
A PHP library to interact with the Flowdock API

v1.0.0 2015-01-08 21:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 04:28:31 UTC


This library allows you to interact with the Flowdock API.


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Basic Docs


Only 1 step:

Download Flowdock using composer

Add Flowdock in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "mremi/flowdock": "dev-master"

Now tell composer to download the library by running the command:

$ php composer.phar update mremi/flowdock

Composer will install the library to your project's vendor/mremi directory.

Push API



use Mremi\Flowdock\Api\Push\ChatMessage;
use Mremi\Flowdock\Api\Push\Push;

$message = ChatMessage::create()
    ->setContent('This message has been sent with mremi/flowdock PHP library')

$push = new Push('your_flow_api_token');

if (!$push->sendChatMessage($message, array('connect_timeout' => 1, 'timeout' => 1))) {
    // handle errors...

You can also do it in your console, look at the help message:

$ bin/flowdock send-chat-message --help

Some arguments are mandatory:

$ bin/flowdock send-chat-message your_flow_api_token "This message has been sent with mremi/flowdock PHP library" mremi

Some options are available:

$ bin/flowdock send-chat-message your_flow_api_token "This message has been sent with mremi/flowdock PHP library" mremi --message-id=12 --tags="#hello" --tags="#world" --options='{"connect_timeout":1,"timeout":1}'

Team Inbox


use Mremi\Flowdock\Api\Push\Push;
use Mremi\Flowdock\Api\Push\TeamInboxMessage;

$message = TeamInboxMessage::create()
    ->setContent('This message has been sent with mremi/flowdock PHP library');

$push = new Push('your_flow_api_token');

if (!$push->sendTeamInboxMessage($message, array('connect_timeout' => 1, 'timeout' => 1))) {
    // handle errors...

You can also do it in your console, look at the help message:

$ bin/flowdock send-team-inbox-message --help

Some arguments are mandatory:

$ bin/flowdock send-team-inbox-message your_flow_api_token source "" subject "This message has been sent with mremi/flowdock PHP library"

Some options are available:

$ bin/flowdock send-team-inbox-message your_flow_api_token source "" subject "This message has been sent with mremi/flowdock PHP library" --from-name=mremi --reply-to="" --project=project --format=html --link="" --tags="#hello" --tags="#world" --options='{"connect_timeout":1,"timeout":1}'

...and more features coming soon...


Any question or feedback? Open an issue and I will try to reply quickly.

A feature is missing here? Feel free to create a pull request to solve it!

I hope this has been useful and has helped you. If so, share it and recommend it! :)
