myzero1 / yii2-theme-adminlteiframe
Simple captcha for yii2.Just add the module in config file and use the widget.
Installs: 225
Dependents: 3
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 1
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 1
- yiisoft/yii2: ~2.0
- dev-master
- 1.5.1
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- 1.4.1
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- 1.3.7
- 1.3.6
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- 1.3.4
- 1.3.3
- 1.3.2
- 1.3.1
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- 1.2.11
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- 1.1.13
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- 1.1.3
- 1.1.2
- 1.1.1
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
- dev-develop
- dev-hotfix/h-1.3.5-fix
- dev-hotfix/h-1.2.9-fix-some-bugs
- dev-hotfix/fix-menu
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-16 08:45:35 UTC
It add iframe,based on almasaeed2010/AdminLTE and yiisoft/yii2-gii
Show time
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require-dev myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe:*
or add
"myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe": "*"
to the require-dev section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, simply modify your application configuration as follows:
in main.php
return [ ...... // 'defaultRoute' => '/adminlteiframe/layout', // for adminlteiframe theme 'controllerMap' => [ // 'adminlteiframe' => [ // for adminlteiframe theme // 'class' => 'myzero1\adminlteiframe\controllers\SiteController' // ], 'demo' => [ // for the menu of demo 'class' => 'myzero1\adminlteiframe\controllers\DemoController' ] ], 'components' => [ ...... 'view' => [ 'theme' => [ 'pathMap' => [ '@app/views' => '@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/views/adminlte', // using the adminlte theme // '@app/views' => '@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/views/adminlteiframe', // using the adminlteiframe theme ], ], ], 'assetManager' => [ 'class' => 'yii\web\AssetManager', 'forceCopy' => true,// true/false /*'bundles'=> [ 'myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\LayoutAsset' => [ 'skin' => 'skin-red',// skin-{blue|black|purple|green|red|yellow}[-light],example skin-blue,skin-blue-light, 'menuRefreshTab' => false, // true,false 'jsVersion' => '1.7', 'cssVersion' => '1.7', ], // for adminlteiframe theme 'myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\AdminLteAsset' => [ 'skin' => 'skin-red',// skin-{blue|black|purple|green|red|yellow}[-light],example skin-blue,skin-blue-light, 'jsVersion' => '1.7', 'cssVersion' => '1.7', ], // for adminlte theme 'myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\MainAsset' => [ 'showJParticle' => 'true', // 'false'/'true', default 'true',required 'loginBg' => 'background:url(/login-bg32-1.jpg) no-repeat center center;background-color:#3c8dbc;background-size:cover;', // path/to/web//login-bg32.jpg 'errBg' => 'background:url(/xkbg-1.png) repeat-x center bottom;', // path/to/web//login-bg32.jpg 'footer' => ' <div class="pull-right hidden-xs"><b>Version</b> 1.0.2</div> <strong>Copyright © 2018-2736 <a href="">myzero1</a>. </strong> All rights reserved. ', ], // for all theme ],*/ ], ...... ], ...... 'params' => [ ...... 'menu' => [ [ 'id' => "平台首页", 'text' => "平台首页", 'title'=>"平台首页", 'icon' => "fa fa-dashboard", 'targetType' => 'iframe-tab', 'urlType' => 'abosulte', 'url' => ['/site/index'], 'isHome' => true, ], [ 'id' => "level1", 'text' => "level1", 'title'=>"level1", 'icon' => "fa fa-dashboard", 'targetType' => 'iframe-tab', 'urlType' => 'abosulte', 'url' => ['/demo/level1'], ], [ 'id' => "level2", 'text' => "level2", 'title'=>"level2", 'icon' => "fa fa-laptop", 'url' => ['#'], 'children' => [ [ 'id' => "level21", 'text' => "level21", 'title'=>"level21", 'icon' => "fa fa-angle-double-right", 'targetType' => 'iframe-tab', 'urlType' => 'abosulte', 'url' => ['/demo/level21'], ], [ 'id' => "level22", 'text' => "level22", 'title'=>"level22", 'icon' => "fa fa-angle-double-right", 'targetType' => 'iframe-tab', 'urlType' => 'abosulte', 'url' => ['/demo/level22'], ], ], ], ], ], ...... ], ...... ];
in main-local.php
...... if (YII_ENV_DEV) { $config['modules']['gii'] = [ 'class' => 'yii\gii\Module', 'allowedIPs' => ['', '::1'], 'generators' => [ 'adminlteiframe_crud' => [ // generator name 'class' => 'myzero1\adminlteiframe\gii\templates\crud\Generator', // generator class 'templates' => [ 'default' => '@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/gii/templates/crud/adminlteiframe', 'z1adminlte' => '@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/gii/templates/crud/adminlte', ] ], ], ]; } ......
setting in module
in the main.php of module
return [ ...... 'layout' => 'main',// to set theme by setting layout and layoutPath 'layoutPath' => \Yii::getAlias('@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/views/adminlte/layouts'), ...... ];
You can then access home page to watch the theme.
