
Use a single integer field to store variant configurations of content elements.

dev-main 2022-01-19 11:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 17:52:13 UTC


This DX package eases working with binary variant options for content elements. The selected variants will be stored as bit flags in a single integer column in tl_content. The available values can be defined within each content element controller itself.

A typical usage scenario are predefined options like different layouts/designs/colors/… that an editor should be able to choose from via a select menu.


  1. Add a variantSelect field for each variant group to your tl_content field section. Do not include SQL definitions:

     $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_content']['fields']['effect'] = [
             'inputType' => 'variantSelect',
             'eval' => [
                 'tl_class' => 'w50',
     $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_content']['fields']['layout'] = [
             'inputType' => 'variantSelect',
             'eval' => [
                 'tl_class' => 'w50',

    Then add the fields to your palettes like usual. The variantSelect is basically a select menu - we're automatically populating it with the respective options once you access the DCA in the back end.

  2. Define labels in your language files. By default, an _ will be appended to the field name for the options reference:

    $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['effect'] = ['Effect', 'Visual variant'];
    $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['effect_']['default'] = ['Default'];
    $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['effect_']['popup'] = ['Popup'];
    $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['effect_']['highlight'] = ['Highlight'];
    // …
  3. Implement the VariantsInterface and use the VariantsTrait in your fragment controller. You can then define the variant groups and their values as bit flags like so:

     * @ContentElement(category="texts")
    class MyTextFragment extends AbstractContentElementController implements VariantsInterface
        use VariantsTrait;
        public function getVariants(): array
            return [
                'effect' => [
                    'default'     => (1<<0),
                    'popup'       => (1<<1),
                    'highlight'   => (1<<2),
                'layout' => [
                    'default'     => (1<<3),
                    'centered'    => (1<<4),
                    'align_left'  => (1<<5),
                    'align_right' => (1<<6),
        protected function getResponse(Template $template, ContentModel $model, Request $request): ?Response
            $context = [
                'text' => $model->text,
                'variants' => $this->getVariantsMap($model),
            return $this->render('@Contao/my_text.html.twig', $context);

    You have control over the bit flags. If you want to get rid of an option at one point, simply delete the line and keep the other fields untouched.

  4. Handle variants in your template:

        {% if variants.effect.highlight %}
        {% endif %}