
Monitor Laravel queue performance

0.9.1 2021-10-13 07:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 15:02:48 UTC


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A simple way to detect when your queue workers are hanging or can't keep up.


Via Composer

$ composer require mortenscheel/laravel-heartbeat


Publish config

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=heartbeat-config

Default configuration

return [
     * When enabled, Laravel's sceduler will run the heartbeat:monitor
     * command every minute, which will:
     * 1. Dispatch heartbeat jobs on the configured queues.
     * 2. Send an email to the configured recipients if a
     *    queue exceeds the maximum time between heartbeats.
    'enabled'               => env('HEARTBEAT_ENABLED', false),
     * Maximum seconds between heartbeats, unless overridden.
    'default_threshold'     => 120,
     * Which queues to monitor.
     * To set a custom threshold, use the format
     * 'queue_name' => maximum_seconds,
    'queues'                => [
     * Recipients will receive an "Unhealthy heartbeat warning" e-mail
     * when one or more queues exceed the configured threshold
    'recipients'            => [
     * Minimum time between identical e-mail warnings
    'deduplication_minutes' => 1440,
     * Heartbeats are stored in the application cache (for 24 hours) with this cache prefix
    'cache_prefix'          => 'heartbeat',


Enable heartbeat detection by adding the following variable to .env:


If Laravel's Scheduler is running via cron, the heartbeat:monitor command will run automatically every minute.

To see the current status of queue heartbeats, you can run heartbeat:monitor manually in the console:

$ php artisan heartbeat:monitor
| Queue   | Last heartbeat | Max allowed |
| default | 1 minute ago   | 2 minutes   |
| high    | 1 minute ago   | 2 minutes   |
| low     | 1 minute ago   | 3 minutes   |
| encode  | 2 minutes ago  | 30 minutes  |

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



license. Please see the license file for more information.