You can then access gii page to watch the crud.
select theme
use adminlteifram
You show set the layout as layout in site Controller for index page,in
as flowlling, in view:public function actionIndex() { $this->layout = 'layout'; return $this->render('index'); }
use adminlte
You show replace the
at actionLogin,inSiteController
as flowlling, in view:public function actionLogin() { if (!Yii::$app->user->isGuest) { return $this->goHome(); } $model = new LoginForm(); if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->login()) { return $this->goBack(); } else { $model->password = ''; return $this->renderAjax('login', [ 'model' => $model, ]); } }
use plugins
Add plug-ins to requirements
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php \myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\Select2Asset::register($this); ?>
Optional plug-in
\myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\DataRangePickerAsset::register($this); \myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\TableAsset::register($this); \myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\EchartsAsset::register($this); \myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\LayerAsset::register($this); \myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\Select2Asset::register($this); \myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\SwitchAsset::register($this); \myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\Wysihtml5Asset::register($this); \myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\ZtreeAsset::register($this);
use echart
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\EchartsAsset::register($this); ?> <div data-provide="z1echarts" id='client-chart' style="width: 100%;height:250px;" data-echarts-config="{title: {text: '折线图基本',left: 'center'}}"></div>
use datarangepicker
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\DataRangePickerAsset::register($this); ?> <?php echo $form->field($model, 'date')->textInput(['data-provide' =>"z1datarangepicker",'data-z1datarangepicker-config' => '{singleDatePicker: false}']) ?> Or <input type="text" name="username" data-provide="z1datarangepicker" data-z1datarangepicker-config="{singleDatePicker: false}" >
use layer
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\LayerAsset::register($this); ?> <a href="#" data-provide="z1layer" layer-config='{scrollbar:false,area:["350px","340px"],type:2,title:"联系方式",content:"/site/contact",shadeClose:false}'>联系方式</a> <a href="#" data-provide="z1layer" layer-config='{scrollbar:false,area:["350px","80%"],type:2,title:'修改密码",content:"/site/change-pw",shadeClose:false}'>联系方式</a>
use wysihtml5
Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\Wysihtml5Asset::register($this); ?> <textarea data-provide="z1wysihtml5" data-z1wysihtml5-config="{}" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>
You can also use the advanced wysiwyg tool, yiidoc/yii2-redactor If you want to upload a file,you can try this widget,kartik-v/yii2-widget-fileinput You can combine yiidoc/yii2-redactor and kartik-v/yii2-widget-fileinput together.
<?php <?php echo $form->field($model, 'photo', [ "template" => sprintf("{label}\n{input}%s\n{hint}\n{error}", \kartik\file\FileInput::widget([ 'name' => 'file', 'pluginOptions' => [ 'layoutTemplates' => 'progress', 'uploadUrl' => Url::to(['/redactor/upload/image']), 'showPreview' => false, 'showUpload' => false, 'initialCaption' => $model->photo, ], 'pluginEvents' => [ 'change' => ' function(event, data, previewId, index) { if($("#z1fileinput-progress").length == 0){ var mystyle = "<div id=z1fileinput-progress><style> \ .kv-upload-progress .progress{height: 100%;margin: 0;position: absolute;z-index: 999;width: 40px;right: 80px;border: 1px solid #00a65a;}\ .kv-upload-progress .progress-bar{height: 100%;line-height: 32px;}\ </style></div>"; $("body").append(mystyle); } $(this).fileinput("upload"); } ', 'fileuploaded' => ' function(event, data, previewId, index) { $(this).parents(".form-group").find("input[type=hidden].form-control").val(data.response.filelink); } ', ], ]) ), ])->hiddenInput()->label('照片'); ?>
use ztree
use ztree,in ul. You can set data-provide="z1ztree" to use it and set data-z1ztree-config='{...} to set it,you can set the primary parameter of ztree in data-z1ztree-config. Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<ul id="mytes" data-provide="z1ztree" data-z1ztree-config='{"checkType": "checkbox","valFieldName": "value","ztreeLayerSearchShow": false, data:[{ id:1, pId:0, name:"l1", open:true},{ id:2, pId:0, name:"l1", open:true},{ id:3, pId:1, name:"l2"}]}' class="ztree"></ul>
use ztree by default,in input.Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'id')->textInput(['data-provide' =>"z1ztree"])?>
use ztree without parents,in input.Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'id')->textInput(['data-provide' =>"z1ztree",'data-z1ztree-config' => '{"radioWithParents": false}'])?>
