set of components will be displayed on the page
Stepper::make([ // ... ], finishComponent: [ Heading::make('Thanks!') ]),
The names of the buttons
Stepper::make([ // ... ], nextText: 'Next step', finishText: 'Finish'),
Modifying the button next step
Stepper::make([ // ... ])->changeNextButton(function(ActionButton $btn, int $index) { return $btn->badge($index); }),
Active default step
Stepper::make([ // ... ])->current(2),
Completed by default
Stepper::make([ // ... ])->finished(),
You cannot go to the next step, you can switch to the next Schag only using the event (go_to_step_ {index}: {stPper_name}
The transition in the upper navigation is blocked:
Stepper::make([ // ... ])->lock(),
Once all steps are completed, the top navigation is locked:
Stepper::make([ // ... ])->lockWhenFinish(),
Async tabs
use MoonShine\Advanced\Components\AsyncTabs\AsyncTabs; use MoonShine\Advanced\Components\AsyncTabs\AsyncTab; AsyncTabs::make([ AsyncTab::make('Tab 1', '/html'), AsyncTab::make('Tab 2', '/html')->icon('users'), ]),
Link group
use MoonShine\Advanced\Components\LinkGroup\LinkGroup; use MoonShine\Advanced\Components\LinkGroup\LinkItem; LinkGroup::make([ LinkItem::make('/documentation', 'Documentation', 'Some description')->icon('arrow-right'), // ... ]),
Radio group
use MoonShine\Advanced\Fields\RadioGroup; RadioGroup::make('Sex')->options([ 1 => 'Male', 2 => 'Female', ])->inline(),
Checkbox list
use MoonShine\Advanced\Fields\CheckboxList; CheckboxList::make('Plan')->options([ 1 => 'Basic', 2 => 'Standard', 3 => 'Pro', ])->inline(),
Button group
use MoonShine\Advanced\Fields\ButtonGroup; ButtonGroup::make('Plan')->options([ 1 => 'Basic', 2 => 'Standard', 3 => 'Pro', ])->multiple(),
SPA Menu
use MoonShine\MenuManager\MenuItem; protected function menu(): array { return [ MenuItem::make('Users', UserResource::class)->spa(), ]; }
public function stepForm(MoonShineRequest $request): MoonShineJsonResponse { $request->validate([ 'name' => ['required'], 'email' => ['required'], ]); return MoonShineJsonResponse::make()->events([ 'go_to_step_2:dashboard' ]); } protected function components(): iterable { return [ Stepper::make([ Step::make([ FormBuilder::make() ->name('step_1_form') ->asyncMethod('stepForm') ->fields([ Grid::make([ Column::make([ Box::make([ Text::make('Name'), Email::make('Email'), RadioGroup::make('Sex')->options([ 1 => 'Male', 2 => 'Female', ])->inline(), ]) ])->columnSpan(6), Column::make([ Box::make([ CheckboxList::make('Job title')->options([ 1 => 'Developer', 2 => 'Team lead', ]), ButtonGroup::make('Plan')->options([ 1 => 'Free', 2 => 'Basic', 3 => 'Pro', ]), ]) ])->columnSpan(6) ]) ]) ->hideSubmit() ], 'Step 1', 'Tell us about yourself')->nextLock()->whenChangingEvents([ AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FORM_SUBMIT, 'step_1_form') ]), Step::make([ AsyncTabs::make([ AsyncTab::make('How to use the project', '/html'), AsyncTab::make('User agreement', '/html'), ]), ], 'Step 2', 'Rules')->icon('users'), Step::make([], 'Step 3', 'Finishing')->async('/html', events: [ AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FRAGMENT_UPDATED, 'time') ])->whenFinishEvents([ AlpineJs::event(JsEvent::FRAGMENT_UPDATED, 'time') ]), ], [ Heading::make('Thanks!'), LinkGroup::make([ LinkItem::make('#', 'Link 1', 'Description 1')->icon('arrow-right'), LinkItem::make('#', 'Link 2'), ]) ], 'Next', 'Finish')->name('dashboard')->lock(), Fragment::make([ time() ])->name('time'), ]; }