
Store data to be shared across application for the duration of the applications runtime

v1.3.1 2022-01-07 15:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 21:03:15 UTC


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A simple framework-agnostic package (that plays particularly nicely with Laravel's app container, see here) that allows caching of values for the duration of a requests lifetime.

This is particularly useful in cases where scripts may be called on multiple times and depend on
third parties or query calls to return data.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require motomedialab/runtime-store  


Runtime store comes with a global helper store() which uses the singleton pattern and we recommend using.
However, there are multiple ways of accessing the Runtime Store as its framework agnostic, see here.

The package utilises a similar API to Laravel's cache and session helpers, as demonstrated below.

// set a value  
store()->set('key', 'value')  
store()->put('key', 'value')  
store()->add('key', 'value')  
// check a value exists  
// retrieve a value  
store()->get('key'); // will return value  
store()->get('key', 'default'); // has a default value  
// remember a value once set  
store()->remember('key', function () {  
  // remember method will only execute the callback  
  // once per runtime and return the stored value  
  // on additional calls.  
  return ['data' => 'value'];  
// increment / decrement numerical values  
store()->increment('key', 1)  
store()->decrement('key', 1)  
// forget a value after retrieving  
// forget a value/ multiple values  
store()->forget(['key1', 'key2'])  
// forget all values  


As of v1.2, you can create groups. Groups have the exact same API as above, with a few extras methods to easily create and delete groups.

// creating a group and setting your first value...
store()->group('groupName')->set('key', 'value')

// getting a key from a group

// checking if a group exists

// deleting a group

Accessing the store

There are many ways to access the store and you can write your own implementation quickly and easily.

// in Laravel, there are multiple ways to resolve a global instance of the store...  

// there is a global store() helper method, demonstrated below.
// this also integrates with Laravel's application layer directly (when installed).

Accessing from within a class

We've built a handy trait which you can use in your classes to instantly boot up a grouped store, scoped to that class name. In the example below, any values will be set within a group called YourClass automatically.

class YourClass {
  use \Motomedialab\RuntimeStore\Traits\HasRuntimeStore;

  public function yourMethod()
    return $this->store()->remember('key', function () {
      return 'This value will be remembered as long as the request is active!';

Further implementations

We've covered off pretty much everything above but if you're looking to implement the RuntimeStore in your own way, here's a couple of examples...

// procedual example
$store = null;  
function store() {  
    global $store;  
    if ($store) {
      return $store;
    return $store = new \Motomedialab\RuntimeStore\RuntimeStore;  
// OOP example
class ClassWithStore {
  protected $store;

  public function store() {
    if ($this->store) {
      return $this->store;
    return $this->store = new \MotoMediaLab\RuntimeStore\RuntimeStore;


We've carried out extensive testing to make sure everything works as expected, but feel free to try it yourself!

composer test  


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate, a super handy
package templating application.