use ztree by checkbox .Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'id')->textInput(['data-provide' =>"z1ztree",'data-z1ztree-config' => '{"checkType": "checkbox"}'])?> description of data-z1ztree-config { "checkType": "checkbox", "radioWithParents": true, "valFieldName": "name", "ztreeLayerPadding": "10px", "ztreeLayerBorder": "1px solid #d2d6de", "ztreeLayerSearchShow": true, "setting": { // ztree settings "check": { "enable": true, "chkStyle": "checkbox", "chkboxType": { "Y": "ps", "N": "ps" } } ... }, "data": [{ // ztree datas "id": 1, "pId": 0, "name": "l11", "open": true, "chkDisabled": true, "checked": true, "value": "v11" }, { "id": 2, "pId": 0, "name": "l12", "value": "v12" } ... ] }
use select2
Use Single selection,Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'id')->dropDownList(['n1'=>'v1','n2'=>'v2',] ,['data-provide' =>"z1select2"])?>
Use Multi selection,Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'id')->dropDownList(['n1'=>'v1','n2'=>'v2',] ,['data-provide' =>"z1select2", "multiple"=>"multiple"])?>
use bootsrap-table-fix-column
Use It,Just add code as flowlling, in view:
<table data-provide="z1table" data-z1table-config='{"fixedColumns":true,"subtraction1":100,"subtraction2Selector":[".adminlteiframe-action-box"]}'> <tr> <td>r1c1</td> <td>r1c2</td> <td>r1c3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>r2c1</td> <td>r2c2</td> <td>r2c3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>r3c1</td> <td>r3c2</td> <td>r3c3</td> </tr> </table>
use app block page loading
Use It,Just add the class app-block-page-loading as flowlling, in view:
<?= Html::submitButton('search', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary app-block-page-loading']) ?>
use z1password
Use It,Just add the data-provide and rsa-key-public as flowlling, in view:
... myzero1\adminlteiframe\assets\php\components\plugins\Z1passwordAsset::register($this); ... <?= $form->field($model, 'password')->passwordInput([ 'placeholder' => '请输入', 'readonly' => true, 'onfocus' => "this.removeAttribute('readonly');", 'data-provide' => 'z1password', 'rsa-key-public' => 'MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC3oSDe9Gu6AcoNU0NYQRBi3Pidwqlet/PpMddqlqnUO4sP4R0/ABOHbf/1byVbfKsbpEQqan2+v8x7MvrjZtzl6cAqrGkp3zmfvMHSkYBaQFZym0Hc49sMCbygCy77Hw9PnXsFIFayTsT97Whd6U8HzKg51wHoSW+eq2QmjZUCsQIDAQAB', ]) ?> ... Reference:
in Controller:
... $ok=\myzero1\adminlteiframe\helpers\Tool::CheckPassword( $model, $privateKey, [ 'usernameKey'=>'username', 'passwordKey'=>'password', 'frequentlyMsg'=>'请求太频繁请稍后再试', 'replayMsg'=>'请不要重复提交', ] ); if ($ok && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->login()) { return $this->goBack(); } else { $model->password = ''; // return $this->renderAjax('login-custom1', [ // return $this->renderAjax('login-custom', [ return $this->renderAjax('login', [ // return $this->render('login', [ 'model' => $model, ]); } ...
with rbacp
1、install yii2-app-advanced,you can use this script
2、add "myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe": "1.3.0" and "myzero1/yii2-rbacp": "1.1.6" to composer.json
3、composer update -vvv
4、setting yii2-rbacp,
5、set bootstrap>rbacp>params>rbacp>model = everyone, go http://localhost//rbacp, click rbacp添加数据 to migration
6、set yii2-theme-adminlteiframe,
7、set bootstrap>rbacp>params>rbacp>model = logined, go http://localhost/site/login , to login with root and 123456
8、go http://localhost/gii/adminlteiframe_crud, use "default" Code Template to generate curd
9、adjust the subtraction1 in path/to/backend/views/user(action name)/index.php,to adjust the table of index.
10、 add site/contact and site/change-pw
11、 use for captcha
12、 custom layout. eg:
12.1、modify 'defaultRoute' => '/adminlteiframe/layout', to 'defaultRoute' => '/site/layout', in main.php
12.2、cp -rf vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/views/adminlteiframe backend/views/adminlteiframe
12.3、add public function actionLayout() in \backend\controllers\SiteController.php as follow:
public function actionLayout()
// var_dump('expression');exit;
// $this->layout = '@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/views/adminlteiframe/layouts/layout';
$this->layout = '@app/views/adminlteiframe/layouts/layout';
return $this->render('@vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/views/adminlteiframe/site/default');
12.4、adjust backend/views/adminlteiframe/layouts/layout.php to for your
13、custom action view,just adjust it in app/views. It will override the the view of theme.
14、you can use the follow template.
****** If there is no 'login-custom.php' in directory 'vendor/myzero1/yii2-theme-adminlteiframe/src/views/adminlteiframe/site', it will be found in directory 'app/views/site'.
2023-8-17:10:56 v1.5.0 add rsa for password