
This package is used to manage task in RabbitMq. It provides classes to create task in RabbitMq and consums it.

1.0.x-dev 2016-06-13 16:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 05:51:49 UTC


This package is used to manage task in RabbitMq.


composer require thecodingmachine/utils.task.rabbitmq

Once installed, you need to register the TheCodingMachine\RabbitMQServiceProvider into your container.

If your container supports Puli integration, you have nothing to do. Otherwise, refer to your framework or container's documentation to learn how to register service providers. For Mouf, please see the last part.


This package can be used without RabbitMQ, but all task are executed in real time. To use RabbitMq please install it on your environment. After this add the RabbitMQ management to compute the task number in it.

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management


This service provider is meant to provide all the class used to create task.

Expected values / services

This service provider expects the following configuration / services to be available:

You can edit the connection instance to add an error queue, if it's enable or not, the max tries by error and the priority.

Provided services

This service provider provides the following services:

Extended services

This service provider does not extend any service.

Use it

You can add an error queue if you add the errorQueue name in the "Mouf\Utils\Task\Services\RabbitMQ\Connection" instance.

After this, you can create your task. It's really simple, create a new instance with an extends to Mouf\Utils\Task\Task. This class must be serialize. This class is to get your information, in this example to get a carId

namespace MyProject\Tasks;

class GenerateCarTask extends Task
    protected $carId;

     * GenerateCarTask constructor.
     * @param $carId
    public function __construct($carId)
        $this->carId = $carId;

     * @return mixed
    public function getCarId()
        return $this->carId;

Create the same class like Task instead of Task to Handler. Add a function handler:

namespace MyProject\Tasks;

class GenerateCarHandler
     * GenerateCarHandler constructor.
    public function __construct()
        /* Your instance if you want */

     * @param GenerateCarTask $task
     * @return bool
     * @throws \Exception
    public function handle(GenerateCarTask $task)
        $carId = $task->getCarId();

        /* Your code */

        return true;

Mouf installation

Mouf 2.0 doesn't use the provider. So you must create each instance. Go to the Mouf interface Add the constant :


In the Mouf interface, click on "Instance", "Create a new instance by PHP code" and create the followig elements:

To finish, search the "console" instance (class Mouf\Console\ConsoleApplication) and the "Mouf\Utils\Task\Commands\RabbitMQ\ConsumerCommand" isntance to the "commands" array.